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Thread: One Cubic Meter of Space

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    Default One Cubic Centemeter of Space

    Scientists say one cubic centimeter of vacuous space has enough residual energy in it to produce 100 million suns when you cool it down to to absolute zero, called Zero-point energy. They say this is how the nucleus is able to be sustained by preventing its electrons from spiraling into itself.

    Frank J. Tipier, Professor of Mathematical Physics, Tulane University is one of these unique people who is an expert in cosmology, astrophysics and information sciences, but he is not a believer. He is a very brilliant atheistic professor. He tried to reconcile the model of the big bang with the ultimate heat death of the universe, and he tried to put these together in one comprehensive model.
    -Using the most advanced and sophisticated methods of modern physics, demands "in exactly the same way physicists calculate the properties of an electron" arrived at two conclusions about God and immortality that were shocking.
    • 1) He discovered proof of the existence of God (he is referring to the Christian God of the Bible).
    • 2) He also now believes that every human being who ever lived will be resurrected from the dead (of course, he startled many with his proof).
    He concludes this just from what we understand about physics itself. As a result, he published a book called "Physics of Immortality".

    The book is very hard to understand because it has very complicated differential equations. He basically proved 1 Cor. 15 is true.

    I am not sure if he ever gave his life to Christ, but his math makes it impossible for him to refute the findings of his work. It is possible he might not appreciate the fact that he would go to hell if he doesn't accept what Jesus did for him on the cross. Or he may be violating Step 3 of the 4 Step Proof for God in some way that we are not aware of that is keeping him from salvation.

    You can see why it is damaging to your own self if you overassume something about God that is not true.

  2. #2
    DD_8630 Guest


    Unlike you, I have read his book. And unlike you, I am not convinced by pages of (admittedly exquiset) prose.

    His book simply espouses his vision of the future, which can be summarised thusly:

    • AI will exponentionally increase in complexity to the point that the universe becomes self-aware. Tipler calls this point the Omega Point, and equates it to the Christian God.
    • Information processing will increase exponentially to the point where unlimited virtual exprimental time is acheived, and all scenarios are played out. This is what Tipler means by the 'resurrection of the dead'.
    While this is all fascinating in its own right (the notion of a god-like intelligence is most intriguing), it does not constitute a proof of the either Christian God or the Christian resurrection myth.

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    The God of Christianity does not become self-aware, but was always existing and all-knowing.

    Resurrection, being required, shall happen. It was already proven by the Minimal Facts Approach and which proves Jesus is God.

    Therefore, receive Jesus fully proven as your Lord and Savior, otherwise, hell will be needed.

  4. #4
    DD_8630 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    The God of Christianity does not become self-aware, but was always existing and all-knowing.
    It's his argument, not mine. He is the one equating the God of Christianity to a self-aware AI. You are the one espousing his argument as truth.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Resurrection, being required, shall happen. It was already proven by the Minimal Facts Approach and which proves Jesus is God.
    The resurrection of humanity at Judgement Day (or w/e) is not mentioned on that page. But I do love how the God of the Bible is proven:
    • Assume the God of the Bible.
    • Therefore, the God of the Bible.
    Impecable logic...

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    Since Jesus was resurrected we all will be. He said as much. Since God is proven by the proof of God, then He is not assumed.

  6. #6
    DD_8630 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Since Jesus was resurrected we all will be. He said as much.
    1. There is no evidence supporting Jesus' existance, let alone his resurrection. I challenge you to present some.
    2. Even if he was resurrected, this is no proof of our resurrection.
    3. We are discussing Tipler's 'proof' of humanity's eventual 'ressurection', not Christian mythology. Indeed, Tipler takes pains to keep his work purely speculative, and to use the Christian concepts of resurrection and God as merely analogies.
    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Since God is proven by the proof of God, then He is not assumed.
    My point is that the proof is fallacious because it assumes God exists in order to prove God exists. Cyclical logic does not a proof make.

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    The proof was already given in the 4 Step Proof for God and the Minimal Facts Approach.

    As Jesus would not lie, Him being God, He said we would be resurrected. Which makes sense because we are all made in God's image as intrinsic value, not instrumental value means to an end. His image cannot be destroyed, so shall it be resurrected in us also. He has great plans. In fact, none know all the things He has planned for us to eternity.

    You don't need Tipler, all you need is the proof of Jesus' resurrection, for it is only in Christianity there is resurrection with a proof of the resurrection of Jesus, that is, with a substantial proof rather than just claiming a resurrection. Hence, the vitality of the Minimal Facts Approach.

    The 4 Step Proof for God does not assume God exists, but first proves this fact. It is fallacious to misread the Proof for God.

  8. #8
    DD_8630 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    The proof was already given in the 4 Step Proof for God and the Minimal Facts Approach.

    The 4 Step Proof for God does not assume God exists, but first proves this fact. It is fallacious to misread the Proof for God.
    For the record, I've just refuted both proofs (it was a tirade of non sequiturs and unjustified assertions). Try again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    As Jesus would not lie, Him being God,
    Who said Jesus/God cannot lie? If it was Jesus/God, what if they were lying when they said it? Indeed, if Jesus/God cannot lie, then then they are not gods: they are limited in ability.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    You don't need Tipler, all you need is the proof of Jesus' resurrection, for it is only in Christianity there is resurrection with a proof of the resurrection of Jesus, that is, with a substantial proof rather than just claiming a resurrection.
    I see no reason to consider the myth of Jesus' ressurection to be anything more than just that: a myth.

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    In my response, it showed how you refuted nothing.

    That God does all things righteously does not mean He is limited. How silly.

    Since scholars are agreed the historical Jesus was real because Paul met with the apostles who were with Jesus and believed too they saw Him resurrected, then you are on your own in fantasies trying to mythize Jesus. Understand what you are going through and why you are here, because you are fighting tooth and nail to not give your life to Christ.

    Hell is vast.

  10. #10
    DD_8630 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    In my response, it showed how you refuted nothing.
    And in my response, I contend the contrary. Hence, we debate.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    That God does all things righteously does not mean He is limited. How silly.
    If he chooses to act righteously (how one determines what is righteous is another thing altogether), then that's fine. However, you implied that he couldn't lie. Indeed, it is central to your argument that Jesus did not lie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Since scholars are agreed the historical Jesus was real because Paul met with the apostles who were with Jesus and believed too they saw Him resurrected, then you are on your own in fantasies trying to mythize Jesus. Understand what you are going through and why you are here, because you are fighting tooth and nail to not give your life to Christ.
    I would be more than willing to convert to Christianity if only you gave me a reason to. Thus far, it is remarkable only in its popularity, and even that can be attributed to Constantine's acknowledgement of Christianity.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Hell is vast.

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