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Thread: Age of Accountability

  1. #1
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    Default Age of Accountability

    Age of Accountability

    Lots of people try to uses verses of the Bible to prove the age of accountability is not true, but in so doing they twist God's Word. This is easily seen.

    All you need to do is one thing to show them the age of accountability is real.

    Simply ask them, Where in the Bible is there a single case of a baby going to hell? If they can't show it, then tell them to shut their trap.


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    The Age of Accountability is not a set date that we know of (perhaps it is around 8 years of age, who can say?), but whatever it is, God has it in His mind to keep so that as you notice no infants go to hell.

    Incidentally, infant baptism does not influence this one way or another, for infant baptism is of no effect except to reveal the vanity of the people that do it.

  3. #3
    ignite Guest

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    Did you forget about the flood? Don't you think that there were babies and small children living then?
    Where are they now? And can you show us from scripture that says that God didn't destroy them with everyone else except the 8 souls in the Ark?
    You see, this is the problem with man's understanding, and how we think God should work.
    But God never ever deals with age, he deals with sin.
    You think about what I'm saying here, and then prove from the bible that babies and small children were not destroyed.
    You don't have to commit a single sin to be "born" a sinner.
    I'm not being mean, so don't get mad. I love children too,but I'm not the judge, but I can't read a single passage anywhere in the bible that speaks of an age of accountability.
    Sorry, it ain't so. And you can't take a scripture out of context, so Matthew 18:10 for instance doesn't prove anything. Yet preachers say that it does.
    You can't see this because you don't understand what hell is either. It is the grave ,the bible says so 54 times.
    And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this(the lake of fire)is the second death.
    Death (even or also) hell (grave) were cast into the lake of fire.
    Revelation 20:14


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    I think you are acknowledging your own sin of despising these little ones (Matt. 18.10). The Bible never calls the grave hell. The grave is synonymous with the place of rest or sleep. Hell is eternal separation from God. Death and hades (place of rest or sleep, the grave) is cast into the lake of fire (hell) which is the second death.

    God has infinite foreknowledge. He can foresee all events, so any that perished who got caught in the crossfire but were saved would receive God's eternal blessings.

    A different rule applies to infants who die. After David's son died when he was only seven days old (2 Sam 12:18), David said: "I will go to him." (2 Sam 12:23) He believed that this child who had died, was saved. We may also believe that our infants who have died are saved, because God has made specific promises to those who believe in Him. (Acts 16:31)

    Isa 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
    Isa 7:15 Butter and honey shall he eat, when he knoweth to refuse the evil, and choose the good.
    Isa 7:16 For before the child shall know to refuse the evil, and choose the good, the land whose two kings thou abhorrest shall be forsaken
    (northern Israel which is Lebanon and southern Syria today, and Aram, i.e. around Damascus of Syria today).

    This is a double fulfillment of Isaiah's son of a virgin, possibly another wife. This will be true for all children, not just Jesus Christ, eventually one day, recognizing these evil regions, inhabitants therein. God promises to preserve a remnant of the 12 tribes of all of Israel in the days of Solomon since Rev. 7.1-8 becomes that remnant that will return. At a very young age, we begin to have free-choice.

  5. #5
    ignite Guest

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    Churchwork-"I think" is a very dangerous statement. Jesus wasn't talking about literal children, he calls all of his children regardless of age, children. We are to come to him as a child. Not because of our age, but having the mindset of a little one. In other words, teachable.
    The Pharisees were not teachable, they could not be molded because they thought that they knew everything.
    Mark 9:42 is a good example of non-literal children, as is Gal 4:19, I Jn 2:1, I Jn 3:18.
    Don't despise this kind of child.

    Again, God isn't dealing with age, he's dealing with sin. You believe that hell is the same thing as God's punishment, and it's not. I'll ask you this, where is it?
    This present heaven and earth will pass away, and be destroyed by fire. II Peter 3:10. Where would an eternal "hell" be?
    Hell is the grave, it's the appointed death of every man.
    Do a word study on eternal and everlasting, they are not the same. That is a key to understanding many scriptures and many subjects, that are mistaught.
    If God is not a respector of persons, how can he have another provision for infants? Wouldn't that make him a respector of persons? Babies will not suffer his wrath, they just will go out of existance. We don't have to learn how to sin, we are born sinners. The first thing a child learns is to say no, that is inherited, not learned. God came to give eternal life, not eternal life and death.


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    Of course all those in Christ are God's children, but this verse in Isaiah 7 is clearly referring to a child growing up - "For before the child shall know to refuse the evil".

    Hell is a dimension in God's creation which contains the unsaved for all eternity. Christians go to the grave (the good side of Hades - Abraham's bosom), but we don't go to hell, so the grave is not hell. Those who are saved are resurrected from Hades and raptured.

    I have eternal everlasting life which can never be taken away. I was chosen before the foundations of the world by God because He foreknew my free-choice to come to the cross.

    God is just and righteous, so He provides for the age of accountability, that is, once you have the choice, you are accountable for that choice. For each person it is different, depending on their development. It would be unrighteous of God to send a child to hell, when that child did not have the choice.

    All babies are made in God's image, they all have a soul, and they will never cease to exist. They will grow up in their resurrected bodies when they did not have a chance to in their earthly bodies.

    Let go of the idea of annihilation for it is unholy and unrighteous.

  7. #7
    ignite Guest

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    I'm sorry but that is not what the bible teaches, that is what tradition teaches. It's comforting, and sounds right, but it doesn't line up with the whole bible. David was not saying that he would go to his dead son in heaven, he was saying I can come to you (in death) but I cannot bring the dead back from the grave. There is no one in heaven or (hell the way you believe it exists) yet. Because there hasn't been a judgment. The bible says that all the dead wicked and just are asleep. Job 14:12-14.

    What would the age of accountablility be? 10, 12, ? What? Because there is no specific age, and God is a very specific God, so this doesn't make sense that he wouldn't have a specific age, if there was one, but there isn't.

    Josiah was a little boy too, eight years old, but he did what was right in the sight of the Lord.
    If there is an age of accountability let's say it's 10. After this the child is accountable. Well wouldn't it be better if the child died, or everyone with kids under 10 killed them so that they would automatically go to heaven?
    What about the flood? Sodom? Egypt? teh Amalikites? The list goes on and on.
    What about a demon possed child? Are they automatically saved if they don't have it cast out, but die?
    This is not being mean, I love children too, but I'm not God, I can only follow what his word says and it says nothing about age.
    It doesn't matter who the person is, at every funeral I've ever been to, every one has been preached into heaven. It's not true, it just makes us feel good. But again, God is not dealing with our age, he is dealing with sin.
    I didn't have anything to do with my birth, or who my parents are, I was born by them regardless. Sin in every man is exactly the same. We inherited it from Adam, and that is what God is dealing with.
    You really think that you have the gift of discernment?

  8. #8
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    The seeing of his son in heaven does not mean presently, obviously.

    The age of accountability is particular for each person. Nobody knows what it is exactly.

    I don't think it is ever better to murder someone, for murder is evil, but in the face of evil, God will not prevent someone from salvation if they are murdered.

    Christians can be demon possessed, so children are no exceptions.

    God deals with sin and does not send anyone to hell unrighteously. Hence, the age of accountability. In other words, once you are clearly afforded the choice, and you still refuse His Son, then you will go to hell.

    Yes, by the gift of discernment from God, I have told you the truth of the spirit in you.

  9. #9
    ignite Guest

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    I feel sorry for you, and I'm done trying to reason with you from the bible.

  10. #10
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    I don't feel sorry for you, but pray for your understanding.

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