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Thread: What is abnormal for the Church?

  1. #1
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    Default What is abnormal for the Church?

    After a Christian gets saved, there is a problem of consecration. Due to the lack of seeing what the normal church is, consecration also lacks because the life we have in Christ is a body life. If the body life is not present, then there will be little motivation for consecration.

    We should not seek personal edification ahead of the body coordination. If we see this fact, then as soon as others are saved, they will instantly commit themselves to the Church.

    If there are enough brothers and sisters standing on the complete ground of God's redemptive design, namely, substitution, co-crucifixion of the old-man, sanctification by faith, the inner life of the spirit, spiritual warfare, kingdom reality and its manifestation, sojourners in heavenly calling (holding no hope for the world)....then the local expression of the Church will have authority to witness for the Lord and bring people into right standing on the first day of their salvation.

  2. #2
    Razor Guest


    The only problem with this is... that Church attendance trends are showing a move away from the churches in America as an example.

    Surveys have shown that while a lot of people believe in God they have had their fill of listening to hell preachers in Churches.
    They just do not believe that a Loving God is going to condemn most of his creation to Hell.

    They are correct in this belief as well, bear in mind it is easy to over look that God himself has always been in control and is directing this trend himself.

    Remember Jesus said that your body is the Temple, that you choose which spirit dwells therin.

    Church should be a place where people meet to discuss the Good News of the Gospel, which is the Universal Salvation of Man Kind.... but the Church is not that way today.

    Today the Church tries to hold the congregation in a fear based bondage, to keep the collection plate money rolling in, or basicly they are out of a job with no income living on the street.... Like Jesus did when he preached the Gospel.

    Just imagine if the Churches preached the Truth of the Gospel, about the corrective work of the one man in Jesus Christ... because non of us could ever attain that righteousness..... about Gods plan for the Universal Salvation of Man kind because of the actions and deeds of Jesus Christ..... My Goodness, the Churches would be filled to over flowing with people lined up on the streets outside.

    It is the sort of Good News that make you want to Shout it from the Roof tops eh!

    Peace to you

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor
    The only problem with this is... that Church attendance trends are showing a move away from the churches in America as an example.
    Understand how your response is belligerent and obstinate which is not a fruit of the Spirit. I had said, "Due to the lack of seeing what the normal church...", then you respond with "the only problem with this is...". What I stated indicates the problem, then you respond with saying there is a problem with this revelation. There is no problem with the revelation, but the problem does exist with your not recognizing this problem since the very reason you cited "a move away from the churches in America" agrees with what I have said, so why sin bearing false witness?

    The reason for the move away from the churches in America as you state, is because of the flesh, rejecting the teachings of Jesus on Hell, and because for those who are in the Church, who want a more spiritual life, they are not fond of denominational divisions. There is two aspects to this.

    Surveys have shown that while a lot of people believe in God they have had their fill of listening to hell preachers in Churches.
    Many people are not saved not wanting to believe what Jesus said about Hell. Many Christians too remain fleshly and shall lose their rewards. And still other believers, are moving away from dividing the church falsely by denominations. There are several things going on here at once.

    They just do not believe that a Loving God is going to condemn most of his creation to Hell.
    Many do not want to accept the truth of the teachings of Jesus, because they prefer to live in their emotion and forsake the spirit life. This is nothing new under the sun. And many are deceived.

    They are correct in this belief as well, bear in mind it is easy to over look that God himself has always been in control and is directing this trend himself.
    I would not overassume so many people believe this, for you do not believe this, nor do you believe the control God employs with the use of Hell to keep you eternally separated from His own.

    Remember Jesus said that your body is the Temple, that you choose which spirit dwells therin.
    You have chosen. Remember this.

    Church should be a place where people meet to discuss the Good News of the Gospel, which is the Universal Salvation of Man Kind.... but the Church is not that way today.
    The Church never claimed the universal salvation of mankind, meaning all will be saved. Rather, God's way is to provide a universal salvation for those that receive Him and He graces with His life.

    Today the Church tries to hold the congregation in a fear based bondage, to keep the collection plate money rolling in, or basicly they are out of a job with no income living on the street.... Like Jesus did when he preached the Gospel.
    Despite the unrighteous motivations of many in Christendom, it does not change the fact that God will be placing those such as yourself in Hell who deny the teachings of Jesus on Hell. Many will speak of Jesus, but they don't accept what He says. There are false prophets, false Christs. May brothers and sisters not be deceived by those possessed by antinomianism and universalism. Those so possessed have a seared conscience and most of which were never born-again. This is why they can't appreciate when Jesus spoke about eternal separation from God.

    Just imagine if the Churches preached the Truth of the Gospel, about the corrective work of the one man in Jesus Christ... because non of us could ever attain that righteousness..... about Gods plan for the Universal Salvation of Man kind because of the actions and deeds of Jesus Christ..... My Goodness, the Churches would be filled to over flowing with people lined up on the streets outside.
    The churches do teach the work of one man Jesus Christ. To accuse the church of not doing this, is your sin against the church. Praise God the church does not teach that everyone is going to be saved for that is a lie, and it is not unlike reincarnation, endless second chances. Praise God the church is not overflowing as much as it would be with this false teaching for it would then be no better than the world living such a lie.

    It is the sort of Good News that make you want to Shout it from the Roof tops eh! Peace to you
    This is not the Good News claiming everyone is saved or going to be saved or calling Jesus a liar when Jesus spoke of Hell more than anyone. This is the devil's brew.

    May you yet receive Christ into your life and receive the fruit of the Spirit of peace.

    Praise the Lord!

  4. #4
    Razor Guest


    To be honest, everything about your Web Site indicates to me that you are trying to create some new denomination of your own dividing the Church even further.

    I have yet to find anything on your website that would indicate to me, that you are even preaching the Gospel of Grace here.
    I am not about to condemn you for this, I am nobodys Judge, but as a follower of Jesus Christ it does disturb me ....

    It is my hope you will not be held accountable for this.

    Peace to you

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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor
    To be honest, everything about your Web Site indicates to me that you are trying to create some new denomination of your own dividing the Church even further.
    Nothing you say specifically would indicate this, so why accuse like Satan the great accuser and try to sin bearing false witness so coyly? I have told the truth, particularly the only way God divides the church is according to Biblical locality found in agreement here,

    Your attacks come because you are a universalist non-Christian and can sense I see your unsalvation as revealed by the Holy Spirit.

    I have yet to find anything on your website that would indicate to me, that you are even preaching the Gospel of Grace here.
    I am not about to condemn you for this, I am nobodys Judge, but as a follower of Jesus Christ it does disturb me ....
    Your accusations unfounded are expected for you are not a Christian and so you allege many things without basis. Many who claim Christ are not actually born-again. This is easy to see you are going to hell for you call Jesus a liar when Jesus spoke of hell more than any other in the Bible.

    Vague accusations are the tool of the devil. This page will help you come to Christ to receive His atonement (John 3.16,18) if you are repentant in coming to the cross,

    It is my hope you will not be held accountable for this.
    Peace to you
    It is my hope that you one day come to Christ and stop calling Jesus a liar when He spoke on hell.

    Mat 23:33 [Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? Mar 9:45 the fire that never shall be quenched:

    God will not judge me for accepting His salvation. He forgave me. He will not forgive you for calling His Son a liar. This is blaspheming the Holy Spirit for the life of the Son is the Spirit for it is the Son spoke forth on eternal separation from God whom you reject.

    I know God will hold you accountable for your rejecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ for another. According to John 3.18 you are already condemend.

    Here is a link to help you with your thoughts which revile Jesus Christ words on Hell under your breath.

  6. #6
    Razor Guest


    The Gospel of Grace for the Gentiles was given to Paul on the road to Damascus by Jesus, in no uncetain fashion.
    God even struck Saul Blind to get accross to him that the will of Jesus was the will of God case closed.

    Not only did Jesus Give Paul this wonderfull revelation, Paul was Chosen because of WHO he was.

    Who was Paul..... he was Saul of Tarsas, he was commissioned to hunt down and persucute this new Jesus following sect called Christians.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor
    The Gospel of Grace for the Gentiles was given to Paul on the road to Damascus by Jesus, in no uncetain fashion.
    God even struck Saul Blind to get accross to him that the will of Jesus was the will of God case closed.

    Not only did Jesus Give Paul this wonderfull revelation, Paul was Chosen because of WHO he was.

    Who was Paul..... he was Saul of Tarsas, he was commissioned to hunt down and persucute this new Jesus following sect called Christians.
    Paul humbly chose and that is why God saved Paul. Paul could have fought and kicked all the way still refusing God, but he did not. He gave in. He succumbed to the will of the Lord. God chose Paul because Paul was the one whom God foreknew would repent to receive the cross. And Paul was a great testimony of one who turned from his attack on Christians. What a complete turn of events! What is impossible with men is possible with God.

    Now that said, how does this help stop you on your road to perdition? For you still call Jesus a liar, rejecting His gospel, when Jesus was adamant about hell is not only needed but necessary for souls such as yourself whose false fruit claims everyone will be saved. The Gospel says nothing of the kind. The very reason for the Gospel is because of man's sin leading to death and the second death. so those who shall receive Him, He gives His life to by the power of the eterrnal cross.

    Refusing Christ begets this fantasy universalism as sin begets sin and selfish self-servingness begets more. It shows you have no relationship with God at all and are just playing pretend in your party spirit of whom you engorge yourself with the company you keep in this lie. Your spirit is utterly dead to God with its conscience as dull as can be.

  8. #8
    Razor Guest


    Saul was not in prayer contemplating accepting Jesus into is his life on the road to Damascus that day.
    He had heard new reports about another Jesus following Christian Sect in the Damascus area, he was out to persecute this Christian Group.

    Now according to your version of religion Troy, Saul should be going to an ever lasting Hell..... but he did not.


    The revelation of the gospel of the grace of God given directly to the apostle Paul by the risen Christ is the gospel in which you and I now stand. It is radical, practical, and biblical. It is radical because it declares that God has already reconciled the entire world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19), that He will make the same "many" who were sinners in Adam righteous in Christ (Romans 5:19), and that He will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the be testified in due time (1 Timothy 2:4-6). These spiritual blessings, and all others that mankind will enjoy, are a result of the Person and work of Jesus Christ plus nothing.

    The Risen Christ Troy,

    Not the Pre redemption ministry to the Jews.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Razor
    Saul was not in prayer contemplating accepting Jesus into is his life on the road to Damascus that day.
    He had heard new reports about another Jesus following Christian Sect in the Damascus area, he was out to persecute this Christian Group.
    The power of choice of the will being made in God's image which is giving man his own sovereigny can choose anything in a heartbeat. It is not for you to know how exactly, but the fact remains, it is so, which glorifies God. A choice may or may be preceded by prayer or even contemplation of Jesus. One second a person may not be thinking of Jesus at all, and then next, wholly give his life to Jesus because of the instant realization that vanity of the world is futile and that it all ends in Christ. It must!

    Another example of the power of choice is a man or woman in some remote region of the world who never heard of Jesus one minute could believe there is no God, and the next minute give his life to God, not even knowing of Jesus and the Bible. But surely once believing, if shown the Word he would agree as well with the Word.

    Now according to your version of religion Troy, Saul should be going to an ever lasting Hell..... but he did not.
    Saul chose God because he accepted God's drawing, and God foreknowing this, chose Paul. According to this, why sin bearing false witness claiming Saul should go to Hell, when we see Paul chose God to receive God's saving grace?

    It is true.

    The revelation of the gospel of the grace of God given directly to the apostle Paul by the risen Christ is the gospel in which you and I now stand. It is radical, practical, and biblical. It is radical because it declares that God has already reconciled the entire world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19), that He will make the same "many" who were sinners in Adam righteous in Christ (Romans 5:19), and that He will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the be testified in due time (1 Timothy 2:4-6). These spiritual blessings, and all others that mankind will enjoy, are a result of the Person and work of Jesus Christ plus nothing.
    God has reconciled the world to Himself through Christ. All is in motion because of Christ. A legalists may think this means God is going to save everyone, but it is not the case at all, just their headiness. How the soul is deceived in its ideas. Rom 5.19 says, "shall many be made righteous", not ALL will be.

    1 Tim 2.4-6 does not say all men will be saved; it is says God wished it would be the case if all men would, but of course, not all men do. You don't, for you think in your false fruit not of God that all men will be saved and call Jesus a liar when Jesus spoke on eternal separation in hell more than anyone in the Bible. How loving God speaks this way in Christ. What a loving warning! God does all that He can to convince you not to go to hell, but still you insist on going there. So be it. Even God won't stop you if hat is what you want!

    Razor you will not receive the gift of eternal life because you don't want it. God's way is Christ's substitution plus identification. Not only do you say identification in co-death with Christ is nothing, you also reject His substitution because to call Jesus a liar about His addressing Hell, is rejecting His substition. Ergo, God has not forgiven you. You are unforgiven and hell awaits you.

    The Risen Christ Troy,
    Sinning bearing false witness. Be careful how you put your words together.

    Not the Pre redemption ministry to the Jews.

    Israel is the first nation God revealed Himself to, why does this offend you so much? As they looked to the cross, we who are in Christ look back at the cross. You can not have resurrection life if you have not died with Christ.

    The fruit of the Spirit is peace in a life in Christ. Since you are not in Christ, you are without the fruit of the Spirit. There can be no peace in you as long as you call Jesus a liar when he mentions hell more than any other in the Scriptures. How sad for you.

  10. #10
    Razor Guest


    To this very Day Troy, Israel still celebrates all the old Testament ritual worshipping of God..... because they are a Proud people, they refuse to recognise Jesus as the Messiah.
    Even as they did thousands of years ago when they mob screamed for Barabas to be Freed and Christ to be crucified.
    To this very day Judaism still preaches that the Lord God is One and that followers of Jesus stole his body in the night, and that Jesus did not rise from the dead.

    Let me give you an insight into just how proud the Jews are Troy.... about how they are Gods own people.

    The reason Jesus spoke of Hell so much as he preached the Gospel to the Jews, is because Jesus was alive then walking amongst men, he had not yet attoned for the Sins of all men (not just the Jews) on the Cross.

    So here we have Jesus teaching Men to be perfect under the Law, specificately the Jews, now do you think Jesus had the effect on them that they would then live perfect lives under the Law......especially in light of the incident where Jesus turned around and declared to them.....


    Only one person was ever going to be able to live up to the Righteouse requirements of the Law Troy.... then and now.... and that was Jesus.

    Then of course Jesus finaly had the effect that was foretold on the Jews, and they had him put to Death by the Romans for Blasphemy.
    However in doing so the Bible Phopesy of the Sacrafical Lamb being sent to the slaughter for the Remission of Sin was full filled.

    Now we move down the time line to the first Century AD.
    Saul of Tarsus is on the road to Damascus, he was responding to a report of a Christian group active in Damascus, his intention was to hunt them down and SLAY them..... put them to the Sword.
    SAUL was Deep Deep in Unbelief !

    On the Road to Damascus that Day God struck Saul Blind, and Jesus said to SAUL...... Saul why do you persecute me....

    There is no instance where Saul was contemplating anything but the annihlation of these Jesus following sects.....

    God bent Saul to his Will, but he did it with Grace, and the reason God chose Saul, was because of WHO he was... so that others would know, that nobody will be lost to God!
    Not even those who persecute the Faith....

    I believe the Lord chose wisely, you can bet Saul did not choose this course of action... we can see that God had to strike him blind to put a stop to Saul to begin with...

    Now look at the wonderfull revalation Jesus gave to Saul as he changed him into the Apostle Paul.

    What Awesome revalations too... about how righteousnes is by Faith and not by Works lest any man should Boast.

    Note how Paul spends the first 7 chapters tearing down any pillar of hope a man has of attaining right standing before God via his own actions and deeds.... he had too Troy because of the proud Jews..... then he opens chapter 8 speaking about the Grace in Abundance with Christ Jesus.

    Now lets put the Puzzel together, you said before I was offended by Jews... not at all.... one day all men who have or will ever live, will be Israelites!

    Now we have modern Israel, and even though Judasim is still preached, many Jews are no longer Orthodox and are turning to Christ because thay are unable to live up to his teaching about how men where to be perfect under the Law.

    The Gospel of Grace given to Paul by the Glorified Risen Christ on the road to Damascus, tells us directly from Jesus that Righteousness is a Gift not a wage you can earn, that righteousness is by Faith not by works.

    That the sins of the World have already been disposed of on the Cross, that God wills that all men be saved, that nothing now seperates man kind from the Love of God.

    God has well and truly shown his intentions to save all, and he has the power to do this and we know his will cannot be thwarted by anybody or anything, those that still refuse to believe will be bent to Gods will in the same way Paul was... with Grace!


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