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Thread: Shake the dust off your feet

  1. #1
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    Default Shake the dust off your feet

    "Shake off the dust of your feet" (Matt. 10.14) - an action to indicate that they will have nothing to do with whatever place where Christ is rejected. O, how the the church has become so heavily advertised like a big department store as shown in the parable of the mustard seed (Matt. 13.31-32). She ought to retain her smallness and quality of sojourner and pilgrim (1 Peter 2.11), unknown to the world (1 John 3.1): like a vegetable plant, not a tree with roots deep into the world (Daniel 4.20,22; Ezekiel 31.3-6). If Satan devours the seed (Matt. 13.4), he only partially succeeds. He, therefore, changes his tactic by inflating the church so as to make it possible for all the birds (which denote the evil one, even Satan - Matt. 13.4,19) to come and roost.

  2. #2
    Explorer Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    "Shake off the dust of your feet" (Matt. 10.14) - an action to indicate that they will have nothing to do with whatever place where Christ is rejected.
    But didn't Christ teach that his message should be taken everywhere, even where he is rejected? I would be grateful if you could clarify this point.

  3. #3
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    Matt. 10.14 is Jesus speaking, so to preach the nations the Gospel, even when rejected, does not disagree with v.14, but fulfills it, since after what is preached remains rejected, they are to move on.

    The question you asked is not a question a Christian would ask, yet in your profile you answered "Yes" to all 18 questions. This is unethical and against point 4 under Board Etiquette.

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