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Thread: Evolution

  1. #1
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    Default Evolution

    Evolution is not wrong, it just lacks in its ability to explain what happened before the amoeba. It only deals with the physical and does not touch on morality of the soulical and the spiritual.

    Evolution itself is not capable of explaining how God allows the gravity to escape (scientists agree there seems to be some loss of gravity out of the known universe) to produce rapture; or in quantum physics, despite the low probability of a particular outcome, it would be that outcome that allows for resurrection. Quantum physicists say if you push on a wall long enough, nearing eternity, eventually you will be able to pass through it.

    Evolution can't explain how the dark energy is stronger than the dark matter and matter combined. There will always be something God keeps for Himself. Perhaps in some cases we are not designed to even be able to understand all things. Naturally, the created can't understand all things of the uncreated creator, nor His way of doing things.

  2. #2
    darkreign Guest

    Default Josh

    Evolution has NOTHING do with how the "amoeba got here", interesting that you say amoeba, but anyway, you are right, it has nothing do with what you call a spirit or a soul.

    Evolution does not deal with ridiculous claims like gravity leaking being caused by God, what the duce? It would be the outcome that allows for the russerection? What in the world are you talking about, who taught you this stuff, pseudo science university?

    Evolution has nothing to do with quantum mechanics, the rapture, dark matter, or gravity leaking outside the universe, this is a strawman!

    That would be like me saying "The bible is not wrong, it just cant explain how car engines work, or how the internet operates, or how heat leaks out of an oven into fairy land to go play in the land of ressurecting super pink unicorns."

    See how nonsensical this is? Please, issue some form of retraction, because you are just pressing nonsense.
    Last edited by darkreign; 08-13-2006 at 01:29 PM. Reason: Typo

  3. #3
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    That's right. Evolution says nothing about how the amoeba got here. That's why I said, "it just lacks in its ability to explain what happened before the amoeba."

    The greatest scientists in the world today are seeking to find this leaking God particle. It may be ridiculous to you because you are so narrow minded, but they may be onto something in building the largest particle collider in the world which I think is over 27 miles long.

    I agree, evolution is also so simplistic an idea that it would not even cover the work being done searching for sparticles.

    You sound like you are really behind the times.

    Since I already said, "Evolution can't explain..." these things, why then belligerently respond by saying, "Evolution has nothing to do with..." these things. You are not so good in communication skills are you?

    Let me give you an analogy how horrible your approach is. If someone says "Sally went out to play with the dog," and you respond with, "No! Sally went out to play with the dog," you can see how mindless that is when you do that. This is a strawman arguing not to mention utterly belligerent. You're gone.

    That would be like me saying "The bible is not wrong, it just cant explain how car engines work, or how the internet operates, or how heat leaks out of an oven into fairy land to go play in the land of ressurecting super pink unicorns."
    Since evolution (the "dust" Gen. 2.7) is not designed to explain some things, so the Bible, which is a book of spirit, is not designed to explain mechanical engineering. There is nothing wrong with laws of one thing being inadequate to explain something else. How silly that the laws of addition and multiplication, for example, are suppose to explain quantum physics or the psychology of the orangutan.

    The difference, is that the smartest minds in the world today are pursuing this God particle or Graviton that is suppose to escape when these particles and sparticles collide, giving grounds for resurrection. I don't think these scientists are searching for a super pink unicorn.


    While there is basis for scientists to searching for sparticles scientifically speaking, there is no reason to search for your unicorns.

    I think you should issue a retraction, because it is pressing nonsense, don't you think? Why believe in puff the magic dragon of things happening all by themselves? Science disagrees with you.

  4. #4
    Cyndi Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Evolution is not wrong, it just lacks in its ability to explain what happened before the amoeba. It only deals with the physical and does not touch on morality of the soulical and the spiritual.

    Evolution itself is not capable of explaining how God allows the gravity to escape (scientists agree there seems to be some loss of gravity out of the known universe) to produce rapture; or in quantum physics, despite the low probability of a particular outcome, it would be that outcome that allows for resurrection. Quantum physicists say if you push on a wall long enough, nearing eternity, eventually you will be able to pass through it.

    Evolution can't explain how the dark energy is stronger than the dark matter and matter combined. There will always be something God keeps for Himself. Perhaps in some cases we are not designed to even be able to understand all things. Naturally, the created can't understand all things of the uncreated creator, nor His way of doing things.
    The statement pertaining to quantum physics is not accurate in terms of the resurrection. Quantum physics does not say if you push on a wall long enough nearing eternity, eventually you will be able to pass through it. I believe there may be some misconception as to what quantum mechanics is and how it functions pertaining to that statement.

    Evolution explaining dark matter, or gravity is irrevelent. They are both processes scientists are still studying. I believe there are things God keeps to himself. Science is not one of them. He placed us here on Earth with a brain which he intended for us to use.

    Evolution is a part of God's creation. The idea of evolution is not intended to touch on spiritual or the soul. It is a definition of the mechanism that explains how life changes and adapts on Earth.

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    Quantum physics does say if you push on a wall long enough you will be able to pass through it. I didn't make this up, but I got it off a program on tv where this is what Quantum Physicists said to describe the nature of this phenomenon. So this statement remains true. By the way, these were the most highly regarded scientists on the planet today.

    Evolution is the study of biology since the Amoeba. It does not address cosmology and gravity and dark matter, so you are right, evolution is irrelevant in explaining these things.

    The things God keeps to himself would include those things that science will be limited in explaining. God has no problem with science. His issue is with fuzzy science.

    Evolution is the "dust" (Gen. 2.7) from which the body was created. Then about 6000 years ago God breathed the breath of life into the body from dust to create the soul life. God waited at least 13.7 billion years to create the body from dust. What patience!

    Evolution, since it is so limited, should not be used as some reason to reject God. That is the point! It would be like trying to use addition to disprove calculus. Evolution is also limited in understanding adapting and life changes in terms of the effects of sin and salvation.

    Like I said, evolution is limited.

  6. #6
    Auriliux Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    I didn't make this up, but I got it off a program on tv
    Do you believe everything you hear on TV?

    By the way, these were the most highly regarded scientists on the planet today.
    What were their names? Were they even physicists?

    Evolution is the study of biology since the Amoeba.
    Evolution isn't a study of something, Evolution is the theory of inheritence. Genetisism <sp> is the study of genetics which is what you could apply to anything that had a cellular structure (Which obviously isn't the first form of life)

    Evolution is the "dust" (Gen. 2.7) from which the body was created.
    The dust is a theory?

    Evolution, since it is so limited
    Limited in what way?

    It would be like trying to use addition to disprove calculus.
    Is it just me, or does that analogy not actually make sense

    Evolution is also limited in understanding adapting and life changes in terms of the effects of sin and salvation.
    Evolution isn't just limited, it doesn't actually have anything to do with a term that's unmeasurable. What does genetics have to do with sin or salvation?

    Like I said, evolution is limited.
    Again, how so?

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    Since nothing in nature can happen all by itself, know there must be the uncaused creator.

  8. #8
    DD_8630 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Since nothing in nature can happen all by itself, know there must be the uncaused creator.
    Since they can, know that there mightn't be.

  9. #9
    Auriliux Guest


    Churchwork, why is it when you fail to be able to refute our points, you resort to simply saying things like "Well, it can't happen. The Lord does it"...

    We have used facts, and not ambiguous statements. Could you try and do the same? And if you can't think of any remarks to refute our statements, just don't say anything?

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    Your point is refuted because there are trillions of things in nature that have a cause and you can't prove one thing without a cause. The Lord does all things too. In fact, His blood and body on a molecular level have touched all things.

    Always remember, since nothing in nature happens all by itself, nature can happen all by itself, but requires a cause that is uncaused, because there cannot be an eternity of the past of cause and effects due to the exponential progression of conscience.

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