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Thread: Carbon Dioxide

  1. #1
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    Default Carbon Dioxide

    If the Greenland ice shield and a portion of the Arctic shield melt away, it would raise the water surface by 40 feet around the globe. If that happens, it would put under water many cities, including London, most of Florida as well as over 250 million people in China. Scientists say at the rate we are going it will happen in about 100 years, possibly within 50 years, considering China is building a new coal plant every week.

  2. #2
    Cyndi Guest


    My understanding is China is building nuclear plants, which is just as scary.

    The water level on the planet will rise as the ice continues to melt. The weight of the water would cause the ocean floor to sink somewhat, but overall the water would rise.

    Planet Earth has built in mechanisms which allow it to try to offset any radical changes affecting it. Many people have tried to predict how the planet will progress in the future. It seems almost impossible to do. There are those who say the planet will "self correct" if we adjust our habits such as limiting the co2 and aerosols in the atmosphere. Certainly the best way to deal with the uncertainty of these changes is to do everything we can to stop the warming pattern. This is what we are trying to do.

    The Earth actually goes through a series of cooling events in its normal weather cycle. Humans have affected this trend by contributing co2 and aerosols to the atmosphere. Instead of cooling as it is predicted, the Earth is warming, with catastrophic results, such as the ice melting.

    As a Christian, I put my faith and hope in God, AND use the gift He has given me to understand why the planet is in stress and find ways to reverse the damage. God placed us here to "tend the garden." It is our responsibility to care for the Earth he has given us.

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    Since you do not accept something about the atonement and crucifixion of Christ and the Trinity, I think readers should reserve judgment in assuming you are a Christian given this fact.

  4. #4
    Cyndi Guest


    To clarify:

    My belief is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three in one, yet uniquely individual. I believe confession of sin to Christ Jesus, along with belief, is the only way to salvation. I have professed this outloud millions of times, and continue to do so. Without the shedding of Christ's Blood there is no remission of sin. I spent many, many years in the mission field, as well as teaching Sunday school, Bible school, and witnessing to people in many different ways about Christ.

    I believe God did not intent for Christians to attack Christians or nonbelievers, which I will not participate in doing on this board or any other board I may choose to spend time upon. It is regretful you do.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndi View Post
    To clarify:

    My belief is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three in one, yet uniquely individual. I believe confession of sin to Christ Jesus, along with belief, is the only way to salvation. I have professed this outloud millions of times, and continue to do so. Without the shedding of Christ's Blood there is no remission of sin. I spent many, many years in the mission field, as well as teaching Sunday school, Bible school, and witnessing to people in many different ways about Christ.
    The Bible also says be "not doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8). Hence the need for Board Etiquette #4 which says not to speak contrary to your answers given in your profile. For the atonement and co-crucifixion you said you are "Not sure" (Question 1). For the Trinity, you also said you were "Not sure" (Question 2). Hence, the problem is made clear in that you don't accept something about the Trinity and co-death with Christ or atonement, so the reasonable question put to you is why? Christians hold brothers and sisters accountable if they engage in doublespeak. Why should you not be also?
    I believe God did not intent for Christians to attack Christians or nonbelievers, which I will not participate in doing on this board or any other board I may choose to spend time upon. It is regretful you do.
    Asking you about this contradictory doublespeak is not attacking you but asking you why you do this? Why be evasive and then falsely accuse? That is wrong. Your behavior is totally disingenuous. I would be as guilty as you if I behaved this way. You should repent from your hypocricy, for you are attacking Christians here. It is regrettable you don't see yourself doing this when accuse falsely and blindly of attacking Christians. You do the the very thing you accuse of.

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