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Thread: Mathew 24.9 Jewish Believers

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    Default Mathew 24.9 Jewish Believers

    Matt. 24.9 Here begins the real tribulation. Verses 9-13 form a small section which deals with persecution.

    “You” here refers to the Jewish disciples. Recently such Jewish believers are making themselves more known: they keep the commandments and the Sabbath (though, keeping the Sabbath is incorrect), and also believe in the Lord Jesus as their Messiah. The “you” here are also the prophets mentioned in Matthew 23.34. These prophets and wise men will be persecuted, even killed (see James 5.6). Both Mark and Luke record this in greater detail. These Jews will be delivered up to synagogues and councils, but the Holy Spirit will guide them as to what to say and will speak through them. Mark 13, Luke 21 and Matthew 24 all speak of Jewish believers who are similar to the disciples sent “to the house of Israel” (see Matthew 10.6). But Luke 22.35-38 refers to the sending of the disciples to the Gentiles, for the dispensation of salvation has by that time already begun, and therefore those who were to go out now needed to take purse and wallet. Hence there is similarity between the prophecy here on the Mount of Olives and what is recorded in Matthew 10.5-6.

    Then, too, let us compare: (1) Matthew 23.34 with Matthew 10.17-18; (2) Luke 21.14-15 with Matthew 10.19-20; (3) Matthew 24.9-10 and Luke 21.16-17 with Matthew 10.21-22; and (4) Matthew 24.13 with Matthew 10.22. The above all speak of the Jewish believers. The words “synagogues” and “councils” and so forth show a Jewish color. Since “all the nations” denote the unbelieving Gentile world, the “you” must refer to Jewish believers. According to Isaiah 49.9-10 the Jews will in the future be very zealous for the Lord in preaching the gospel. At the opening of the fifth seal in Revelation when the souls who were slain ask for vengeance, they are comforted by the Lord in His bidding them to rest for a little time until the number of all who are slain be fulfilled. These brethren mentioned in Revelation 6.11 who will be slain are the Jewish believers spoken of here in Matthew 24.9.

  2. #2
    n2thelight Guest

    Default n2thelight


    "“You” here refers to the Jewish disciples......"


    Why do you feel the you ,refers to Jewish disciples?

  3. #3
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    Several reasons were already given. Many more examples too can be given of the Jewish color in 24.4-31 of both the Jews and Jewish Christians, whereas 24.32-25.30 are to do with Christians with no distinction of Jew or Gentile.

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