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Thread: Evidence Wiki Majority is Not Always Right

  1. #1
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    Default Evidence Wiki Majority is Not Always Right

    Quote Originally Posted by SoC
    Evidence that the Majority is not always right:

    Noah - They mocked him for following God's command.
    Moses - The Hebrews complained to Moses even though God was resucing them and showing off his power.
    King Saul - The majority wanted a king, even though God said it would lead to trouble.
    Jeremiah - Read through it sometime. It can be depressing how much death and destruction is foretold in there due to the people of Israel and Judah turning their backs on God.
    Jesus - The crowd yelled "crucify him." need I say more?
    Stephen - The moajority stoned him.
    Today - Most people don't trust Christ as their savior or don't believe he was more than a prophet or a good man.
    I agree.

    Do you think Wiki will try to crucify Christ again?

  2. #2
    godsTruth Guest


    while it is clear the majority is not always correct, and is one of the reasons a pure democracy is dangerous (a democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner), i don't know that this is evidence against wikipedia as an organization, or that they shouldn't be trusted. i've always used wikipedia as a first source, as most topics have citations to follow.

    i don't know what is meant by, 'will they crucify christ again'?

  3. #3
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    Simply be aware of its limitations and read between the lines. Those who have an agenda on a subject that is faulty will try to manipulate wiki to their own end even to give the appearance of a majority in agreement to give their idea credibility.

    When Christ returns will Wiki's majority users be for or against Christ? It's obvious. You don't even need the Son of Man to return to realize people crucify Him in their own hearts by their beliefs (assumed, misinforming, mispresenting and unproven) passed off as majority which reject Him. A Theocracy in the end is the only solution with the Head being Christ and Apostles directly chosen by God which is happening today.

    People don't appreciate Rev. 9.18. 1/3 of the people of the earth will die in nuclear holocaust. Until then people try to live happy lives oblivious to what is going to happen. An appreciation for reality is healthy. The majority who fall for the Antichrist are going to perdition, even those who reject the Antichrist but also reject the Christ. As Jesus said, if you are not for Him, you are against Him.

  4. #4
    godsTruth Guest


    you seem to suggest that 'the wiki majority' are against christ. if this is so, why do you feel this way?

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    The reason was already given: "The majority who fall for the Antichrist are going to perdition".

    Just as democracy is not in our ultimate future, nor is the majority opinion of wikki's as the majority rejects Christ. Think of majorities as temporary measures of dealing with sin nature however inadequate. The obedience of the body of Christ to the head is the foretaste of what is to come, perfect harmony in the new city and new earth of those who are saved. The 12 apostles were not in the majority, just as today, the view of those in the body of Christ are also a minority. When you finally accept this, you realize there is a spiritual warfare going on both externally and internally. Read War On the Saints by Jessie-Penn Lewis to see how deep that war goes, and to help you experience it, begin by allowing God to divide your spirit, soul and body which I notice in your profile you are uncertain whether we are tripartite beings and how that applies to spiritual life.

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