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Thread: Barack Hussein Obama and King William V

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    Default Barack Hussein Obama and King William V

    This is proof Barack Obama is a murderer,

    Thank God for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

    Birth begins at conception.

  2. #2
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    Barack is a secret Muslim. He was a Muslim before he became a pretend Christian and still remains Muslim otherwise he suffers the death penalty under Islam if he leaves his faith. His wife is an outspoken Muslim. Islam wants to rule the world. If United States elects Obama they have nobody to blame but themselves for what is to come next.

    The Bible teaches that there are many false Christians such as Obama. I believe George W. Bush is a Christian though I don't believe he is a spiritual Christian.

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    Barack's wife said she thinks it is highly possible that an assassination attempt on Barack could happen, but she won't worry about it. Islam is going to destroy United States from within and Barack use to be a Muslim, thus he probably still is.

    If Barack (6) Hussein (7) Obama (5), has the number of Neron Kaisar (666) in Aramaic for the Antichrist, then an attack on his life will take place. It will appear as though he has died, but he will miraculously recover as the Antichrist. The forerunner dies, then is resuscitated somehow. The False Prophet, which is the second beast (possibly Oprah Winfrey), will create an image of the first beast (Antichrist), and like a robot it will be able to speak.

    Just something to consider. It is not absolute certainty if he is the Antichrist or not, so let us be watchful and see if we can gather any additional clues. Maybe Barack will get a job working for the European Union and become its president. 3 of the little horns will be replaced by the Antichrist in the 7 headed beast with 10 horns. We are talking about the G-7 countries and the G-10 Bankers as well as the city with 7 hills which is Rome where it is centered, both political Rome (Revelation 18) and religious Rome (Revelation 17).

    The Antichrist will promote chastity.

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    Barack is conflicted. If he is a Christian and his most important advice he takes from is his wife who is a Muslim, how does he balance the fact that as Muslim, his wife is going to Hell, and as a Muslim, she believes Barack is going to Hell? It just sounds twisted to me. What makes more sense to me is Barack is in fact a secret Muslim, because he use to say once upon a time that he was a Muslim, but in government that doesn't fly well, so he changed his tune for the sake of appearances. Doesn't Islam want to destroy United States from within? If Barack gets elected, the American people have nobody to blame but themselves for electing him and experiencing what comes next under his presidency. God help us all. The fact that Obama is leading in the polls tells me that the American public are such a fallen people, their hearts have turned so far away from God that they would elect Obama.

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    Barack mocks the Bible,

    Barack said Leviticus is wrong for slavery, Deuteronomy was wrong for stoning and Matthew is wrong for the Sermon on the Mount which were Jesus' own words.

    What is the truth of his mistaken assumptions? God was against the enslavement of Israel for 430 years. Stoning was part of the old covenant matching the extreme sinfulness of people. And whether Barack likes it or not the events on the Sermon on the Mount have happened in part already, still going on and disclose the specific events in the coming Tribulation.

    There is nothing Barack can do about it in going against God's Word, but we should still try to stop terrorism.

  6. #6
    tomvale13 Guest


    Jesus actually condemns those who condemn others and told us NOT TO JUDGE OTHERS (Matt 7:1 – 5).

    Also, whats with the hate in here? Sure seems like fanatic racism.

    I thought Christianity was about positive things.

    Proof that Obama is a muslim please?

    Proof that his tax plans did not involve TAXING the wealthy and giving the lower and middle class the tax breaks?

    - Endeavouring to level the playing field, for sane people everywhere not wanting to be subjected to this toxic vitriol.

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    Mat 7:1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. Mat 7:2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you. Mat 7:3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Mat 7:4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me cast out the mote out of thine eye; and lo, the beam is in thine own eye? Mat 7:5 Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

    As the Bible says, you shall be judged for that which you judge by and shall be measured unto you. Whereas Christians are not judged because we don't have your same problem. The Bible is totally against sinning bearing false witness, so you accuse of hate when the truth was told. You are only projecting your own hatred and your own fanatic racism. Who are you being racist for? How is this positive of you reflecting your own faith in atheism, calling Jesus and God a liar? The proof Obama is not a Christian was already given which you couldn't find fault with in that video. Furthermore, it is an intelligent guess he is still a Muslim as he once was and gives us the clue, he said the most important advice he receives is from a Muslim. Whatever kind of tax breaks he gives to get elected doesn't nullify these problems he possesses in his hostility to the Bible, specifically, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Matthew he mentions. Such behavior is not sane, nor is it a level playing field of people being honest with one another about their actual faith is and his vitriol to God's Word. With the debt/gdp at 400% in United States even higher than 260% during the 1930's depression, is it really wise to be giving everyone tax breaks with money the government doesn't have? That will destroy the currency and not honestly pay back what was borrowed.

  8. #8
    tomvale13 Guest


    You are only projecting your own hatred and your own fanatic racism.

    Furthermore, it is an intelligent guess he is still a Muslim
    Furthermore, this forum astounds me - the world needs to be made aware of your backwards thinking.

    This is my ONLY problem with religion, people like you.

    Enjoy wasting your entire life, I'll be enjoying mine.

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    Backward thinking is atheism (in your profile), since nothing in nature happens all by itself, therefore the universe can't cause itself. How absurd! Muslims say Jesus didn't die on the cross. That's a lie without any evidence to support their claim six centuries later. The desire of Islam is to wipe off the face of the earth Israel since this is the first nation God revealed Himself to. Islam wants to rule the planet. Can't you see this is just their way of rejecting God in Christ? Aren't you being backward by clinging to unsubstantiated claims? Did Jesus waste His life? Of course not. You are wasting your life lost in the world, remaining unsaved, and bound for Hell. There is no greater waste than this. Just realize that there is no greater joy in serving the Lord whatever He has apportioned for us. Can you be so selfless to accept what Jesus did for you on the cross? There is no real joy in clinging to your self-life. The reason why people like you don't like people like us is because you are antichrist, going to Hell. That is all. As Jesus said, as He was treated so we who are in Him will be. Please let people know about the forward thinking here as we are in the Laodicean last church period of "differing opinions" and we hold here to the 5 deeper truths of Christianity.

  10. #10
    tomvale13 Guest


    So Christians can 'intelligently guess' while for the rest of us it's 'lying'?

    good work.

    I guess you'd call your stance on physics 'Intelligently Ignoring' all the evidence and findings.

    Stop thinking you're better than everyone else due to your beliefs, please try and be open minded.

    I have many religous friends who decry the behaviour I am seeing here, these people are all kind, loving souls who do not share your allegiance with outright stupour.

    I'm going to purely observe from this point because, as it is true with stupid people is true with yourself,

    I cannot argue with the blindly ignorant - you'll drag me down to your level and beat me with experience.

    Please revoke my posting access and consider removing read only access for guests as it will do your faiths image no good to have this forum readily accessible to other cynics.

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