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Thread: Evolution

  1. #11
    DD_8630 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Your point is refuted because there are trillions of things in nature that have a cause and you can't prove one thing without a cause.
    Radioactive decay, the photoelectric effect, quantum tunneling, etc. You have thus far given no explanation for these phenomena.

    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    The Lord does all things too. In fact, His blood and body on a molecular level have touched all things.
    Got any evidence for this? Thought not.

  2. #12
    Auriliux Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    His blood and body on a molecular level have touched all things.
    Impossible. Matter cannot travel faster than the speed of light, therefore how could his atoms touched all atoms in the universe in the space of 2000 years?

    but requires a cause that is uncaused

    because there cannot be an eternity of the past of cause and effects due to the exponential progression of conscience.
    What, exactly, does consciousness have to do with a concept of eternity?

  3. #13
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    None of these processes prove unequivocally something happens all by itself, therefore the burden of the proof remains on you. You get an infraction for Board Etiquette #6 for repeating yourself without anything to support your idea. Just because mankind, including myself don't know the cause to somethings is no reason to assume they don't have a cause in the backdrop of trillions of things that do have causes. That's illogical.

    Yes, recently someone sent me the evidence.

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    The math calculation I saw was all things on earth, not all things in the universe. Our experience is this earth, nor far away distant planets.

    Don't ask the question why the cause must be uncaused after the answer was already given. Don't ask why the exponential progression of conscience in the 4 Step Proof for God disallows an eternity of the past of cause and effects, when it was already given.

  5. #15
    Auriliux Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    None of these processes prove unequivocally something happens all by itself, therefore the burden of the proof remains on you. You get an infraction for Board Etiquette #6 for repeating yourself without anything to support your idea. Just because mankind, including myself don't know the cause to somethings is no reason to assume they don't have a cause in the backdrop of trillions of things that do have causes. That's illogical.

    Yes, recently someone sent me the evidence.

    But the point is we do have evidence... You don't... And no, a book written by mere morals doesn't really count, they could have simply been con men who wished for people to listen to them and respect them by saying that they were prophets or instruments of a creator. If, for instance, it was written directly by a shining being who held uptmost power, and was recorded doing so by eye witnesses, video recorders, photos, and other analysis to show something special stood there and wrote I could admit that it was the word of god.

  6. #16
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    You can say you have evidence, but you aren't able to show it.

    A prophet is one who has revelation from God. It is testable and proven. For example Daniel's prophecy came to pass about the coming Messiah.

    It is unrealistic to place demands on history with technology that did not exist then.

    What you are going through is this: it doesn't matter if Jesus stood right before you this very moment and performed scores of miracles, you would still not accept Him.

    That is why Hell was created, because some simply don't want to be forgiven for their sins. They love their sins too much to let them go. In layman's terms: you're a bad person.

  7. #17
    Auriliux Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    What you are going through is this: it doesn't matter if Jesus stood right before you this very moment and performed scores of miracles, you would still not accept Him.
    No, because if there was adequate proof, I would believe in God. I would admit that I was wrong. Unfortunately it's you who have this problem, there's all the scientific proof around you, but religious people refuse to accept that

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    There is adequate proof, but you still reject Jesus, showing your hostility to your Creator, which is why you are going to hell. It's a matter of your heart.

    I highly recommend you watch the documentary, The Lazarus Phenomenon. Abraham clearly said to the Rich Man what good would it be for you to experience the resurrection of Jesus yourself, because you would not believe Him even then, since you don't even accept what the prophets say already. In other words, you have already made up your mind, shut your mind down to the evidence and don't care anyway. How sad for you that this is the way you want to live your life. Whereas those that are saved are conscientious in examining the data to discern correctly.

    The scientific proof is all around you, but religious people like you prefer to remain antichrist. Like God said, all you need do is look at the mountains and the stars to know that you did not do it, they did not happen all by themselves, but were caused by the uncaused, Himself.

    Logic, though, can't convince an unsaved person because, logic is not what is holding you back from accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You have a spirit of God-consciousness, so you already know, but you don't want to give it up because you prefer to remain in your sin nature. That's what bad people do, they rationalize their sins and themselves apart from God. The reasons you come up with are absolutely illogical, so when logic is given to you, shutting your mind down, repeating yourself to drown out the truth and getting lost in the world is your only recourse instead of facing reality. Nothing is new under the sun. The same lame behavior patterns today are the same responses of people who refused to be saved millennia ago.

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