
God's omniscience includes His foreknowing all things. The Bible says God's action is to foreknow our free-choice, but you reject His omniscience, so then your worship is of something satanic which requires premade robots or zombies in calvinism and you see yourself as one of those robots you think were saved without regard to their choice and not one of those zombies for hell without regard to their choice.

Your whole faith hinges on this pride of thinking you were made this way and you have no sensitivity in your spirit that God created man in His image out of His glory to walk with those who receive Him. For you it is all but cold and desensitized robots and you think yourself one of them not premade for hell.

Isn't it moronical to think God divorces the person from their actions or is it reasonable to think God foreknows everything about the person including their actions? All that God foreknows is everything about the person including their actions.

For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth. God knows everyone and everything everyone will do even before they do it, because He is omniscient and thus, has infinite foreknowledge. Rom. 8.29 says God predestinates by foreknowing what? Our sovereign free-will made in His image. He wants to be with those who choose His Son, not those who are puffed up and think they were preprogrammed to choose Him. You are really worshipping a facsimile or a false Christ, for God is not so weak as to have to make robots of calvinism.

God's sovereign choice was to create men in His image to give them the free-choice to His glory. This is what is so wonderful that He does this. He does not want to walk with zombies, but real sovereign beings created for Him.

So what do you resort to but sinning bearing false witness as any false teacher would. Your sin bearing false witness is to say God depends on men's actions, but it is not so, for God is the one who gives the gift of the free-choice. If He had not done so, no person could ever freely choose and activate the gift of faith He gives to those who receive Him. Don't shut your mind down to having to make that choice and accuse God of depending on men's actions. That is a copout so you don't have to choose, thus you will go to hell. This does apply to all individuals that all individuals must choose, so why sin bearing false witness when you accuse, "you can say this does not apply to individuals it does, you can say it does not apply to salvation, it does", yet I never said that, for it does apply to individuals and it does apply to salvation that you don't want. A non-choice is a choice against God. In your case you have chosen to be saved another way against God.

You are not a Christian and I am 100% convinced you are not currently born-again and fairly certain you never will be. You are stuck as you are and will likely never repent. That is your choice. Christians can see this easily in your pride.