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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by BellaRose1
    I dont think anyone can judge a persons heart OR be the one to say someone is going to Hell
    God has not given you a spirit of discernment to know when someone is going to Hell. He must have done this for good reason.

    This is what Islam teaches, you can't discern or receive such revelation from their god, but Christians are shown quite often who is hellbound and who is not; who is cast out of the church and who is not. Your passivity has chosen to deny this revelation from God.

    I for one do not judge, but I do disclose what the Holy Spirit reveals, which is pleasing to God.

    I do believe there is a place of torment...because Jesus says there is a place of weeping and nashing of teeth in the gospels. You got to know something..if you are weeping and nashing ya teeth!!
    You are mistaken in using this verse as justification for a hell, for the weeping and nashing of teeth is also for Christians who do not overcome in Christ, but this weeping and nashing of teeth is not in hell, but it is called outer darkness, a loss of rewards for believers outside the light of rewards of reigning with Christ. Weeping is sorrow and nashing is regret.

    Understand this.

    Some will wake to everlasting jugdement and be thrown into the lake of fire
    It is true.

    Razor & Troy.......the most important thing is that WE know WE are RIGHT with the Lord & that WE KNOW HIM.
    I do not make your mistake overassuming Razor is a Christian when you said "we". Be humble in your assumptions.

    Christians should make a practice of searching their own hearts more......... instead of digging out the sin in other peoples hearts
    It is God who is the judge of our thoughts, intentions and the true motivation of our hearts God bless you guys Your Aussie sis in Christ
    A Christian should also stand on the truth when shown. If you have not been shown something, you should not judge falsely in your lack of revelation given from God. Again, you need humility and grace from God.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor
    We do not want things to get heated, we are just going to have to agree to disagree.

    We all know my belief, and that is states in Scripture, and that is God is Soveriegn of All.
    This does not mean Jesus is a liar when He spoke of hell.

    That Christ was sent as a Ransom for all, not just the few, that believe, because God will Draw/Drag all men unto himself in the end.
    God will drag men to hell and draw believers. Can you sense yourself kicking in screaming? It is very apparent.

    Why, because God is about reconciliation and Love, not a Vengefull God.
    This still does not help you in denying your eternal separation form God by claiming there is no Hell. I love God that He does this for there can be no sinners in the new city and the new earth, no contact with those who are the unsaved.

    After all is said and done... every knee shall bend at the sound of the name of Jesus, including Satans, who then shall be found not to be a believer! Peace to you all
    Not every knee shall bow, for not everyone is saved, but certainly at Great White Throne many such as yourself will be made to be prostrated before the Lord, judged and thrown into the lake of fire for all eternity. How sad for you. Praise God for His righteousness.

  3. #13
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    Default BellaRose1 oddities

    I knew there was something odd about BellaRose1 in promoting her poetry. This person was producing poems, promoting her book, and claimed to be in Christ, but her profile has since been changed, not by me, to say "not sure" about the atonement of Christ; and her statement of faith reads simply "I". She/he was inspired by someone (saint, saint2, saint3) who posted over 100 duplicate posts showing extreme reviling and hostility. I am recording this here so it is not forgotten.

    This is very strange. People do the weirdest things. Can there be any doubt why these two people in their hate posts (mostly deleted) need to be banned for being so hostile and reviling? What is wrong with such people that they would hate this much?

    The answer always is that they have read something here that exposes what they believe so instead of repenting they attack the person who discloses that truth. For example, the questionnaire at registration does exactly that. And so do the 5 basic teachings,

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