A calvinist obsesses over sin and carries it too far, meaning they turn it into a legalization so that the image of God is destroyed in the man, so they think. Christians look to Christ with one eye on Him at all times instead of at the fallen nature. If you focus on the fall or the sin nature, you take your eye off of Christ. This is what has happened to calvinists; their eye is on this pride-filled teaching of total depravity. They think they are more spiritual this way, it is their idol. The consequence of such an idol is to require God pick them and not others to get them to come out of total depravity. It is nothing but pride and a heady salvation! You don't feel touched in your spirit when you hear such a thing. It feels cold and stiff. Your renewed Christian mind finds such ideology unappealing because a loving God will offer to salvation to all, and allowing all the right to be saved, though not all receive the Cross. To hear about limited irresistible and unconditional reeks to your very core and produces a detestable sensation in your heart. You pray to God and ask Him, how could people believe such an evil thing? It sounds too much like the Arian nation and natural selection, like robots and preselectionism, even arbitrary and random. Help them Lord see the evil in calvinism to be deceived not!