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Thread: Adam and Eve

  1. #1
    Judges11:21 Guest

    Default Adam and Eve

    I'm having a crisis of faith, and I really need some help from a fellow brother in Christ. I was talking to an atheist, and he kind of shook my faith. I'm not sure what to do. He kept bringing up stuff like how God was evil, because he created humans with perfect knowledge that Adam and Eve would eat the forbidden fruit. And I've been thinking about it, and he's kind of right. I don't see why God would do that to us. And he also said that God is unjust, because he "gives people an eternity of hell for finite sins." I was just hoping for some positive reinforcement. Sorry if this is the wrong place, butI had no clue where to write this.

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    God didn't create Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit of tree and knowledge, but man, being made perfect in the image of God, had the right to choose the tree of knowledge of good and evil, otherwise then man is not made in the image of God to have the choice. This doesn't make God evil to give man the choice. It gives glory to God that God made made in His image, not as a robot, to be able to choose. In this perfect image, man being not God, did fall, by free-will, which God foreknew, yet created man anyway. God wants to walk with man made in His image that will become made in the image of the Son. This is for God. He wants this, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop what God will have.

    Even now Christ reigns in my spirit by the Holy Spirit as is the case of all members of the body of Christ, all of whom have resurrection life eternal. In the millennial kingdom the Son of Man will reign with an iron rod in Person with his Overcomers over the nations. After the millennium God and the Lamb will be at the center of the new city without a temple, for the temple is no longer needed. The resurrected-saved are its pillars.

    Adam and Eve did not have all knowledge as does God, but Adam and Eve had perfect knowledge according to that point of being made in God's image as done righteously by God. In the knowledge they had they had within themselves the ability made in God's image to remain in God's will, and even eat of the tree of life as typified by God's life. They chose to be disobey God by choice.

    God didn't do it to us, man did it to himself. Man who is fallen keeps blaming God for hos own free-choice, but God made made perfectly in His image to remain abiding in God obediently, so the blame does not go to God. It goes to man.

    Sin is not finite. Sin is infite. For example, if you sin, you affect yourself and others infinitely. The sin continues as sin begets sin in cause and effect from one occurrence to the next. Don't think sin ends when you die. That is not reality, for your sin affects others, even yourself. Even one little iota of sin will cause you to die and go to the second death which is hell. There is no other place for you to go because your soul can not be annihilated since it is made in the image of God.

    Therefore, since sin is infinite, the only way to receive forgiveness of sins is by a free gift from God in the perfect sacrifice to atone for those sins. Thus, only the Father is perfectly capable of forgiving those sins on the cross by the precious blood that washes away the sins, let's you come boldly before God, and God considers you sanctified now before Him through His only begotten Son.

    The reason why God describes hell so graphically is because He doesn't want you to go there. The essence of hell is that it is an eternal separation from God where you will be conscious forever of your eternal separtion from God from His sons and daughters in the new city and new earth. Imagine having that on your conscious forever. Wow!

    At GWT, you will know by God's judgment upon you that you truly belong there by your own volition, if you never receive God's eternal forgiveness through Jesus Christ.

    Even Christians will have the lake of fire burn off the dross of their false works and it will hurt: this is called the hurt of the second death upon the saved. The Bible says about Christians that we will not forever receive the hurt of the second death and not all believers will receive this hurt. Some will not need this cleansing because they are accounted worthy to escape the hour of trial or they are one of the 144,000 virgin firstfruits, or they were martyred for Christ. These overcomers are the 5 wise virgins (Matt. 25.1-12).

    God is righteous in putting those unsaved in hell because they choose to forever be unsaved, that is what they want and there is no convincing them, just as Satan is eternally going to reject God. But know that no man today can blaspheme the Holy Spirit before they leave their body of flesh and blood. Even though when one dies they don't get another chance, you will never be denied an opportunity for redemption before you go to rest. But make no mistake, there is no salvation for the unsaved after going to Hades. Hades is not Hell. Hades is timeless unawares, where there is the bad side (the rich man) and the good side (Abraham's bosom) from which resurrection later takes place. The saved are resurrected at judgment sea before the 1000 years, and the unsaved are resurrected at the end of the 1000 years (GWT).

    It's all so simple really.

  3. #3
    Judges11:21 Guest


    Adam and Eve did not have all knowledge as does God, but Adam and Eve had perfect knowledge according to that point of being made in God's image as done righteously by God. In the knowledge they had they had within themselves the ability made in God's image to remain in God's will, and even eat of the tree of life as typified by God's life. They chose to be disobey God by choice.Well, I know that, but this guy I was talking to said that they didn't know what they were doing, because they didn't have knowledge of sin or death or evil. He said it would be like a parent saying to their children "If you eat cookies without permission, I'm going to have to kick you out of the house until I can sacrifice my next child."

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    You don't need the knowledge of sin or death or evil to be obedient in the perfect image of God at that time in the garden. It's like a parent saying to their child, "If you eat cookies without permission, I'm going to have to remove from out of your reach the bowl of incense until we lay some rules down in the house." The rules would be the law. And the rules would show the child he can't keep the rules so he realizes that the only solution is to repent and accept the good news about how the boy down the street living in the mansion with many rooms is able to keep the house rules."


    Do you see how that guy overassumingly and non-humbly jumped a bunch of steps ahead with nothing in between rendering an inaccurate conclusion? God is so merciful. His spirit needs to be quickened by the Holy Spirit. Abel, the son of Adam and Eve, gave right offering. He was saved! Understand that that guy's answer is a reflection of his spiritual condition. I recommend you don't talk to him anymore, even if he is you, because he is lost and has a darkened mind. Let me say it this way: the head is the problem. Put your eye on Christ and grace will enter, and only then will you draw closer to God.

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    This poster lied. He was pretending to be a Christian in an email, he admitted, and used all kinds of profanity. He said from the ages of 5 to 14 he was a buddhist. Buddhists are atheists and think that if they sin they might come back as a rabbit, but not suffer eternal separation from God in hell for their hostility to Christ. My experience is buddhists tend to be very abrasive and aggressive people. They get extreme in their lashing out, just like atheists.

    Did you know that Gary Habermas, the leading and foremost scholar today on the resurrection use to be a buddhist? He had a two famous debates 15 years apart with the leading atheist in the world, Antony Flew. He easily won both debates the judges concluded. Antony had 15 years to improve his arguments, and he failed. Subsequently, Antony Flew at a very old age, and with such vast experience, finally he had to renounce his faith in atheism, and did believed it was a lie. That would include buddhism.

    Interesting eh?

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