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Thread: The Holy Spirit and the spirit of Jesus

  1. #1
    Goliwog Guest


    in your opinion what exactly is the difference between the spirit of God , the holy ghost , our spirit and other spirits within us?

    In gen 2:7 the bible says " And the lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ; and man became a living soul." Now trhe holy spirit is a totally different thing as shown in acts chapter 2.

    Now you said "Even the spirit can sin" are you talking about the soul that God breathed into us in the first place ?

  2. #2
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    The Holy Spirit is the life of God the Father.

    Our spirit is our innerman. Other spirits that may have a stronghold in your mind include the evil spirit. He is always trying to find a foothold in the mind of the soul to work upon the emotion and the will.

    After being saved the evil spirit is ousted from the innerman and the Holy Spirit indwells.

    The Holy Spirit breathing into man the breath of life makes contact with the body from dust to create the soul life. God directly creates man's spirit.

    God did not breath the soul into man, but the breath of life to directly create the spirit of man. The soul was created once the spirit and the body came together.

    It is like water and ink to create dye. The dye is like the distinguishable component which would be the soul. Each have their three distinct qualities, functions and laws.

  3. #3
    Goliwog Guest


    I beg to differ correct me If im wrong

    1) there is Gods spirit
    "Jesus when he had cried with a loud spirit yielded up his ghost." mat27:50
    2) there is the holy Ghost
    "and they were filled with the Holy Ghost and becag to speak with other toungues , as the Spirit gave them utterance" acts 2:4

    Now I am unsure if you have studied Linguistics but fervarnt study has shown that holy ghost or spirit with a little s or g always refers to jesus(or Gods) spirit. Spirit with a capitol S always refers to the holy Ghost of fire.

    Now I would like to question your opinion of the trinity. Because the spirit of Jesus and the Holy ghost are different things although they are the same like the three are 1 but the 1 are three. Jesus and Jesus' spirit is One but Jesus his spirit the holy ghost and God are also 3 which are 1?

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    You might want to say what you are differing about by saying "I beg to differ...." and then say what it is exactly since you don't make that clear.

    Jesus' spirit is His alone as being in the likeness of flesh when in creation. The Godhead is spirit, and the life of the Father and the Son is the Holy Spirit. God is a Trinity in that His 3 Persons are distinct but not separate. He reveals to us His Triune Being in these 3 forms.

    When they spoke different languages to all those who received those different languages at Pentecost, many were saved and the Holy Spirit entered their spirits.

    My spirit, little s, is not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit indwells my spirit. The spirit of Jesus is His own spirit as the 2nd Person of the Godhead who emptied Himself of His independent attributes when He came into creation as a man. It is his human spirit, but He is also God so He has the Holy Spirit as His life as well which is God's life.

    God's life is eternal life. God's life is also the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has eternal life, but so does the Father and the Son.

    You said you are Pentecostal. Be careful for there is no gibberish babble in the Bible. As my favorite writer says that is "baby talk" and for "kindergarten" which will never build up the Church.

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    Herein do we see resurrection life. Without the supernatural life of God there can be no resurrection after death. The Lord Jesus could go through death and yet be raised because resident in Him is God’s uncreated life. This life cannot be destroyed: it instead will always emerge into the fullness and glory of resurrection. Jesus poured out His soul to death and committed His spirit (in which was God’s life) back into the hands of God. His death set Him free from soul life and released God’s spiritual life unto greater splendor.

    It is difficult indeed to understand why God, upon transmitting His life to us, then requires us to experience co-death with Christ so that His life may be resurrected in us. This is nonetheless God’s law of life. And once possessing God’s life, we then are empowered to periodically go through death and continue to come out alive. By continuously losing our soul life in death, we may continuously gain more abundantly and gloriously of God’s life in resurrection.

    God’s aim is to take our soul life through death in company with His Own life in us; whenever His life in us is resurrected in our daily experience our soul also is raised with Him and produces fruit to eternity. This is one of the most profound lessons in spiritual life. The Holy Spirit alone can unfold to us the necessity of death as well as that of resurrection. May the Spirit of revelation make us understand how much our spiritual experience shall suffer if we do not hate our natural life and deliver it to death. Only when our soul accompanied by God’s indwelling life passes through death and resurrection can we bear spiritual fruit and keep it for life eternal.

  6. #6
    BroGinder Guest


    There is a quote of the scripture here but only giving credence to a portion of it? How is speaking in other tongues baby talk and babble if it states that they spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them the utterance.

    Acts 2:4
    4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

    I am come here seeking knowledge, as I wish not to offend in any fashion. I also find that the Holy Ghost is the comforter, the very thing that give us power placed in us by Jesus upon the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

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    Be specific: don't just say "a portion" for what is the point in that? You don't identify what you are talking about-what portion? Nor the reason you even said that. Don't be vague as the wind, for in so doing you are really pointing to yourself as the center as though we are to read your mind.

    Acts 2.4 says they spoke in tongues, so how is it gibberish babble, baby talk? There is no indication of today's Pentecostalism gibberish babble being used here.

    In your profile you said "No" to baptism, so you do not accept baptism, nor do you seem to accept the the Son of God or the Holy Spirit for you said you are "Not sure" in your profile to the 3 Persons of the Godhead being distinct. Don't be doubletongued. To be not sure and to reject baptism is not a behavior that flows from one who is in Christ and has the Holy Spirit indwelling.

  8. #8
    BroGinder Guest


    May the one true God, Jesus Christ, bless and keep you my friend. I just am not going to participate in this debate or arguement in an open forum. I asked a legit question, it was direct and to the point. If you were offended clearly my intent was not to offend my brother.

    To clarify slightly, the wording in the question puzzled me and I was not clear on the way you described the Godhead in the question, so rather than cause myself to answer a question that was unclear to me, I found it better to say unsure.

    If I said "No" to baptism I must have CLEARLY misunderstood the question. I fully believe in Baptism of Water and Spirit. There were other areas on the questionaire that were unclear to me and I answered unsure as well.

    It was merely the meaning of the wording that I was unclear on. I will go back into the edit profile and see where I lost the understanding of the question and see if I can gain clarity.

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    How can people answer your question, if your question is so vague and unspecific it can't be responded to? You wrote: "There is a quote of the scripture here but only giving credence to a portion of it?" Again, it is reasonable to ask, What portion, and is there a point to your question? What are you trying to say? Or are you referring to one of the questions at registration?

    By trying to be coy, you are being selfish. So I bring it to your attention to identify what you are trying to say. How can such vagueness be deemed legitimate? Since you neither quote or pinpoint the item you are referring to specifically in the questions, your question is certainly not direct and to the point, nor does an onlooker need to try to guess what you are talking about. I am not offended, but merely observing your actions and can only respond to the words you post so as not to overassume.

    You wrote, "the question puzzled me," but I ask, What question? You never say. In the questions on the "Trinity" and "Distinction of God's Three Persons" you answered "No," not as unsure. It would stand to reason, much in the kingdom of God would puzzle you if your spirit has not been regenerated by God: "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know [them], because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Cor. 2.14), "And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who possess the Spirit" (v.13).

    Then on to the question on "Baptism," if you admit you misunderstood the question, then you should now respond to as "Not sure" and not "No"; alas, you have not done so.

    If any part of any of the questions you don't understand, whilst agreeing to rest of the question, then you should answer "Not sure," not "No" or "Yes". This is common sense.

    You don't believe in Baptism of Water and the Holy Spirit, for you answered "No". Be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8).

    In other questions, you answered "Not sure" because you are not sure, just as you are "Not sure" about where you answered "No" if in fact you are really unsure, so you should not have answered "No" to "Baptism", the "Trinity" and "Distinction of God's Three Persons".

    You also have your false teaching of answering "No," mistreating women, false tongues, non-OSAS, not overcoming in Christ, and usurping yourself above the Apostles.

    You got lots of problems.

    If you can't read well, then answer "Not sure". Don't reject God's truth outright as you have done.

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