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Thread: A Tyrant

  1. #1
    Azerate218 Guest

    Default A Tyrant

    I disagree. Yahweh (the god that created us) is evil in my opinion. He kills his own followers, leaves millions to starve, threatens us with the lie of hell, demands worship, imposes irrational rules (and punishes those that break them), and he is a tyrant in general.

    Lucifer was spawned from the energy of chaos to counter Yahweh once the Earth was created. Those that walk the Luciferian path will recieve the blessing of the 11 anti-cosmic gods (one of which is Lucifer). When they die, they will be gods themselves. That sounds a lot better than being a servant to a tyrant, doesn't it?

    (I'm an Anti-Cosmc Satanist/Chaos-Gnostic BTW).

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    What makes you think God kills His own followers? I find no evidence in God's Word. What makes you think God leaves people to starve? People who starve is due to man's sin in which many innocent lives get hurt, but their reward shall be in heaven. The negative consequence of disobedience to God was being locked out of the Garden of Eden, so people moved to live in dangerous areas, even areas of starvation.

    Since hell is proven (because you will be resurrected, but can't be resurrected with the saved), what makes you think it doesn't exist? Why would you not want to have fellowship and worship (and look up to) your Creator who is Uncreated? What rules do you find that are irrational that you think God imposes? Should not sin be punished? Why do we put people in jail?

    What makes you think a sentient being like Lucifer was spawned by the chaos? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to conclude an Intelligent Designer? Where is evidence of these 11 gods you speak of?

    The Bible considers such gods you speak of as just idols. Just think for a minute how there can not be these gods who are created because there can not be an eternity of the past of gods creating gods, for since you would have been derived from them, and would not still be sinning by now (due to the exponential progression in conscience), know there was not an eternity of the past of cause and effects of supernatural gods, or in nature.

    You are telling me you are a servant to a tyrant who is Satan, for only a tyrant would cause you to reject your Creator. A loving God would never allow an angel to be able to create sentient beings. Don't trust the Devil's lies. He aims to hurt you.

    Why are you anti-cosmic? The cosmos is the starry universe. Why deny this?

  3. #3
    Azerate218 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    What makes you think God kills His own followers? I find no evidence in God's Word. What makes you think God leaves people to starve? People who starve is due to man's sin in which many innocent lives get hurt, but their reward shall be in heaven. The negative consequence of disobedience to God was being locked out of the Garden of Eden, so people moved to live in dangerous areas, even areas of starvation.

    Since hell is proven (because you will be resurrected, but can't be resurrected with the saved), what makes you think it doesn't exist? Why would you not want to have fellowship and worship (and look up to) your Creator who is Uncreated? What rules do you find that are irrational that you think God imposes? Should not sin be punished? Why do we put people in jail?

    What makes you think a sentient being like Lucifer was spawned by the chaos? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to conclude an Intelligent Designer? Where is evidence of these 11 gods you speak of?

    The Bible considers such gods you speak of as just idols. Just think for a minute how there can not be these gods who are created because there can not be an eternity of the past of gods creating gods, for since you would have been derived from them, and would not still be sinning by now (due to the exponential progression in conscience), know there was not an eternity of the past of cause and effects of supernatural gods, or in nature.

    You are telling me you are a servant to a tyrant who is Satan, for only a tyrant would cause you to reject your Creator. A loving God would never allow an angel to be able to create sentient beings. Don't trust the Devil's lies. He aims to hurt you.

    Why are you anti-cosmic? The cosmos is the starry universe. Why deny this?
    God killed his own followers in the great flood. Sure, most of them were heretics, but there must have been a few good people that perished. And even if they were heretics, that doesn't give God a right to kill them.

    God leaves people to starve to death. Look at Africa and Southeast Asia.

    Hell is not proven. It's a lie created by God. There is no proof for a place where there is eternal torture. As for irrational rules, I think the anti-sodomy stuff is pretty stupid. Same for the whole honor the sabbath thing. And don't forget "worhsip me or I'll send you to eternal torture". SIns hould not be punished, as most of the so-called "sins" are hardly bad at all. Sodomy is fine, murder, well some people just deserve to die. Stealing, if it suits you , do it. Etc.

    As for evidence of the 11 anti-cosmic gods, I did an invocation to Satan, and all of this was revealed to me.

    All of the gods have existed forever (except for Satan, who was spawned from the energy of chaos (and chaos existed forever)).

    I'm sorry, but God hates us all. If he loved us, he would not kill us and make slaves out of us. He would not lie and threaten us. Yes, God created us.... to be his slaves! His goal is to eliminate chaos and the 11 anti-cosmic gods. Satan stepped in, and offered us a better alternative: becoming a god. Satan fights the cosmic tyranny and the 10 cosmic gods.

    Satan offers freedom. I can rape, kill, steal, practice witchcraft and sodomy, etc. He is not a tyrant because he does not demand worship, and he offers us total freedom.

    Anti-cosmic is being opposed to the 10 cosmic gods (one of which is Yahweh) and the cosmic order. Our goal is to plunge the universe back into being ruled by the energy of chaos and the 11 anti-cosmic gods. All of those that have their black flame burning will become gods themselves, while everyone else suffers the final death.

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    The local flood of Noah's day was unlike the global flood in Gen. 1.2 when God made the earth desolate and waste. Whereas the inhabitants of earth's earliest ages were totally sinful causing God to wipe everything out, the local flood was brought on by the local sinners in Noah's day. The Bible says not a one was righteous. In that flood not one person was saved, but if there was, this poses no problem, because good people get caught up in the judgment of sinners. For example, the tsunami that killed over a hundred thousand people in the Philippines and Indonesia was an area of sinners that sinned primarily in two main ways: 1) Muslims, 2) child prostitution is prolific. If any were saved, there is no problem, because they will be resurrected unto everlasting life.

    God does not leave those people in Africa to starve, but always, God wants man's participation, otherwise we are just robots. God is waiting for man to take responsibility to care for fellow man. Man is the cause of this starvation, by overpopulating and living in difficult areas.

    The Sabbath was under the law for Israel only. There is no Christian Sabbath. Homosexuality is a sin; God did not make you to stick your genitals in another man's orifices. How silly.

    Hell, mainly, is an eternal separation from God; it's not about torture, but surely it is an eternal punishment and regret. Hell is never ending. Fire speaks of judgment. Hell remains necessary because you can't be where the saved are going, so you have to go somewhere. Never think the uncreated creator would lie. He is always perfect in all He does.

    Stealing is never suitable. Sin leads to death, so yes, some people deserve to die in their sins, and they surely will. Look how dead your conscience is: "Stealing, if it suits you , do it" with no regard for any moral standard in your corrupted heart.

    The difference between your invocation and God's revelation is that God proves His revelation, and you stand alone in your imagination. God proves His revelation by multiple attestation of His eyewitness accounts, but you are just one person with fanciful ideas that are selfishly induced and careless.

    There is no chaos. You said the universe has always existed chaotically, but how can this be true given the proof that there is an exponential progression in our conscience (e.g. no more child sacrifices except in part in Islam as suicide mass-murderers) such that if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects, the progress tells us there would be no more sinning, yet there still is. Hence, we can only conclude that the universe was created by the Uncreated Creator who is God of the Bible, since none can compare to Christ.

    You speak of multiple gods in the eternity of the past, but by what do you derive this conclusion? Don't you ask yourself what caused these gods, or do you do Satan's bidding, to assume and shut your mind down at that point?

    God hates your sin of fanciful assumptions, but He loves you and wants to deliver you from the bondage of Satan you are under with its crazy ideas unsupported in history. Satan wants you as his slave, to kill you and to impoverish you. Misery loves company. He wants you in hell with him.

    You're a bad guy and you do get an Infraction for saying of yourself: "I can rape, kill, steal, practice witchcraft and sodomy, etc" as you follow the Devil. How silly to invocate and incorporate the Devil into your life who is shown forth in God's Word that we learn about his evil ways, yet you reject God's Word. Why take parts to agree with but not other parts? God gives you the choice to accept His love, whereas your god the Devil demands you shut your mind down to the assumptions he plants in you. He requires it! This is always the way of the working of the evil spirit exhibited in your assumptions that have no basis. They are just assumed. Satan needs no reason and loves it when you need no reason to believe something either. This is the operation of the evil spirit in your spirit.

    Christians, on the other hand, have been born-again and bestowed with God's life which is eternal life and can never be lost. When we were first saved and became a new creation, the evil spirit was ousted, and in came the Holy Spirit through the window of our conscience to indwell our innerman or innerwoman (our spirit as distinct from our soul; see Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23).

    Since there are no cosmic gods, you don't have to worry about it.

    What's a black flame? Remember, a god is just an idol. The Bible tells us man will never become gods because there is no such thing as gods.

    Hope this helps. Any questions?

  5. #5
    Azerate218 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    The local flood of Noah's day was unlike the global flood in Gen. 1.2 when God made the earth desolate and waste. Whereas the inhabitants of earth's earliest ages were totally sinful causing God to wipe everything out, the local flood was brought on by the local sinners in Noah's day. The Bible says not a one was righteous. In that flood not one person was saved, but if there was, this poses no problem, because good people get caught up in the judgment of sinners. For example, the tsunami that killed over a hundred thousand people in the Philippines and Indonesia was an area of sinners that sinned primarily in two main ways: 1) Muslims, 2) child prostitution is prolific. If any were saved, there is no problem, because they will be resurrected unto everlasting life.

    God does not leave those people in Africa to starve, but always, God wants man's participation, otherwise we are just robots. God is waiting for man to take responsibility to care for fellow man. Man is the cause of this starvation, by overpopulating and living in difficult areas.

    The Sabbath was under the law for Israel only. There is no Christian Sabbath. Homosexuality is a sin; God did not make you to stick your genitals in another man's orifices. How silly.

    Hell, mainly, is an eternal separation from God; it's not about torture, but surely it is an eternal punishment and regret. Hell is never ending. Fire speaks of judgment. Hell remains necessary because you can't be where the saved are going, so you have to go somewhere. Never think the uncreated creator would lie. He is always perfect in all He does.

    Stealing is never suitable. Sin leads to death, so yes, some people deserve to die in their sins, and they surely will. Look how dead your conscience is: "Stealing, if it suits you , do it" with no regard for any moral standard in your corrupted heart.

    The difference between your invocation and God's revelation is that God proves His revelation, and you stand alone in your imagination. God proves His revelation by multiple attestation of His eyewitness accounts, but you are just one person with fanciful ideas that are selfishly induced and careless.

    There is no chaos. You said the universe has always existed chaotically, but how can this be true given the proof that there is an exponential progression in our conscience (e.g. no more child sacrifices except in part in Islam as suicide mass-murderers) such that if there was an eternity of the past of cause and effects, the progress tells us there would be no more sinning, yet there still is. Hence, we can only conclude that the universe was created by the Uncreated Creator who is God of the Bible, since none can compare to Christ.

    You speak of multiple gods in the eternity of the past, but by what do you derive this conclusion? Don't you ask yourself what caused these gods, or do you do Satan's bidding, to assume and shut your mind down at that point?

    God hates your sin of fanciful assumptions, but He loves you and wants to deliver you from the bondage of Satan you are under with its crazy ideas unsupported in history. Satan wants you as his slave, to kill you and to impoverish you. Misery loves company. He wants you in hell with him.

    You're a bad guy and you do get an Infraction for saying of yourself: "I can rape, kill, steal, practice witchcraft and sodomy, etc" as you follow the Devil. How silly to invocate and incorporate the Devil into your life who is shown forth in God's Word that we learn about his evil ways, yet you reject God's Word. Why take parts to agree with but not other parts? God gives you the choice to accept His love, whereas your god the Devil demands you shut your mind down to the assumptions he plants in you. He requires it! This is always the way of the working of the evil spirit exhibited in your assumptions that have no basis. They are just assumed. Satan needs no reason and loves it when you need no reason to believe something either. This is the operation of the evil spirit in your spirit.

    Christians, on the other hand, have been born-again and bestowed with God's life which is eternal life and can never be lost. When we were first saved and became a new creation, the evil spirit was ousted, and in came the Holy Spirit through the window of our conscience to indwell our innerman or innerwoman (our spirit as distinct from our soul; see Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23).

    Since there are no cosmic gods, you don't have to worry about it.

    What's a black flame? Remember, a god is just an idol. The Bible tells us man will never become gods because there is no such thing as gods.

    Hope this helps. Any questions?
    So you're saying that it's just fine that God smites his creation left and right? Hmmm.... sounds tyrannical to me.

    I see nothing wrong with stealing. If it suits me, I'll do it. I'm only concerned about my own gain. I'm in a hostile world, and I have to adapt to my environemnt to survive. If that means stealing, then fine. The strong survive while the weak die.

    As for what caused the gods to exist, the answer is simple: they always existed, as does chaos.

    Where's your proof that there is no chaos? So far, all you've said is "the Bible says it, so it must be true", which isn't mch proof at all, seeing that I don't believe a single word from the Bible. I did an invocation, and all of this was told to me. I have proof, where's yours? And where's your proof that there are no cosmic gods?

    The black flame is what burns inside of us, and the only way to ignite it is to act like the anti-cosmic gods, and through magick.

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    Sin leads to death, that is the natural consequence. In order for God's design and plan to take hold and the exponential progression in conscience to ensue, certain measures are taken by God. For example, if God did not get Israel to wipe out those nations committed to child sacrifices, this practice would still exist today. Similarly, if God allowed the evil of the region to continue without a flood, the evil would develop like under the Nazi regime if they were allowed to succeed, and man would not learn the lesson of this sin. Why defend these tyrannies?

    God says stealing is wrong. You don't need to steal to survive. That is just selfish and assumed. Remember, Satan needs no reason for his assumptions and relies on false reasons just like you.

    There is no proof of the existence of chaos, and I am glad you present none. Similarly, you fail to ask yourself what caused these gods and just assume they exist, yet how can there be more than one uncreated creator. That's like saying the many children had no parents. It's impossible. It is, in fact, you shutting your mind down.

    I never said "the Bible says it, so it must be true," so why bear false witness? Why do I need to disprove some chaos, since you mention it, therefore the burden of the proof is on you. That you have nothing to help your cause is proof enough, don't you think? All I shall say is that there is cause and effect in all things, so there can be no random chaos or multiple gods creating gods, because there can not be an eternity of the past. The exponential progression in conscience disallows it.

    An invocation is not a proof, but a selfish declaration, because you admit you need no evidence to support your idea. There is a word or two for this: delusional or insanity.

    The Bible first gives you the proof it is true, then in doing so, asks you to receive the truth.

    I have no black flame in my spirit. My spirit, rather, is composed of the functions of intuition, communion and conscience, and within my spirit resides the Holy Spirit. No black flame. Again, where is your supporting evidence for some black flame? Where is the evidence for magick and anti-cosmic gods? Since, again, you have nothing to support your ideas and you seem to be alone in your delusion, know that you fail to stand next to the corroboration of the apostles in Christ and their multiple attestation of His death, deity and resurrection. You're like a Mohammed in the cave all by himself without 1500 years of corroboration across 40 writers in agreement in the Bible.

    My prayers go out to you. You received an infraction for repeating yourself without giving anything to support your idea. For example, I said there is an exponential progression in conscience and why, which disallows there be an eternity of the past of cause and effects, and instead of responding to this, you just repeat yourself, your gods always existed. Moreover, you don't ask yourself how multiple gods could have always existed, since by definition that which always existed and is uncreated is singular, not multiple. So as this point is shown you overlook it to repeat what you said (without supporting evidence for the burden of the proof), which is violating Board Etiquette #6.

    This is put in place to prevent people from just self-declaring and repeating the same old line rather than asking themselves for a reason and responding to what someone else says. If you were before me in person, you would have to address what I said, but often times people on forums feel they can be belligerent and obstinate to avoid and deflect, even by the mantra of repetitive self-declarations to brainwash themselves. But, that is no conversation and is quite impersonal.

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