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Thread: String Theory

  1. #1
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    Default String Theory

    General Relativity explains how light and gravity move at the same speed through ripples in space-time. All things in General Relativity have a cause and effect according to Einstein.

    By combining General Relativity with Electro Magnetism you create a GEM of truth. Gravity is influenced by ripples and Electro Magnetism repels. The force of the latter is much stronger than the former.

    With EM (which is explained in 4 simple formulas) combined with the Strong Force (how the nucleus is held together by protons and neutrons) and the Weak Force (dissipation), you have entered into Quantum Mechanics. A nuclear explosion can happen by breaking apart the Strong force. This is where fission and fusion occurs.

    In Quantum Mechanics there are just probabilities. Christian professors say yes, from what we can see, we can only observe probabilities, but that does not mean a cause and effect is not in place to generate those probabilities. Just like a deck of cards will produce probabilities in a shuffle, it doesn't mean there isn't a cause why the next card up is an Ace, for example. It is because of all the causes in the shuffle that particular results arise, except they are so subtle we don't recognize them. God shuffled beforehand. He knows the outcome. I love that God makes it impossible for us to find all the causes from God's decision to create to our creation, even predestinate by foreknowing our free-choice made in His image.

    Like a dog that looks up at you while you are try to explain certain mathematical laws, we look up at God with the same inability to comprehend some things. Einstein gave up, because he refused to accept the idea that all things don't have a cause and effect-he realized there is something lacking in quantum mechanics. I think he had the right idea. At some point, you have to come to the cross to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior because still, even in quantum mechanics, all things have a cause and effect like that deck of cards. This is not to say quantum mechanics is wrong. Definitely there are probabilities and outcomes, but that is not to say there were not causes for those outcomes. All apparently random things have causes. If you can only see on the surface, you see only randomness. Look a little deeper and the cause reveals itself.

    Non-ironically, atheist/agnostics who try to use quantum mechanics to disprove God, bite themselves in the foot because in Quantum mechanics, it is says for a certain experiment there could be 1000 possibilities, except we don't know with certainty the outcome of any one of those events. We can only assign probabilities to them. But who put in place those probabilities and those 1000 options? God did it. Quantum Physics actually predicts resurrection.

    The Unifying Theory requires a combined GQ theory. So string theory was devised. All things are made up of strings and different vibrations produce different effects. And inside strings are quarks, so on and so forth. But no matter how far you go, you still have the question to ask, what is a quark made up of, and what made up that which comprised the quark?

    God did it! And He is not going to tell you everything He did to create you in His image.

    Praise the Lord!

  2. #2
    darkreign Guest


    Nuh uh, my pet leprachaun did it while playing poker with the easter bunny, I have faith so it must be true! Plus, people have written about leprachauns for centuries, there's my historical evidence, it has withstood the test of time, and the easter bunny affects tens of millions of children every year! He impacts their lives! See, If you take the theory of relativity and combine it with a horshoe thermodynamics beyond the square of advanced hyperepitmagnetism, that proves they exist!

    Leprachaun did it! And He is not going to tell you everything He did to create you in His image.

    Praise the Leprachaun!

    (P.S. When will you guys start censoring my posts?)
    (DOUBLE P.S. Please tell the Christians on these boards to stop posting pseudo science and complete utter nonsense, thank you)

  3. #3
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    Nah! You're just being belligerent, for you full well know that a poker chip is created by the manufacturer of that chip, and leprachauns themselves make no claims on being a creator, and man admittedly made up this fairy tale. The same goes for the easter bunny. Just like there are small people so there also real bunnies which had bunny parents so on and so forth.

    Why worship created things? In the Bible these are called idols, like things made of wood or stone, so you worship poker chips. Perhaps you need to get a life.

    Your faith in atheism is not founded on anything so why blindly have faith that has no basis?

    Christians have faith based on proofs such as there is nothing in nature that happens all by itself. Bunnies have parents and manufacterers make poker chips, and man makes up fairy tales that themselves make no claims about being the creator or being uncreated.

    A leprachaun makes no claims to be the atonement for sins, that sin that always needs to be judged; and has consequences as all things in nature have a cause and effect. So a leprachaun has no power of atonement. Just because a fairy tale affects children does not make it real; that's why they are called fairy tales. Yet Jesus really did walk on the Earth and was testified to by eyewitness accounts, documented and preserved.

    In other words, there are things that impact lives that are not real, and there are things that really are real, like the historical Jesus which agrees with the Jesus of faith!

    See, If you take the theory of relativity and combine it with a horshoe thermodynamics beyond the square of advanced hyperepitmagnetism, that proves they exist!
    Sounds like some mindless self-declaration. Why don't you think you ever need to prove your mindless statements? Where is the scientific evidence for this? Who agrees with you?


    Perhaps your leprachaun in your imagination created, but the leprachaun in the history of its fairy tale makes no claim of being the creator. So by this proof, you know you worship something unto your selfish self. It is your own fantasy without basis. I would suggest you get a grip!

    Why keep accussing scientists of pseudo science, for Gravity and Electro Magnetism are well founded and proven. Quantum mechanics is also true, and String theory and the Gravitons and sparticles may also be true, and that is what scientists are seeking to find out. Do you still think the earth is flat?

    Your hostility to these efforts is itself pseudo science. All you have is your anger and pride. There is no pleasing hostile people such as yourself. First you blame for banning, when I didn't ban you, just removed you. Now you blame for not censoring your posts. Understand how Satan operates. He is the greate accuser and he accuses mindlessly day and night. Like you, he blames anything he can, passing responsibility that belongs to him unto others. You need to take back responsibility for yourself, your emotions, your actions and the consequences of those actions.

    Why believe in puff the magic dragon of things happening all by themselves? Science disagrees with you.

    These posts are saved so you can see how belligerent you really are.

  4. #4
    Cyndi Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    General Relativity explains how light and gravity move at the same speed through ripples in space-time. All things in General Relativity have a cause and effect according to Einstein.

    By combining General Relativity with Electro Magnetism you create a GEM of truth. Gravity is influenced by ripples and Electro Magnetism repels. The force of the latter is much stronger than the former.

    With EM (which is explained in 4 simple formulas) combined with the Strong Force (how the nucleus is held together by protons and neutrons) and the Weak Force (dissipation), you have entered into Quantum Mechanics. A nuclear explosion can happen by breaking apart the Strong force. This is where fission and fusion occurs.

    In Quantum Mechanics there are just probabilities. Christian professors say yes, from what we can see, we can only observe probabilities, but that does not mean a cause and effect is not in place to generate those probabilities. Just like a deck of cards will produce probabilities in a shuffle, it doesn't mean there isn't a cause why the next card up is an Ace, for example. It is because of all the causes in the shuffle that particular results arise, except they are so subtle we don't recognize them. God shuffled beforehand. He knows the outcome. I love that God makes it impossible for us to find all the causes from God's decision to create to our creation, even predestinate by foreknowing our free-choice made in His image.

    Like a dog that looks up at you while you are try to explain certain mathematical laws, we look up at God with the same inability to comprehend some things. Einstein gave up, because he refused to accept the idea that all things don't have a cause and effect-he realized there is something lacking in quantum mechanics. I think he had the right idea. At some point, you have to come to the cross to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior because still, even in quantum mechanics, all things have a cause and effect like that deck of cards. This is not to say quantum mechanics is wrong. Definitely there are probabilities and outcomes, but that is not to say there were not causes for those outcomes. All apparently random things have causes. If you can only see on the surface, you see only randomness. Look a little deeper and the cause reveals itself.

    Non-ironically, atheist/agnostics who try to use quantum mechanics to disprove God, bite themselves in the foot because in Quantum mechanics, it is says for a certain experiment there could be 1000 possibilities, except we don't know with certainty the outcome of any one of those events. We can only assign probabilities to them. But who put in place those probabilities and those 1000 options? God did it. Quantum Physics actually predicts resurrection.

    The Unifying Theory requires a combined GQ theory. So string theory was devised. All things are made up of strings and different vibrations produce different effects. And inside strings are quarks, so on and so forth. But no matter how far you go, you still have the question to ask, what is a quark made up of, and what made up that which comprised the quark?

    God did it! And He is not going to tell you everything He did to create you in His image.

    Praise the Lord!
    Probability in quantum mechanics is not that there are many different outcomes. It is there are many different possibilities where a particle can be in a particular process. There is a difference. It is a way to say, "We know the particle will be at any of these possible locations in a wave." or "We know after we measure a quantum process, the particle will land this way, or it will land that way. Particles are so small and there are so many of them we cannot track them accurately (at this time) but we can understand enough to have an idea of a range of where they may be.

    Quantum mechanics do not predict the resurrection. Bible predicts the resurrection. There are things we are still trying to figure out or establish as scientists. This does not mean they were meant to remain a mystery forever. It means God knows us well enough to understand there are some things we need to know when we have the ability to understand them and can use the knowledge with wisdom.

    You do not hand a preschooler a book with words when they are still trying to discern color and images. It is a process of steps as we grow that eventually leads to understanding. This is much like science, and the journey scientists take in order to obtain the knowledge God has placed in the universe for us.

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    There is no distinction of different outcomes and different possibilities, for a different possibility is itself a different outcome. This is the range of where results they will be.

    Not only does the Bible predict resurrection, but so does Quantum Mechanics predict resurrection - the loss of gravity which we know exists. It is a fact that we receive the truth of God's existence in observing nature and it is documented in the Word.

    Already in the little that we do now, we can discern Quantum Mechanics predicts resurrection. If we see part of creation escaping creation, it would stand to reason, this may very well be a conduit for resurrection and rapture.

  6. #6
    meriba Guest


    Quantum Mechanics, String Theory, relativity, weak force, elocrto magnetism and all these stuff are nuts and of this world. It is not required for the ETERNAL.
    Somebody was expalining the other day, 'De Broglie's Wave Theory' to expalin transformation of Christ on the mount of transfiguration and even the rapture of saints on Jesus' coming. No theory is required for the transformation of the saved. Believe it blindly.

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    I disagree with your idea completely meriba. These various mechanisms are not required for the eternal in His existence before creation because God is spirit, but they are required in His working through His creation as He designed. For example, if I build a computer chip, a mother board and the rest of the components to a computer, and then I plug in a computer game, my player character is still bound by the laws of the system that was created for it to enter into. Righteously God does the same thing. When God resurrects us, He will reboot the computer, spark the spirit of the computer and reactive the soul life by giving it a new physical spiritual body.

    What science shows is various mechanisms God uses for the transfiguration, resurrection and ascension, miracles and prophecies given by revelation from God in man's spirit or through visions. His timing is also most spectacular. For example the parting of the red sea or that it is read is no miracle, but what is a miracle is the exact crucial timing for it to happen when the Hebrews were in desperate need to be protected, so their nation was saved! Scientists know exactly where it is (tip of the gulf of Aqaba), that in fact it is red, and many occurrences have happened in the past of the waters being divided like that due to wind blowing down a narrow strip of water like the gulf of Aqaba which pushes the water back several miles. Read "Miracles of Exodus" by Colin J. Humphreys.

    The reason Christians believe is because of so many kinds of evidence, that it puts the burden of the proof on skeptics. Skeptics who have no considerable response are just blindly believing.

    I love that about Christianity. Faith is proven, that is why we believe!

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