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Thread: Baptism With or Without Water

  1. #1
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    Default Baptism With or Without Water

    Quote Originally Posted by RaggedRobin (webmaster of the largest Christendom forum)
    At least try to observe God's command for water baptism. When does one say to someone that water batism is simply a ritual when obviously Our own Lord did not think it was?
    My first issue is your first accusation when you began talking to me which you still don't address. I am not interested in reading your works, but to address first why the accusation which is no way for you to behave.

    Where did I say it is merely a ritual and not spiritual reality? Why ask the question if I never indicated as such, and you had no basis for asking me then? Why not just accept your misjudgment?

    Your evasion, many times now, of this point is telling is it not? When I do wrong, I accept correction, even say I am sorry, and not begrudgingly. It is hard thing for you isn't it? You have to put up a front at your religious Roman Church so this is why you could not be humble to your mistake.

    Water baptism is not a demand of God, but Baptism is. Your focus is on the water, God sees the Baptism with or without water. Now again, see that baptism is with or without water in burial and resurrection with Christ. It is very dangerous to only see the water as much as you do to legalize by some letter you have created for yourself for the physical.

    “Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except one be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God” (John 3.5). This is the word of our Lord to Nicodemus and was because it was Nicodemus' way of understanding since he know John baptized with water. But Paul mentions no water in these passages. Now see the water or without water...

    When Paul wrote to the saints in Rome he inquired, “Are ye ignorant that all we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?” Paul then continued with these words: “We were buried therefore with him through baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life. For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection” (Rom. 6.3-5). Both the Lord Jesus and Paul speak of the reality of baptism.

    Don't look at this matter of baptism from the physical point of view with eyes that see only the water. Hence, you sinsist on baptismal regeneration.

    The baptism of which the Lord told Nicodemus is a reality. Paul also sees reality in baptism: burial with the Lord for newness of life. He told the saints in Colossae, “Having been buried with him in baptism, wherein ye were also raised with him” (Col. 2.12). To him baptism and burial are one and the same thing; so too are baptism and resurrection. He knows what is meant by being buried with the Lord and also what is meant by being raised with the Lord. He does not see the water of baptism only. He communicates to others the reality of that baptism which he has touched.

    If you have seen baptism as a reality you naturally know what it is. The question of its being true or false, inward or outward, simply does not exist, because you see that to be baptized is to be buried and raised up together with Christ.

    It is wrong to say try to keep this kind of baptism or that kind of baptism, for they are the same baptism. Then it becomes an idol. In effect, such a person is not keeping God's command for baptism.

    The Lord does not demand that you keep water baptism, but a baptism that is with or without water in burial and resurrection with Christ. God's command is the reality, not this water, but what the water represents-a dying to the world and coming out of it. Have this water baptism or other kind, but don't hold over others a guillotine your baptismal regeneration of water.

    Lots of Christians are fully aware this is wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by repentant
    You and other's have claimed that infant Baptism is not in the Bible, and claim that WHOLE FAMILY'S exclude children, so it is up to you show me where it says in the Bible that God uses an "age of accountabilty law".

    You see you can not be solo scriptura on only things that fit your beliefs...also do you see the problem with solo scriptura?
    Since we can find no infant baptism in the Bible because baptism takes place after one is saved, and you sin bearing false witness by accusing that I said children are excluded even though I did not, for Jesus says let any small children come to Him who may, then the burden of the proof is on you to show babies are going to hell. This is really an evil idea you know. Ergo, the age of accountability spiritual law is in effect which flows from the spiritual reality we see no babies going to hell. All you needed was one occurence in the Scriptures. Praise the Lord you could not find any!

    You see you cannot be solo scriptura only on your assumptions. Do you see the problem with your brand of solo scriptura? If you are going to make a claim you better be able to back it up with God's loving Word otherwise you are flying high on self or system you are under, bound to fall and hit the ground hard.

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    Whole households doesn't pertain to anyone except those in the household who willingly come to receive baptized because they had been regenerated. You can't force baptism on people for your religion. Unwilling participants and those who DO NOT make a direct choice such as infants are not included until the day they make the choice as they get older to receive baptism after regeneration (not before).

    The first century Apostles were correct. There are men in other centuries who claimed infant baptism was true, and other men even considered them apostles, but they were not. With such errors, there is no confidence they were Apostles. Call no men your fathers! Test the spirits.

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