The reason all the first borns died was not for no reason you assumed. Rather, due to the plagues the wheat was infected and was fed to the firstborns first to keep them alive in this time of starvation due to the plagues. Starvation still happens today. Humans are uncaring to each other so they face the consequences and often the innocent get caught in the crossfire. This is quite unlike you murdering someone and not going to jail for it. Thank God you go to jail for your desire to murder people when you actually do it.

Jews and Christians say we believe in Exodus 12, so we can't distance ourselves from that.

God hardened the heart of the Pharaoh because he already rejected God. Grace does not come upon the Pharaoh. The Bible even says, the Pharaoh hardened his own heart, thus God gives him no grace as his heart hardens further. This is how God hardens the heart of the Pharaoh. The Egyptians enslaved the Jews for 430 years. They were quite reluctant to let them go.

How silly you ask what did the Egyptians do to God? They enslaved His chosen people for 430 years. Now you condone slavery too? Shame on you. Have you no morals at all?

Genocide is what Hitler did. That is quite unlike people dying of infected crops for their sins. Genocide is unjust; God using nature to punish sinners is just. You are like Hitler, because he too made the Jews a human sacrifice. Your killing humans for sacrifice is genocide. Thank God the Jews wiped out those evil nations in Canaan.

There is no greater sin than rejecting God's love in His Son dying on the cross for your sins. He was murdered and you condone it, for you admit you killing people as human sacrifices is good.

You shouldn't take the Lord's name in vain. You'll be judged for that.

My ancestors and your ancestors needed to be born-again, just like you and I.

We Christians know the penalty of sin is death-death physically and death spiritually and the second death which is hell, where you will spend an eternity consciously and bodily aware of your wrong choice.

You're misunderstanding the punishment that is before you. Your punishment is eternal separation from God, because you have decided for yourself you will forever reject God and what His Son did for you on the cross to atone for your sins. Hence the Bible says you are already condemned (John 3.18). You have this one life to decide, but after you die, then comes judgment. The judgment upon you will be an eternity in hell, because that is what you want. Nobody is forcing you. It's your very own choice, and you are without excuse.

You can never depose that which is uncreated. How proud you must be to think you can do that.