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Thread: Obedience

  1. #1
    Simon Guest

    Default Obedience

    It is nice to see and know that what we need to recover fully is our obedience and faithfullness which brings us back to the first positions defined by our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing that all other things are the same and glorious, then we can say what has changed with time is man's obedience. The Holy Spirit is here with us and in us with all that pertains to the new creation. If we obey we have all, if we disobey we miss. The degree of obedience defines our degree of having. Know ye not..that the Holy Spirit is in you and dwells in you that believe?.
    Last edited by Simon; 12-07-2005 at 03:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Razor Guest


    Greetings Simon..

    I have to disagree with you slightly on this... your patience please...
    Our right standing with God is dependant on his Sons performance not ours... His obedience not ours.

    Righteousness is not about what we do or dont do, it is about Faith in Jesus Christ Plus nothing!

    Of course we all want to be good, but the reality is we stuff up sooner or later, because we where flawed by design, we can only be perfected through Faith in Christ Jesus, and therefore justified in the sight of God.

    Righteousness is by Faith alone, not by any deed of the Flesh.

    Peace to you

  3. #3
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    Your thoughts are too dull-minded and hostile to God.

    There is both the righteousness of the saints and the righteousness of God. God does not make robots. And we are not created "flawed by design", for we were created perfect, made in God's image (Gen. 1.26,27).

    Being made perfect, we had the right to fall, and we chose to be disobedient through one man.

    When Adam and Eve were in the Garden, they had not yet eaten of the tree of life which typifies Christ. Nonetheless, they were created perfect with a free-will made in the image of God to have the right to choose, and thus, they were responsible for choosing to be obedient to God.

    "And they washed their robes, and made them white with the blood of the Lamb" (Rev. 7.14b). "Robes" is in plural number, and these robes signify righteousnesses, even the righteousness of the saints, for it says "they", whom are the saints that made "them" white with the blood of the Lamb.

    They do not refer to the Lord Jesus Christ as our righteousness. However, the robe (singular) is righteousness (Is. 61.10), and it is the Lord Himself Jer. 23.6), for Christ is our righteousness (1 Cor. 1.30). We are clothed with Him as we come before God. But this righteousness of the saints in Rev. 7.14b as no need to be cleansed by the blood.

    Hence, we have two robes: one we are clothed with when we are saved, by which we stand before the Son of God; the other is our own righteousnesses-even our victories-which we may stand before Christ. The white garments spoken of in Rev. 3.18 requires a price, whereas the redemption is that which need not be bought.

    Can you see in your own selfishness that you do not want to pay a price?

    No Christian will be judged or condemned before God (John 5.24); but no Christian (this is only for Christians) will be exempt from having to stand and be judged before the judgment seat of Christ according to what he has done (2 Cor. 5.10),

    "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things [done] in [his] body, according to that he hath done, whether [it be] good or bad."

    This judgment for believers takes place before the millennial kingdom, which separates it from the judgment of the Great White Throne from the Judgment Seat of Christ by 1000 years, mostly for non-believers or tares such as yourself.

    The judgment of non-Christians such as yourself is different: "And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is [the book] of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works" (Rev. 20.12).

    The "dead" are the "rest of the dead" spoken of in Rev. 20.5. They must be resurrected because they are standing before the throne. Will there be anyone saved at the Great White Throne? Yes, of course, since there are still souls to be saved during the millennial kingdom also.

    But the rest of the dead such as yourself Razor, in which you are condemned already by God (John 3.18), are bound for hell because you have already decided yourself above God that everyone is saved or will be saved.

    Also notice what is judged - "works", so it does matter. Works is also mentioned in v.13. God is very clear about this that the future judgment of avoiding hell will be based on works.

    "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire" (Rev. 20.15).

    Can you see Razor that you will be cast into the lake of fire, an eternal separation from God, never to be saved? You have no one to blame but yourself. God did everything He possibly could in His holiness to save you, but still you refuse His will.

    You yet need to be truly born-again if it is even possible now considering you may have blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Your repentance or non-repentance to to Christ on the cross wille be exhibited in your response to this post will easily indicate your condition if you have had a change of mind. If you do not repent from universalism, will you ever? You can see therefore the need for hell to keep you eternally separated from God's own. How effective the judgment at Great White Throne will be, to judge you according to your works, leaving you with nothing to say clearly seeing why you belong in hell.

  4. #4
    Razor Guest


    Greetings Troy,

    My Goodness sitting in the Judgement seat today are we?
    I go where I am sent in this life.... I never ask why... some thoughts for you below.....

    How many times have you heard another brother or sister in Christ, or maybe one who thought he or she was in Him, declare to you that, because your behavior was not measuring up to the commands of God, you needed to "get right with Him?" Something you had done, were doing, were thinking about the possibility of doing, or had not done now placed you in a state of being "not right with the Lord."
    Panic and fear begin to race through your mind as you consider the horrid consequences of your failing to measure up once again to the righteousness God requires. But as you made another re-commitment to read your Bible more, go to church more, witness more, ask God to forgive you more, tithe more (along with working more to stop doing what you were doing to make yourself "not right with God"), did it ever dawn on you that all your doing or not doing would never be enough?
    For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all (James 2:10)
    Nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified (Gal. 2:16)
    It was a sobering, sorrowful, and yet thrilling day when the Spirit of God convinced me that every one of my attempts to earn right standing before him through my deeds amounted to one long trail of cow chips. Soberingbecause I had been intoxicated with how wonderful my flesh could perform but God was now telling me that the flesh profits nothing (John 6:63). Sorrowful because I saw that I had been placing some confidence in my own works for righteousness and acceptance in addition to my Savior’s. And thrilling because I had now given up on any hope in my flesh being able to gain or maintain right standing before my Lord. There I found freedom, rest, peace, and joy in the Lord!
    What is "righteousness" anyway? It means rightness or being right. Its' source is God himself. He is righteousness, rightness, and right. All righteousness begins and ends in Him. And since He has the market cornered on it and we could never achieve it, we must receive it…as a gift. Through Christ, through the cross, He has made us right. He has made us acceptable. He has done all that was required to make you right. He is our only hope of righteousness.
    For some of us, it is a startling truth of Scripture that our righteousness before God is not dependent upon our performance but Christ’s, not our obedience, but His!
    So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men. For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous (Romans 5:18-19)
    And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:8).
    He has performed for you. He has acted on your behalf. His obedience unto to death has provided righteousness for all who will take him up on the offer void of any works.
    Could it be that the reason we see so many saints struggling with the deeds of the flesh (Gal. 5:19) is that they continue to rely upon the flesh as a means to attaining righteousness and acceptance with God? Why do they do so? Because they are not believing and trusting implicitly in the unalterable, eternal righteousness they already have in Him as a gift. They are believing a lie that says a man’s adherence to codes, rules, regulations, or commandments determines whether or not he is right with God. Has anything changed throughout history? Has not man stubbornly, desperately sought to make himself right either in the eyes of men or in the eyes of God …or both! Can a man truly be saved trusting both in Christ’s work and some degree of his own?
    Why do you think Paul proclaimed that those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires (Galatians 5:24)? Could it be because the flesh wants to be right? It wants to have a righteousness of its own. It has a passion, a desire, a lusting to have some role in attaining righteousness in lieu of, or in addition to, the work of the Spirit (Gal. 3:1-7; 5:16-17). And to fall into that trap of relying upon the flesh for any contribution toward our righteousness is unbelief, foolishness, and at worst, evidence that maybe we have never given up on ourselves, never come to die that we might have life.
    Righteousness is a gift for which you do not work, not a wage that you earn.
    Now to the one who works, his wage is not reckoned as a favor but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness (Romans 4:4-5).
    If anyone ever tells you again that you need to get right with God, stand on the truth that you already are right with Him through His Son’s obedience, not yours! I have a dear friend in Christ who reminded me several months ago that in matters pertaining to the object of our faith, Jesus Christ, we cannot separate the person of Christ from His work. In other words, are you trusting in the risen, glorified Savior who justifies the ungodly through simple faith in His already completed work, or are you trusting in the Jesus who taught under the law, demanded that men be perfect, and had not yet fulfilled the work of redemption through the cross? Are you placing your faith in the baby in a manger or the One who was the final sacrifice for sins, the Redeemer, the Reconciler, the Sanctifier, the Giver of Life Eternal?!
    In his most recent book, An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith, author and lecturer Dave Hunt says that "to 'believe on the Lord Jesus Christ' (Acts 16:31) includes who He is and what He has done." The Jesus who saves the wicked is the Jesus who has already paid our sin debt in full, has crucified the old vile sinner-man we used to be, has buried you and your sins never to see them or the old you again, has made you a new creation, holy and blameless in His sight, and has seated you securely in heaven in Him! His righteousness is obtained through faith in His works, not yours. And once you have been made right, you cannot do anything to gain or maintain that righteousness. It is a gift, it is His grace, it is His perfect love toward you demonstrated in the cross of Christ.
    In fact, any man who seeks to work for righteousness will not reach his goal because it can only be acquired through faith in Jesus Christ. Folks, God’s offer of perfect righteousness could not be any simpler yet we have made it so complex. He is telling us not to work for righteousness if you want His! Stop working, stop striving to earn something that, if you are in Christ, you have had since the day He saved you…the gift of righteousness. If, tragically, you choose to work for it, you will never gain it!
    What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, attained righteousness, even the righteousness which is by faith; but Israel pursuing a law of righteousness, did not arrive at that law. Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone, just as it is written, "BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE, AND HE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED" (Romans 9:30-33)
    Those who have trusted in and are solely dependent upon the finished work of Jesus Christ via the cross on their behalf plus nothing are eternally right with God! Perfect performance and perfect obedience will never gain, maintain, or improve your right standing with God. Neither will imperfect performance and imperfect obedience cause you to lose, forfeit, or lessen your right standing before God. It is His performance, His obedience on Calvary’s cross almost 2,000 years ago plus nothing that has provided the gift of righteousness to all who would receive it by faith!
    So how do those who have trusted in the completed work of Christ for salvation "get right" with God? They don’t do anything to get right with Him. Why? Because they already are through faith in the working of God (Col. 2:12, NASB), not themselves! It is the one who does not work but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, (whose) faith is reckoned as righteousness (Rom. 4:5).
    So what about you? Have you stumbled over the stumbling stone? Have you been trying to add to His perfect righteousness with a dash or two of your own? Have you been working and doing in order to "get right with God?" If so, get up and come to the cross. It’s time to die, that you might have new life. It’s time to be done with trusting in anything you can do to become right with God, and once-and-for-all rely completely on what He has done… once-and-for-all.

    Peace to you Troy

  5. #5
    spiritual-qu0tient Guest


    ibig mo sabihin ok lng na magkasala... kase salvation is free?? dba meron sa book of revelation, naka saad. 'we will be judge according to our works':shocked:

    Quote Originally Posted by Razor
    Greetings Simon..
    Quote Originally Posted by Razor

    I have to disagree with you slightly on this... your patience please...
    Our right standing with God is dependant on his Sons performance not ours... His obedience not ours.

    Righteousness is not about what we do or dont do, it is about Faith in Jesus Christ Plus nothing!

    Of course we all want to be good, but the reality is we stuff up sooner or later, because we where flawed by design, we can only be perfected through Faith in Christ Jesus, and therefore justified in the sight of God.

    Righteousness is by Faith alone, not by any deed of the Flesh.

    Peace to you

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor
    Greetings Troy,

    My Goodness sitting in the Judgement seat today are we?
    I go where I am sent in this life.... I never ask why... some thoughts for you below.....

    How many times have you heard another brother or sister in Christ, or maybe one who thought he or she was in Him, declare to you that, because your behavior was not measuring up to the commands of God, you needed to "get right with Him?" Something you had done, were doing, were thinking about the possibility of doing, or had not done now placed you in a state of being "not right with the Lord."

    Panic and fear begin to race through your mind as you consider the horrid consequences of your failing to measure up once again to the righteousness God requires. But as you made another re-commitment to read your Bible more, go to church more, witness more, ask God to forgive you more, tithe more (along with working more to stop doing what you were doing to make yourself "not right with God"), did it ever dawn on you that all your doing or not doing would never be enough?
    This is a lame excuse for when someone is really doing something wrong, for example, like saying everyone is saved - universalism as taught by Razor. Yes, you need to repent from this lie, since Jesus said there was a hell. Why call Jesus a liar? If a Christian is cheating on his wife, the wife has a right to know, or at the very least, the cheating spouse needs to be spoken to from a friend in a loving and stern manner to stop sinning.

    For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all (James 2:10)
    Nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we may be justified by faith in Christ, and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law shall no flesh be justified (Gal. 2:16)

    No man could fulfill the law which points to Christ who could. But we are born-again by believing in the only begotten Son of God. The fleshly works are works that are corrupted, but works through the might of Christ working in us by the Holy Spirit are works unto God. The latter works described here do not include cheating on your spouse or claiming everyone is going to be saved. These are both lies of the evil spirit.

    It was a sobering, sorrowful, and yet thrilling day when the Spirit of God convinced me that every one of my attempts to earn right standing before him through my deeds amounted to one long trail of cow chips. Soberingbecause I had been intoxicated with how wonderful my flesh could perform but God was now telling me that the flesh profits nothing (John 6:63). Sorrowful because I saw that I had been placing some confidence in my own works for righteousness and acceptance in addition to my Savior’s. And thrilling because I had now given up on any hope in my flesh being able to gain or maintain right standing before my Lord. There I found freedom, rest, peace, and joy in the Lord!

    The reason you were trying to work good deeds is because you were doing it of your own strength and your own flesh against God's will. And in so doing, you forsook any possibility of the works of God that flow through to the believer in works well pleasing to the Lord. It is the equivalent saying of throwing the baby out with the bath water. The baby is your works. The bath water is the Holy Spirit's working in the believer to produce positive works.

    What is "righteousness" anyway? It means rightness or being right. Its' source is God himself. He is righteousness, rightness, and right. All righteousness begins and ends in Him. And since He has the market cornered on it and we could never achieve it, we must receive it…as a gift. Through Christ, through the cross, He has made us right. He has made us acceptable. He has done all that was required to make you right. He is our only hope of righteousness.

    We, who are in Christ, are being perfected. We will attain through God what seems impossible because we have eternal life. Jesus has forgiven us our sins who have come to the cross authentically, but He will not give life to those who come falsely.

    For some of us, it is a startling truth of Scripture that our righteousness before God is not dependent upon our performance but Christ’s, not our obedience, but His!

    And if that righteousness does not flow to us, because we are antinomian or because we are universalists, God says we shall know them by their fruit as being the tares who look like the wheat but are not. Overassuming betrays Razor and exposes his real condition.

    So then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men, even so through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men. For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous (Romans 5:18-19)

    And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross (Philippians 2:8).

    To all men was given the right to salvation for Jesus died for the sins of the world. Not all men will be saved for only "many will be made righteous" (v.19) of the total of all men: "even so by the righteousness of one [the free gift came] upon all men unto justification of life" (v.18). What was given to all men was not accepted by all men, such as the universalists.

    He has performed for you. He has acted on your behalf. His obedience unto to death has provided righteousness for all who will take him up on the offer void of any works.


    Could it be that the reason we see so many saints struggling with the deeds of the flesh (Gal. 5:19) is that they continue to rely upon the flesh as a means to attaining righteousness and acceptance with God? Why do they do so? Because they are not believing and trusting implicitly in the unalterable, eternal righteousness they already have in Him as a gift. They are believing a lie that says a man’s adherence to codes, rules, regulations, or commandments determines whether or not he is right with God. Has anything changed throughout history? Has not man stubbornly, desperately sought to make himself right either in the eyes of men or in the eyes of God …or both! Can a man truly be saved trusting both in Christ’s work and some degree of his own?
    This is the reason as you stated, but you cary it too far the other way, by saying everyone is saved in your teaching of universalism. Just as many true believers struggle for not relying totally on God, so do you not rely on God to be born-again which causes the false fruit of universalism and misreading God's loving Word.

    Why do you think Paul proclaimed that those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires (Galatians 5:24)? Could it be because the flesh wants to be right? It wants to have a righteousness of its own. It has a passion, a desire, a lusting to have some role in attaining righteousness in lieu of, or in addition to, the work of the Spirit (Gal. 3:1-7; 5:16-17). And to fall into that trap of relying upon the flesh for any contribution toward our righteousness is unbelief, foolishness, and at worst, evidence that maybe we have never given up on ourselves, never come to die that we might have life.

    This is true what you say, but it does not help you solve your specific problem denying God's Word when you claim everyone will be saved in universalism. Extremism is what is keeping you separated from God. Don't deflect.

    Righteousness is a gift for which you do not work, not a wage that you earn.

    Righteousness of the saints is unto rewards for the millennium, whereas the righteousness of Christ is unto salvation to give the saints righteousness as they abide in His loving Word. Here we see substitution as well as co-death.

    Now to the one who works, his wage is not reckoned as a favor but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is reckoned as righteousness (Romans 4:4-5).

    The works of the flesh will not do. The faith flowing from the condition God needs fulfilled is unto righteosness and good works without expectation and due, but the works that do not flow from Christ are works that demand a reward.

    If anyone ever tells you again that you need to get right with God, stand on the truth that you already are right with Him through His Son’s obedience, not yours! I have a dear friend in Christ who reminded me several months ago that in matters pertaining to the object of our faith, Jesus Christ, we cannot separate the person of Christ from His work. In other words, are you trusting in the risen, glorified Savior who justifies the ungodly through simple faith in His already completed work, or are you trusting in the Jesus who taught under the law, demanded that men be perfect, and had not yet fulfilled the work of redemption through the cross? Are you placing your faith in the baby in a manger or the One who was the final sacrifice for sins, the Redeemer, the Reconciler, the Sanctifier, the Giver of Life Eternal?!
    Be careful of men such as Razor, for those onlookers, for they aim to deceive. Let me show you how exactly. Razor, a self-proclaimed universalist, insists all men will be saved. So, he preaches what is called antonimianism, claiming he accepts God's forgiveness of sins and denying the fruit of the Spirit which would be the acceptance of what Jesus said that many will go to hell. Men may claim they have accepted the Lord's redemption and rest on His finished work of the cross, but have they really, for why can then not repent from reject God's Word that there is hell and those unsaved are bound for it? We are left The answer is clear in the way before us, We shall know them by their fruit: "For every tree is known by his own fruit" (Luke 6.44).

    Man will claim Christ for their own, but God says He does not know them for just look at the fruit of what they believe which they will never repent from? What else can God do but cast the sinner into hell to keep him eternally separated from Him?

    Let us be thankful to God that He does this to keep such men as Razor separated from God's children forever.

    In his most recent book, An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith, author and lecturer Dave Hunt says that "to 'believe on the Lord Jesus Christ' (Acts 16:31) includes who He is and what He has done." The Jesus who saves the wicked is the Jesus who has already paid our sin debt in full, has crucified the old vile sinner-man we used to be, has buried you and your sins never to see them or the old you again, has made you a new creation, holy and blameless in His sight, and has seated you securely in heaven in Him! His righteousness is obtained through faith in His works, not yours. And once you have been made right, you cannot do anything to gain or maintain that righteousness. It is a gift, it is His grace, it is His perfect love toward you demonstrated in the cross of Christ.
    This is the substitionary work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Once made right before God through the forgiveness of sins to be presentable to God, God then has a life of overcoming set before you that requires obedience and following the leading of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer unto good works, not of self but in agreement with His will. You can do very much which you could not have done before because what you do now is pleasing to Him. I pray onlookers understand what antonomianism is: it is the claim of acceptance of substitution, yet the fruit does not agree with with that faith; there is is no co-death exhibited in the person, indicating one of two things: (1) the believer, though saved with His life, he shall lose rewards for remaining carnal; or (2) we are dealing with a tare who may try to look like the wheat, but he was never born-again and is using Christendom for his selfish purposes.

    In fact, any man who seeks to work for righteousness will not reach his goal because it can only be acquired through faith in Jesus Christ. Folks, God’s offer of perfect righteousness could not be any simpler yet we have made it so complex. He is telling us not to work for righteousness if you want His! Stop working, stop striving to earn something that, if you are in Christ, you have had since the day He saved you…the gift of righteousness. If, tragically, you choose to work for it, you will never gain it!

    One work of righteousness apart from Christ is claiming all men will be saved, or the going about claiming such a thing as universalism. This is a false work, and this work stems from the evil spirit at the center of Razor's spirit. Though brothers and sisters may struggle in faith, this is not the same thing that is happening with Razor, for Razor is a universalist and no Christian believes universalism. A universalist will go so far as to say do no works in Christ, even accusing the very works God has set for the children of God unto righteousness; yet, these are the righteousness of the saints unto rewards for the millennium. The Christian that abides in His works God sets for him shall receive his reward in heaven. It is true. Let us believe it for it gives glory to God.

    What shall we say then? That Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, attained righteousness, even the righteousness which is by faith; but Israel pursuing a law of righteousness, did not arrive at that law. Why? Because they did not pursue it by faith, but as though it were by works. They stumbled over the stumbling stone, just as it is written, "BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION A STONE OF STUMBLING AND A ROCK OF OFFENSE, AND HE WHO BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED" (Romans 9:30-33)

    Righteousness by faith fulfilling God's condition is the works God longs to see. Israel rejected Christ and tried to perform works, whereas the works of righteousness that flow from the regenerated spirit are works well pleasing to God. Work is not wrong in nature, only in source.

    We need to reject the false and dead works of going around and telling people that everyone is going to be saved so they can become even more sinful without consequence. Can you see how Razor is presently hellbound? Not only does God not know him, but Christians do not know him either, for he is not a member of the body of Christ. How sad for you.

    Those who have trusted in and are solely dependent upon the finished work of Jesus Christ via the cross on their behalf plus nothing are eternally right with God! Perfect performance and perfect obedience will never gain, maintain, or improve your right standing with God. Neither will imperfect performance and imperfect obedience cause you to lose, forfeit, or lessen your right standing before God. It is His performance, His obedience on Calvary’s cross almost 2,000 years ago plus nothing that has provided the gift of righteousness to all who would receive it by faith!

    God never said plus nothing for after substition comes something. Though the believer is eternally secure, he may lose rewards of the millennial kingdom for not abiding in the conduct of Matthew 5-7. In fact, most Christians will not attain this reward. God is perfecting the believer unto perfection, and those believers who choose to remain fleshly shall thus, consequently, lose their rewards in heaven, and not be made ready for the new city until after the millennium has been completed. All Christians have right standing before God, but not all Christians are standing rightly. It is one thing to say you do not know, humbly, but a person who adamantly says something is not true that is, exposes his condition. This is pride, arrogance, which has consequences at Judgment Seat for Christians.

    Not all people accept the cross by faith according to God's will. Hence, hell is in their future. Razor is bound for hell already.

    So how do those who have trusted in the completed work of Christ for salvation "get right" with God? They don’t do anything to get right with Him. Why? Because they already are through faith in the working of God (Col. 2:12, NASB), not themselves! It is the one who does not work but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, (whose) faith is reckoned as righteousness (Rom. 4:5).

    This is not saying to not work, nor does it say the Christian has been perfected. It simply says that Christ is our atoning sacrifice for forgiveness of sins which can not be earned by our own efforts, but only through acceptance of the cross. Believers know they are right with God already. This is not the issue for believers. What believers will struggle with is overcoming in Christ through co-death, so God changes all our members. Some Christians thus shall receive rewards, some shall not. After the millennium, rewards are done away with.

    So what about you? Have you stumbled over the stumbling stone? Have you been trying to add to His perfect righteousness with a dash or two of your own? Have you been working and doing in order to "get right with God?" If so, get up and come to the cross. It’s time to die, that you might have new life. It’s time to be done with trusting in anything you can do to become right with God, and once-and-for-all rely completely on what He has done… once-and-for-all.
    Peace to you Troy
    This is the truth of the atonement of the Son of God. The fruit of this love by Jesus Christ will flow forth to members of the body of Christ, and the acceptance of the words of Christ when He said there is a hell for those who refuse His salvation. Razor refuses His salvation and has not ever come to the cross.

    Peace to you razor, and may you yet come to the cross to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior to know the love of the Lord and the fruit of the Spirit which is truth and peace. Then you will be delivered from the sin of antinomianism and universalism.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by spiritual-qu0tient
    ibig mo sabihin ok lng na magkasala... kase salvation is free?? dba meron sa book of revelation, naka saad. 'we will be judge according to our works':shocked:

    But please, no speaking in tongues here. The tongue is English on this forum.

  8. #8
    Ruah Brit Guest


    There is both the righteousness of the saints and the righteousness of God. God does not make robots. And we are not created "flawed by design", for we were created perfect, made in God's image (Gen. 1.26,27).
    This is a contradiction from where you posted that Christ was born of the Holy Spirit. If Christ needed to be born of the Holy Spirit to not be created flawed. Then who else was born of the Holy Spirit? And what is the flaw of not being born of the Holy Spirit except being conceived in Lust?

    Ruah Brit

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruah Brit
    This is a contradiction from where you posted that Christ was born of the Holy Spirit. If Christ needed to be born of the Holy Spirit to not be created flawed. Then who else was born of the Holy Spirit? And what is the flaw of not being born of the Holy Spirit except being conceived in Lust?

    Ruah Brit
    Jesus is not created. His being born into Mary is not meaning He was created, but that He entered creation, being born, by the Holy Spirit.

    No one else ever broke into creation for only God did this to atone for our sins and to give new life.

    This is not a contradiction, for Jesus is God. The Holy Spirit is the life of Jesus as well as the Father.

    All men are born into sin, except Adam.

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