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Thread: Jesus said He is the Messiah

  1. #1
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    Default Jesus said He is the Messiah

    "But Jesus remained silent. Then the high priest said to him, 'I demand in the name of the living God that you tell us whether you are the Messiah, the Son of God'" (Matt. 26.63).

    "Jesus replied, 'Yes, it is as you say. And in the future you will see me, the Son of Man, sitting at God's right hand in the place of power and coming back on the clouds of heaven'." (v.64).

    Compare Psalms 110.1, "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool", and Dan. 7.13, "I saw in the night visions, and, behold, [one] like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven".

  2. #2
    DesertRose Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    "But Jesus remained silent. Then the high priest said to him, 'I demand in the name of the living God that you tell us whether you are the Messiah, the Son of God'" (Matt. 26.63).

    "Jesus replied, 'Yes, it is as you say. And in the future you will see me, the Son of Man, sitting at God's right hand in the place of power and coming back on the clouds of heaven'." (v.64).

    Compare Psalms 110.1, "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool", and Dan. 7.13, "I saw in the night visions, and, behold, [one] like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven".
    I don't know if the Christians on this forum are aware, but Muslims too, believe in Jesus as their saviour and pray for his return. We just do not attribute partners to God, or believe God has begotten. We also don't believe that Jesus was crucified - these are probably the major differences between Islam and Christianity.

    One of the most beautiful, and shortest chapter in the Qur'an:

    112:1 Say: He Allah is One.
    112:2 Allah is he on Whom all depend.
    112:3 He begets not, nor is he begotten.
    112:4 And none is like him.

    All Muslims await the return of Jesus, and many of us pray daily that his return is soon, such a day will bring much joy to the hearts of the believers. :)

  3. #3
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    Default Be honest

    Quote Originally Posted by DesertRose View Post
    I don't know if the Christians on this forum are aware, but Muslims too, believe in Jesus as their saviour and pray for his return. We just do not attribute partners to God, or believe God has begotten. We also don't believe that Jesus was crucified - these are probably the major differences between Islam and Christianity.
    Since you do not believe Jesus is God as the Savior to atone for sins as the perfect sacrifice and creator, but some lesser being and thus a lesser savior, this shows you seek a lesser salvation and do not love Jesus, but forsake the One who died for you on the cross to be that perfect sacrifice. Jesus did created you, but not as a partner to God for Jesus is God. God the Son is of one substance with the Father and distinct but not separate. God need not solicit men to do the work He alone does by grace in His Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit. God the Father is Himself not begotten, but the council of the Godhead decided the only begotten Son would be Lord in the likeness of men to erect obedience onto man. For Jesus to return is for Him to have died, even crucified, raised on the third day as witnessed by the disciples. To reject His death is to in effect reject His return. The disobedience of one man Adam is your disobedience to God by calling His only begotten Son a liar who gave His life to you and brought sins of the whold world into himself to be made sin for man. Only God can do this, no mere man only.

    One of the most beautiful, and shortest chapter in the Qur'an:

    112:1 Say: He Allah is One.
    112:2 Allah is he on Whom all depend.
    112:3 He begets not, nor is he begotten.
    112:4 And none is like him.
    None is like Satan oh Lucifer fallen star. He can beget no one. God created Lucifer directly. Lucifer was disobedient through warring (originator of war) then was cast out of 3rd heaven. He wanted to be like God of his own strength. He "was, is not, and is to come" to copy God's "was, is, and is to come!" Nero, the Antichrist, was, is not because he died, and shall come again. This is your god's unholy trinity attempt to replicate with a facsimile of God's Triune Being. Satan, Allah, will attempt to employ the reanimated Antichrist for the destruction of the world by way of the sickness of Islam with further suicide mass-murders and indiscriminate killing of the people of the earth through a barrage of missle attacks and blowing up infrastructure like trains and buildings. It is jealousy, for if they do not have the financial power to compete, they choose to blow things up. There is nothing more evil! World domination through Islam inevitibly always fails through such evil means.

    It should also be noted Islam is a highly racist religion. There is almost no white Islamics. I can't even think of one. Whereas Christianity embraces all races and colors of people. Islam is actually racists against Caucasians, so their motto is to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. The president of Iran said this, as your leader, and that the holocaust never happened. This is another Hitler in the making.

    All Muslims await the return of Jesus, and many of us pray daily that his return is soon, such a day will bring much joy to the hearts of the believers.
    Waiting for the return of Jesus as not God is to wait for that facsimile, the Antichrist.

    I had to remove your account because you lied in your profile about your age and did not abide by the rules outlined at registration for that is unethical, specifically #4,

    4. Don't answer the questions in your profile contradictorily to what you actually believe; don't post (or speak) contrary to the answers you gave. Be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8), for this is dishonest and unethical.

    You are welcome to rejoin if and when you can be honest.

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