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Thread: A Nuclear Explosion Can Extend 1000 KM

  1. #1
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    Default A Nuclear Explosion Can Extend 1000 KM

    The area of effectively complete destruction extended to 25 km, and ordinary houses would be subjected to severe damage out to 35 km. The destruction and damage of buildings at much greater ranges than this which occurred was due to the effects of atmospheric focusing, an unpredictable but unavoidable phenomenon with very large atmospheric explosions that is capable of generating localized regions of destructive blast pressure at great distances (even exceeding 1000 km).

    A 100 Mt weapon can level urban areas in a zone 60 km wide, cause heavy damage in a zone 100 km across, and cause 3rd degree burns in a region 170 km across (only a bit smaller than the width of West Germany). Such a weapon can only be used as a means of destroying an entire urban region - a major urban complex including suburbs and even neighboring cities. This scale of destruction is much larger than any discrete urban area in Western Europe. With its dense settlement, use of such a weapon in Europe is equivalent to an attack on a major portion of an entire nation and its population. Fallout from a low altitude or surface burst in central England could produce lethal exposures extending into the Warsaw Pact nations; a similar explosion in West Germany could create lethal fallout as far as the Soviet border. And in the United States there were only three urban regions at that time large enough to conceivably merit attack with such a weapon - New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles. On any smaller target it would be simple overkill. Even if the Tu-95 were able to reach Chicago, the closest plausible US target, (which is doubtful given the enormous payload, far in excess of normal for long-range missions, the added drag from the belly bulge required to house the bomb) it would have been detected crossing the North American early warning line and then been over US and Canadian territory for 8 hours - ample time for jet fighters to intercept and shoot it down [Zaloga 1993].

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    Did you know that over 50 years later from the first nuclear explosion, still the radiation level is 10 times to 15 times larger than normal?

  3. #3
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    A breakdown of the Strong force causes a nuclear explosion.

  4. #4
    Paoli Guest


    Well, I guess we better get the good news out before these explosions send millions to hell.:crying:

  5. #5
    Auriliux Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    A breakdown of the Strong force causes a nuclear explosion.
    I've never heard of this 'Strong Force'. But I do know for a fact that a nuclear explosion occurs as a result of the rapid release of energy from a nuclear reaction.

    I read your link to Strong Theory, I don't quite see how that has anything to do about Nuclear Explosions... Also, Einstein never gave up. He worked on a grand unified theory of everything up until his death.

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    Without string theory, if it is true, there can be no nuclear explosions. It's not that Einstein gave up altogether, but that he gave up on those who claiming that something happens all by itself who called it quantum mechanics. You need not believe in quantum mechanics and puff the magic dragon. You can believe in quantum mechanics and that all things have a cause and effect.

  7. #7
    DD_8630 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Auriliux View Post
    I've never heard of this 'Strong Force'.
    It is one of the four fources of nature, along with electromagnetism, gravitation, and the weak nuclear force. It is the most powerful of the four, and is the force between quarks, antiquarks, and gluons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Auriliux View Post
    But I do know for a fact that a nuclear explosion occurs as a result of the rapid release of energy from a nuclear reaction.
    A nuclear explosion occurs when a self-catalytic fission reaction goes supercritical: each fission causes several other fissions, releasing vast quantities of energy in a fraction of a second.

    The strong nuclear force determines how easy it is for a fissile atom to undergo fission. In this way, the strong nuclear force underpins the nuclear mechanics of atomic bombs.

    That said, it is most certainly not a 'break down' of the strong force that causes nuclear explosions.

    That said, I have no idea what the point of this thread is.

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    Without the strong force the universe would collapse in on itself. I did not originate the idea the breakdown of the strong force causes a nuclear explosion. I am just repeating what was said on a Nova program.

    The purpose of this thread is to explain how damaging a nuclear explosion is. And it applies to Rev. 9.18 when 1/3 of the people of the earth will die and in Revelation when it says elsewhere that 1/3 of the earth will be scorched. This is the time when 200 million machines (9.16) will congregate in the middle east to battle over oil resources.

  9. #9
    DD_8630 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Without the strong force the universe would collapse in on itself.
    Perhaps it would. Certainly, the universe would be a very different place.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    I did not originate the idea the breakdown of the strong force causes a nuclear explosion. I am just repeating what was said on a Nova program.
    What is your source?
    The post you link to, by the way, is beyond flawed. It completely misunderstands the nature of gravitation and electromagnetism, and makes the most blatent appeals to the God of the Gaps ("Who assigns quantum probabilities? God! Nevermind that quantum mechanics tells us nothing of the sort, I'll just insert my deity wherever I see something too complx for my mind").

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    The purpose of this thread is to explain how damaging a nuclear explosion is.
    I don't think that is lost on us. We still remember the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    And it applies to Rev. 9.18 when 1/3 of the people of the earth will die and in Revelation when it says elsewhere that 1/3 of the earth will be scorched.
    How do nuclear detonations have anything to do with Revelations?

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    God is not inserted where there are things we don't understand. They are things we don't understand, while the uncreated Creator still does exist.

    You miss the point. The point is, the first time in history Rev. 9.18 is possible and 1/3 of the earth can be scorched by nuclear holocaust. This has been predicted almost 2000 years ago.

    It is not Revelations, but the book of Revelation. The explanation was already given.

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