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Thread: Back to the Blueprint

  1. #1
    BellaRose1 Guest

    Exclamation Back to the Blueprint

    Back to the Blueprint

    By K A Graaf

    Instead of moving the church forward, I believe we should take it back,
    The church should return to the blueprint, written in the book of Acts!
    Why have we tried to accommodate this present day and age?
    Trying to throw around new ideas to get the world saved.
    Some churches have become so dead and boring- the Spirit is nowhere to be found,
    While others imitate Gods presence with musical hype, rocking it, trying to bring the house down.

    I have stood in many churches and I still haven’t found what I am really looking for,
    I want to see the power of God so real, that I witness things my eyes have never seen before.
    I want to feel the presence of God, so thick that I would be unable to stand on my feet,
    I want to be filled to over flowing, so that rivers of Life flow from within me.

    I want to walk through the doors of the church and not walk out the same,
    I don’t want to go through these religious rituals, which are lifeless and mundane.
    I am tired of the repetitive songs and the empty hearted prayers,
    I am sick of looking at the dull faces and watching the people fall asleep on their chairs.
    I’ve had enough of all the different doctrines and the arguments, over which church is right or wrong,
    We would all come together in unity if we came back to the blueprint’ which we have ignored for far to long.

    Why don’t we see thousands of people coming to Christ each day?
    Why are so many sitting in the pews, defeated, lifeless and unchanged?
    Where is the freedom of the Spirit? Where are the saints walking in victory?
    Where is the joy and the hope amongst a world in despair and misery?
    Why do some of us look like we have nothing to offer?
    Why do some of us even bother going to church at all?
    If we all got back to the blueprint of Acts, there would be people streaming through the church doors.

    Where is the power of God, which was displayed in Acts Chapter two?
    The church should stop, turn around and get back to the real gospel and its truth!
    I don’t want to play church and be involved in these religious games,
    I want to see the power of Gods presence fall upon us and see the lives of people changed!
    I know there is so much more. Jesus said, He is the same yesterday, today and forever,
    Lets take the church back to the blueprint.
    Its time we Christians got our acts together!

    Stop the arguments, the bickering, the judgments and the strife!
    Its time we started to reflect our saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
    I think we should all take the time to give Acts a read,
    Fellowship, Love each other, become unified and spread the message of peace.
    Its time we all woke up and took our heads out of the sand,
    Its time we fell to our knees and seek God; humble ourselves under His mighty hand.
    We should open our eyes and have a good look at a world going to hell and dying around us everyday,
    If we took the church back to Acts, what an impact on this world she would make!

    Has anyone asked the question, what was the book of Acts written for?
    It was suppose to be the blueprint for the church!
    How much longer will it be disregarded and ignored?
    I want to see the wind of the Spirit shake the church walls!
    I want to feel the presence of the Almighty God fall!
    Is it just me that is tired of the fancy lights and entertaining shows,
    Does anyone else want to find this river of life and be saturated by its mighty flow?

    Who wants to see miracles, signs and wonders? Who wants to witness Gods mighty hand?
    I want to see the Spirit sweep across Australia; this spiritually dry and thirsty land.
    I want to see mountains move, I want to see people healed in the street,
    I want to see the lame rise up and stand to their feet.
    I wanted to see the lives of the broken hearted completely restored,
    I want to walk in victory and see the power of a mighty risen Lord!
    Is this just my desire; is there anyone else who wants more of God?
    Is there anyone who wants to see the book of Acts come to life in our day or not?
    If all of you are satisfied with the breadcrumbs we have received,
    Then that’s okay, but a crumb from the bread of Life is not enough for me!
    I know I serve an Almighty, powerful, miracle working God,

    But many have tied His hands because they want to keep their mundane religion and put Him in a box!
    I am not satisfied; I want to see so much more. I want to turn around and go back,
    And witness and experience God like those New Testament believers did, in the book of Acts!

  2. #2
    Stephen Guest


    Blessings to you Bella

    Thanks for your post. I will need to read it again to fully digest the content


  3. #3
    Razor Guest


    Because Jesus was lifted up from the Earth, He will draw ALL men to Himself (John 12:32)

    Now there will be those that try to tell you that the Will of Man is Greater than the Will of God on this matter.

    Who could be foolish enough to think that Gods Will could be thwarted on this matter...


  4. #4
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    Help for Razor,

    To draw all men onto himself means He shall make Himself the center of all things. If you believe and receive you shall be saved. If you do not, hell awaits you.

    Who could be foolish enough to try to thwart God's will on this matter with their own will of their own flesh?

  5. #5
    Razor Guest


    Certainly not me Troy,
    Im quoting straight from the Scriptures on this, you seem to be twisting the Scripture to your own interpretation here.

    Did you know that the Greek tanslation of the Word Draw is Drag...

    It never ceases to amaze me how people who say they are in Jesus, can believe that Man has any say in the matter concerning God Drawing All Men unto himself.

    The scriptures clearly state that God Will Draw all men unto himself, that God will not turn from his purpose, that nothing and nobody will thwart his Will.

    Yet there are those that will argue till they are Blue in the Face that Man has some say in this.... Vanity!

    Man has no more say in the matter than he had a say about weather he would be born into this World...

    So much for the Wisdom of Man....


  6. #6
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    Other verses Jesus says men will go to hell forever. Yet Jesus is not contradicting Himself by saying this. Therefore, this verse is quite clear. Jesus is going to die on the eternal cross which will draw all men to Him. One way or another, all will be resolved on what Jesus did on that cross. Some will go to hell such as yourself, while others will be in the new city and the new earth.

    To draw in Greek is to "to draw, drag off". Some will be dragged off to hell; others will be drawn to God to receive His saving grace and receive increased faith.

    It doesn't amaze me that men want to believe in universalism as though God did not make man in His image to have the choice to receive His grace.

    None will thwart His will. His will is to have heaven come together with earth in the new city, and to separate those such as yourself eternally from Him and His own since He righteously can not and will not annihilate your soul.

    Man has a say, and that say gives glory to God; and God glories in seeing the man make the choice for Him. This is God's design. You are not a zombie. And you are not free to sin now and relish in your false fruit not of God thinking you will be saved anyway. This is your pet teaching. God will never save you if you assume it will happen one day in the future. New birth is for today and salvation is only for those who come to the cross as helpless sinners to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Pretenders, such as yourself, are considered by Jesus to be the tares, which He says He will take the sickle to for the destination of hell.

    Many do not want to believe man is made in God's image with a sovereign will just like God's. There is God's will, there is Satan's will, and there is man's will. Two opposing wills and in the middle is man's will.

  7. #7
    Razor Guest


    Man did not make the Choice Troy.

    It was God who showed us Mercy
    It was God who showed us Love
    It was God who extended his Grace towards Man

    Man had no say in this at all, this was Gods plan from the begining, The Lamb was Slaughtered at the Foundation of the World.

    Get off the Hell preacher Tactics to scare people as well, remember when Christ died on the cross he descended into Sheol and set the spirits in Prison free.

    There is no Hell Troy, there never was, there was only Sheol the place of the Dead,

    God is the correcting Fire in our lives today, your belief in Hell is based on the Mistranslation of the Word Sheol into Hell by translaters who made their own interpretation of the scriputes.

    Read the Book of Job, you will not find Hell mentioned at all in the entire book.
    You also over looked the Pre redemption Ministry of Christ, he only spoke in parables... and then what did he do.... he turned around and paid for the Sins of every man who has or will ever live.

    You see nobody is going to a place called Hell Troy because.......

    All things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself,
    not counting their tresspasses against them (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)

    Now either your tresspasses are going to be held against you, or they are not, Scripture Quite clearly states they ARE NOT....

    Peace to you

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor
    Man did not make the Choice Troy.

    It was God who showed us Mercy
    It was God who showed us Love
    It was God who extended his Grace towards Man
    I did not say man makes the choice, for God made man; God makes or provides or allows the man to choose with his own volition.

    God shows mercy, love and extends His grace towards man, but this does not mean man does not have a sovereign will. They are not mutually exlusive statements. The reason you don't realize this is because you don't know God. God does not make zombies in passivity.

    Man had no say in this at all, this was Gods plan from the begining, The Lamb was Slaughtered at the Foundation of the World.
    God's plan made man in His image to give a man the right to come to the cross. Jesus saves, but man must choose the cross to be saved. You are suffering from the heresies called antinominianism and universalism, but note these heresies God did not bring upon you, but you chose them for yourself. You chose to give into the evil spirits' deceptions. You have no one to blame but you; so you see why God created hell for you.

    Get off the Hell preacher Tactics to scare people as well, remember when Christ died on the cross he descended into Sheol and set the spirits in Prison free.
    Jesus mentioned Hell more than anyone in the Bible. Your issue therefore, is not with me but with your hostility towards Jesus Christ. When Jesus went into Sheol He did not set demonic spirits free, nor was anyone at that point raise to heaven (spirit and soul and body), nor were the unsaved resurrected (which occurs after the millennial kingdom to Great White Throne). Those who are saved will be raised at the 7th trumpet resurrection together (1 Thess. 4.15-17). Your belief is not Christian.

    There is no Hell Troy, there never was, there was only Sheol the place of the Dead,
    There is a Hell, a dimension, which you are bound for. There is Sheol (Hades) the place of rest and timeless unawares; there is Hell where you are going; and there is heaven and earth which will come together after the millennium. Why does this offend you so much? Is it not obvious yet?

    God is the correcting Fire in our lives today, your belief in Hell is based on the Mistranslation of the Word Sheol into Hell by translaters who made their own interpretation of the scriputes.
    Hell is the correcting fire. Even brothers and sisters in Christ who hold onto false works and sin, will have their works burnt off by the fire of hell at Judgment Seat (before the millennial kingdom begins). Showing further your confusion, you bearing false witness thinking I think that Sheol is Hell. It is not. There are 3 parts to creation: Sheol, universe, and heaven for the saved or hell for the unsaved.

    Read the Book of Job, you will not find Hell mentioned at all in the entire book.
    As a legalist, like a bad lawyer, you need a particular word in a particular spot to believe it. But you don't dictate to God what is. God's word is given just as it is to understand just as He wants to be understood.

    In the very first chapter you already see allusions to hellfire,

    "While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee" (Job 1.16).

    This fire of God is the fire from hell. God uses hell in various ways do His will. Many do not have faith to believe this. Your problem is you read with your head, not your spirit.

    You also over looked the Pre redemption Ministry of Christ, he only spoke in parables... and then what did he do.... he turned around and paid for the Sins of every man who has or will ever live.
    The cross is eternal. Jesus died for all men, though not all men, such as yourself, do not accept the cross, but preach another gospel. The gospel does not exclude hell for salvation is rejected leads to hell. The foreknowledge of God foreknew the cross, and He foreknows whom will choose His life so that He then gives the gift of eternal life. All is foreknown in the eyes of God. But this is not pre-redemption for Jesus did not enter into creation until about 2000 years ago. Your problem is you don't trust in the redemption of Jesus Christ, so you have made your own gospel which preaches that all will come to Christ, but God says, many will never accept Him, so this is why He created a Hell to keep them such as yourself eternall separated from His and His own.

    You see nobody is going to a place called Hell Troy because.......
    You can see you are going to hell.

    All things are from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not counting their tresspasses against them (2 Corinthians 5:18-19)

    The "us" spoken of here refers to Christians: "hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation". The unsaved, such as yourself, do not have this ministry. You still yet need to come to the cross as a helpless sinner to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You may never receive the risen Lord. Hell, therefore, awaits. God not imputting imputting trespasses unto them, has commited on some "the word of reconciliation" because only some come to the cross authentically as God requires. There are many pretenders and fakse such as yourself who try to make themselves in the sphere of the kingdom, but you are pretentious and without the love of the Lord in your life. How sad for you.

    Now either your tresspasses are going to be held against you, or they are not, Scripture Quite clearly states they ARE NOT....Peace to you

    Scripture quite clearly states, your trespasses are not held against you, if you accept Jesus (John 3.16,18). It like an employee who is sick and his co-worker picks up the slack. But the employee who is sick, if he chooses never to come to work (choosing the cross) after falling into sickness to reap the benefits of that work that his co-worker did for him in his stead, then the employee shall fail and never receive the promotion of salvation. This is where you are at, misconstruing Christ in our stead forgiving the sins of the world; if you don't accept truly His free gift, you certainly will never receive eternal life and being able to do works that pleases the Lord.

    This is your choice which God gives to you making you in His image. It gives glory to God to allow you to choose Hell as you do so fervently. Otherwise, you would not be made in the image of God, but be merely a robot or a machines, lifeless and cold. Such a belief is a copout.

    We must, therefore, conclude, you are just too selfish to give your life to Christ for you reject the words of Christ speaking on hell by allowing the evil spirits to completely block out your mind and spirit from the truth.

  9. #9
    BellaRose1 Guest

    Default can i say something guys???

    Gee, boys! this is getting a bit heated... I just wrote a poem about getting back to the blueprint.. The book of Acts!
    Let me just say.........By this ALL men shall know that you are my disciples IF you have LOVE for oneanother.
    I dont think anyone can judge a persons heart OR be the one to say someone is going to Hell.....Anyone who is not born again and cleansed by the blood of Jesus from sin, if someone doesn't live His or Her life serving God and Love Him, and if they don't REALLY KNOW HIM and have just followed religiously the laws of men ... they will most definatley be judged and thrown into the lake of fire!
    I do believe there is a place of torment...because Jesus says there is a place of weeping and nashing of teeth in the gospels. You got to know something..if you are weeping and nashing ya teeth!!
    People who believe you just go to a place where you know nothing and die like a dog are in for a rude shock!
    Some will wake to everlasting jugdement and be thrown into the lake of fire
    Some will wake to everlasting life! i know what i want to wake too!!
    Razor & Troy.......the most important thing is that WE know WE are RIGHT with the Lord & that WE KNOW HIM... and by doing this...we cant help but tell others of how awesome and wonderful our JESUS is!!
    Christians should make a practice of searching their own hearts more......... instead of digging out the sin in other peoples hearts
    It is God who is the judge of our thoughts, intentions and the true motivation of our hearts
    God bless you guys;)
    Your Aussie sis in Christ

  10. #10
    Razor Guest


    We do not want things to get heated, we are just going to have to agree to disagree.

    We all know my belief, and that is states in Scripture, and that is God is Soveriegn of All.

    That Christ was sent as a Ransom for all, not just the few, that believe, because God will Draw/Drag all men unto himself in the end.

    Why, because God is about reconciliation and Love, not a Vengefull God.

    After all is said and done... every knee shall bend at the sound of the name of Jesus, including Satans, who then shall be found not to be a believer!

    Peace to you all

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