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Thread: Mor(m)ons Should Feel Ashamed

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    Default Mor(m)ons Should Feel Ashamed

    Mormons be Ashamed!

    You can spell it out for a mormon, but nothing shall penentrate the stony heart of an unabashedly overassuming moron man. "Who being the effulgence of his glory, and the very image of his substance, God and of the Lamb shall be in it...they shall see his face" (Heb. 1.3, Rev. 22.1,4). One face! One substance! One Being! I and the Father are one (John 10.10). "Who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself" (Phil. 2.6,7). Humility! Emptying Himself of His indepedent attributes. "Thou believest that God is one*; though doest well: the demons also believe, and shudder" (James 2:19). What shame to believe even less than the demons! "They have sworn by gods that are not gods at all!" (Jeremiah 5.7b). Indeed, God is not gods! "Hear this, O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes, but see not, who have ears, but hear not (Jer. 5.21). Moronicalism can not see; will not see! * God is one, not three beings.

  2. #2
    evan Guest

    Default Evan


    This is my first post (in accordance with forum guidelines).

    I would like to say that I believe that God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are separate beings, as I find attested by scripture.

    Other than that, it's great to be here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Mormons be Ashamed!

    You can spell it out for a mormon, but nothing shall penentrate the stony heart of an unabashedly overassuming moron man. "Who being the effulgence of his glory, and the very image of his substance, God and of the Lamb shall be in it...they shall see his face" (Heb. 1.3, Rev. 22.1,4). One face! One substance! One Being! I and the Father are one (John 10.10). "Who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself" (Phil. 2.6,7). Humility! Emptying Himself of His indepedent attributes. "Thou believest that God is one*; though doest well: the demons also believe, and shudder" (James 2:19). What shame to believe even less than the demons! "They have sworn by gods that are not gods at all!" (Jeremiah 5.7b). Indeed, God is not gods! "Hear this, O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes, but see not, who have ears, but hear not (Jer. 5.21). Moronicalism can not see; will not see! * God is one, not three beings.

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    What verses?

  4. #4
    evan Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    What verses?
    The verses that I specifically look to are found in Matthew 3:13-17, as well as the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians 8:6

    But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

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    Matt. 3.13-17 says Jesus is the beloved Son of God the Father.

    How does this information help you in your beliefs of different beings in a social God, rather than a personal God in God's 3 Persons Uncreated?

    The negative consequences are that you do not know how to reconcile the Uncreated Godhead with your Christ as being a created being by God the Father. Christians don't have this problem, for we have been atoned by the perfectly sinless God's Son Who is Uncreated. You have something lesser which is why you still need to be saved (born-again).

    In the eternity of the past, the council of the Godhead Who is One Being derived a conclusion.

  6. #6
    evan Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Matt. 3.13-17 says Jesus is the beloved Son of God the Father.

    How does this information help you in your beliefs of different beings in a social God, rather than a personal God in God's 3 Persons Uncreated?

    The negative consequences are that you do not know how to reconcile the Uncreated Godhead with your Christ as being a created being by God the Father. Christians don't have this problem, for we have been atoned by the perfectly sinless God's Son Who is Uncreated. You have something lesser which is why you still need to be saved (born-again).

    In the eternity of the past, the council of the Godhead Who is One Being derived a conclusion.
    If you'll permit me a little argumentum ad hominem, I think that you ought to be ashamed. I find little to recommend your faith to me when you refer to me and others of my faith with statements like: "Now you know why they should be thought of as morons..." and "...unabashedly overassuming moron man..."

    Anyway. Be that as it may, I find that Matthew 3:13-17 is a great example of the separate reality of Jesus and His Father. Here was have Jesus being baptised by John, and his father speaking of heaven.

    Also, Paul's statement that I quoted in my earlier post also clearly identifies the distinct separation between God and Jesus.

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    Appreciate the close ties to the word "moron" and "mormon". This is not a coincidence. In order to attract someone into a cult like mormonism, they must create feelers to see who is gullible enough to believe in such things. By overlooking the similarity of these two words you make yourself open to their deceptions. Ask yourself where such proclamations come from centuries later after Christ. Do you really think God places mankind in darkness from the 1st century to the 18th century? No, of course not!

    As I have shown the distinct operations of the Father and the Son does not mean separate beings. One should not jump to that conclusion. A moron might overassume this, but let us be humble. In addition to Matt. 3.13-17, the same goes for 1 Cor. 8.6...there is only one uncreated being. No subordinationism, only the agreement of the Father and the Son and the Spirit that the Son would enter into the creation of the Godhead. Christianity has always been right. However, within Christendom many problems occur as depicted by Rev. 17, 14.8. There is "hostility even in the house of God" (Hosea 9.8).

    Whereas I am atoned by the Uncreated Jesus, you are atoned by a created being you call Jesus. My Jesus trumps your Jesus. Be weary of false Christs and learn the humility of not overassuming anything. This is the nature of the Word of God and where its strength is derived. God is all-knowing. You cannot lose eternal life if once-saved (born-again). Find out what mormons think about once-saved-always-saved. The Roman Church also teaches non-OSAS. The reason why big cults teach non-OSAS is because this is a means to control you. If you do not remain in their good stead then you can lose life they teach. Do you see how this is a controlling mechanism?

    Did you know ultimately the reason you are mormon moron is because you have a head salvation, and not a salvation in your spirit. Satan works from outer to inner from the head. But God works from the spirit to the outer. God quickens the spirit of a person to give them new life. Through regeneration there is a sensitivity to things of God. This sensitivity prays to One Being, not three beings. How impersonal that would be. When I pray, I pray to the Father, through the Son by the Spirit, for when the council of the Godhead created, the Father spoke, the Son created and the Spirit executes and renews creation.

  8. #8
    evan Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Appreciate the close ties to the word "moron" and "mormon". This is not a coincidence.
    I most certainly do not appreciate it, and I agree that it is no coincidence. I find such a comment to be arrogant and rude. I also find it diameterically opposed to your professed claim of Christian discipleship.

    In order to attract someone into a cult like mormonism, they must create feelers to see who is gullible enough to believe in such things. By overlooking the similarity of these two words you make yourself open to their deceptions.
    I find such a comment to be completely incorrect, and lacking in value.

    Ask yourself where such proclamations come from centuries later after Christ. Do you really think God places mankind in darkness from the 1st century to the 18th century? No, of course not!
    I find that following the death of Jesus Christ, people turned away from the Gospel.

    As I have shown the distinct operations of the Father and the Son does not mean separate beings.
    You have shown no such thing.

    A moron might overassume this, but let us be humble.
    I find such comments to be completely lacking in humility.

    In addition to Matt. 3.13-17, the same goes for 1 Cor. 8.6...there is only one uncreated being.
    Matthew 3:13-17 says nothing about 'one uncreated being'. Instead, it clearly shows both the Father and the Son as being separate individuals. Likewise, Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 8:6 says, one God, the Father and one Lord, the Saviour. Two people spoken of, two separate people.

    No subordinationism, only the agreement of the Father and the Son and the Spirit that the Son would enter into the creation of the Godhead. Christianity has always been right.
    I have no idea what you are talking about. Jesus is clearly submissive to his Father.

    Whereas I am atoned by the Uncreated Jesus, you are atoned by a created being you call Jesus. My Jesus trumps your Jesus.
    Why? Because you say so????

    Be weary of false Christs
    Oh, believe me, I am weary.

    You cannot lose eternal life if once-saved (born-again). Find out what mormons think about once-saved-always-saved.
    I know what Mormons think about it. They agree with the Bible. It says: "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Now, this is in reference to the events prophesied in Matthew 24 (verse 13). However, it does show that one can only be saved after 'enduring ot the end'. Paul likewise comments: Heb. 12:15 "look diligently, lest any man fail of the grace of God."

    Did you know ultimately the reason you are mormon moron is because you have a head salvation, and not a salvation in your spirit.
    I find your words lacking any of the love of God. Rather, they reflect your own ego.

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    Be Ashamed for Calling Christianity a Lie for 1800 Years and the OT Monotheism a Lie for 4000 Years

    I agree, it is not a coincidence as mormonism and moron have similar origins in lettering. Noticing this observation is discerning of us Christians about mormon-morons who believe Jesus was not uncreated. The obvious question is, Why worship the created?

    Following the death of Christ, the apostles were renewed in their faith and the church was born from Jerusalem. The Word spread, and today at least in name Christianity is the largest religion in the world. That counts for something, for within Christianity is a very spiritual Christian few who God deems overcomer believers who shall reign with Christ with an iron rod during the millennium.

    The distinct operations of the Father and the Son do not demand they be different beings. You have shown no reason to think so. This is the characteristic of a mormon to overassume. Hence the name mormon-moron. Don't let Satan rule you, but feel embarrassed by being a mormon so as to bring you to repentance from this assumed belief of different beings and atonement by a created being.

    Quote Originally Posted by evan
    Matthew 3:13-17 says nothing about 'one uncreated being'. Instead, it clearly shows both the Father and the Son as being separate individuals. Likewise, Paul's statement in 1 Corinthians 8:6 says, one God, the Father and one Lord, the Saviour. Two people spoken of, two separate people.
    You are certainly free to introduce the new idea God is a number of different beings instead of One personal Uncreated Being, but there needs be evidence for it, to consider it. You would have to overturn monotheism of the OT and the monotheism of the Trinity in the NT. Since what you have provided so far does not help your case, know that you are living a lie.

    The God of the OT is One Uncreated Being. Ask any Jewish person. This did not change in the NT. Therefore, to be humble is to remain in the same view. Separate individuals in the Godhead shows the Father and the Son are distinct, but they are not separate, nor different beings. God the Father is not a person, like people are, but He is the 1st Person of the Godhead. Person is a spiritual term to describe any one of the 3 Persons of the Godhead, and does not mean individuals. Stop trying to understand the Godhead in human terms. You will fail every time you try to do so.

    Jesus was not submissive to the Father in the eternity of the past. I understand you reject His being co-equal with the Father, but that is your sin. Jesus only became Lord when He agreed to be given unto obedience to the Father for mankind. There is no humility in believing Jesus was a created being, for you would be worshipping a false Christ and fall under a false atonement.

    Enduring to the end is unto rewards, not for or loss of eternal life. You see my God has told me by the Holy Spirit that I can never lose eternal life. I can however lose the prize, which is the reward of reigning in the millennial kingdom. That is to say, there is accountability in the time of recompense for believers. Consequence for Christians! God is just and righteous.

    I know that you do not have eternal life. It is easy to see. In order to be saved, my prayer for you is to come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. And not just any Jesus, but the uncreated Jesus who is of one substance with the Father and the Spirit, co-equal and co-inherent, distinct but not separate.

    You see God of the Bible is always greater than your god because He has infinite foreknowledge to know whom to give His life to so that it could never be lost after new birth. Your god is weak, for in his claim of saving at new birth, that life can still be lost. Moreover, your savior is a created being, whereas my Savior is Uncreated. Your ego is attached to an assumed position which you have no basis for. Don't you know Satan is the head of mormonism?

    There is nothing left for you now but hell. That has been your choice all your life and remains so. Sin is committing to a false idea and not letting go. This is arrogance on your part and deceives people. My prayer is for your repentance so you will stop being a negative influence on other people.

    Christians will always refuse the mormonism view of love, for it is not the love of the Uncreated Lord Jesus Christ. Whereas you live according to a man-made view of a created being which you call Jesus, the saved have God's uncreated eternal life. That which is uncreated and eternal remains so.

    You can see the power God has given me and other Christians in the acceptance of the Uncreated Trinity by how the perfect sacrifice was in fact uncreated and the Spirit was given to indwell to be able to commune and to pray to the Father through the Son.

    You need to know deeply how evil your god is by its claim there was no spiritual Christianity after the cross. Satan is the great accuser. Stop walking by the evil spirit in your spirit, but through regeneration may God deliver you from the darkness that controls you-a moron mormon man.

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    evan, your answers which show your beliefs are horrible.

    No - rejecting the Uncreated Trinity
    Distinction of God's Three Persons:
    No - rejecting the 3 forms of God
    No - rejecting God's infinite foreknowledge to whom to give eternal life to
    The 66 Books are the Complete Word of God:
    No - adding to God's complete Word of the Son (see Rev. 22.18,19 what will happen to you)
    Biblical tongues are languages only:
    No - teaching gibberish babble
    Apostles Agree to Use the Meeting Place Finder:
    No - rejecting the agreement of the apostles
    Jesus went to Hades on Friday, Resurrected Sunday:
    No - rejecting when Jesus died on the cross
    Advanced Parties and Harbingers in Every Sphere:
    No - rejecting readiness so you can be antinomian
    God Uses Hell at Judgment Seat for Believers:
    No - rejecting the fire burning off the dross of false works so you can remain in your false works
    Biblical locality sets the way for Christ's return:
    No - rejecting God's desire for the organization of the apostles and elders for the churches (i.e., localities of believers) to set the stage for the millennium
    Size of the New City approximates the Total Saved:
    No - rejecting the informative purpose of the dimensions given for the new city (showing how few people are actually saved)
    Scripture points to the New Earth as future Mars:
    No - rejecting the certainty of scientific findings that has proven earth will be burnt up in a couple billion years (though Christ will return sooner than that of course as it won't take billions of years for believers to reach sinlessness)

    Since you are so adamant about your answers and do not even accept the basics of Christianity in the Trinity, the distinction of God's 3 Persons, once-saved-always-saved and the 66 books of the Word of God as complete, know with certainty that you are not born-again and are going to hell because you don't want to be saved. This remains true because you do not care to repent from trying to alter Christianity. Can't you see this is the common theme down the centuries where one person or another starts a cult? It's not surprising for Jesus said it would happen in hostility to Him.

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