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Thread: The Creation testifies for God.

  1. #1
    Simon Guest

    Default The Creation testifies for God.

    I would want to say a few things which naturally testify for God. There are two things which are a spontaneous law of His testimony. Perhaps today there seems to be a big question to solve on the side of Man as to whether God exists. But such a question doesn’t exist for it is brought up by man’s curiosity and disobedience and not that there are no facts that God He Himself has put that which will show His nature forth. One thing is certain no brain works or research can prove the existence of God. God himself must testify for His existence otherwise we have no way of knowing Him whatsoever. Even all those who seek to get patches of research and other documented results of fallen mans curiosity and use them to show or prove Gods existence are at risk of not representing Him enough. Therefore we conclude that God must testify for Himself. He must say who He is and then we can know Him. He must reveal Himself otherwise we are stuck. The other point is that we must believe who He says He is and nothing more.

    Going into the pieces of creation in the name of searching for evidence for God is Like looking for a certain specific sand particle in vast sandy area, yet there is way that God has shown Himself forth in a way that can understood by the simplest person on earth and He expects even the brainy and the most enquiring to forsake his enquiry and go the same way of simplicity. Certainly being God He must make Himself known otherwise we cannot know Him. God has revealed Himself in His word, in the Bible. His creation speaks for Him and the conscience in man speaks for God’s demand on man, the prime creature in his creation made according to His image. There is a spontaneous claim in man that he is not for himself.

  2. #2
    gluadys Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Simon
    Going into the pieces of creation in the name of searching for evidence for God is Like looking for a certain specific sand particle in vast sandy area, yet there is way that God has shown Himself forth in a way that can understood by the simplest person on earth and He expects even the brainy and the most enquiring to forsake his enquiry and go the same way of simplicity. Certainly being God He must make Himself known otherwise we cannot know Him.

    God has revealed Himself in His word, in the Bible. His creation speaks for Him and the conscience in man speaks for God’s demand on man, the prime creature in his creation made according to His image. There is a spontaneous claim in man that he is not for himself.
    I am so glad to see that you agree with a long-standing belief of my own--namely that God's creation speaks for Him. Along with the Bible and conscience.

    There are so many Christians today that reject this plain teaching in the name of "sola Scriptura". And that was most certainly not the intention of the Reformers.

    I am disappointed however, that your list of the ways in which God has revealed himself does not include the most important revelation of all: namely his revelation of himself in the Word of God made flesh, Jesus of Nazareth.

  3. #3
    Simon Guest


    Hi gluadysDo not be disappointed for even if what you state is not listed directly, it is for sure indirectly referred to, and furthermore it is obvious though we may not assume but state it out, its nice that you have stressed the need to have it emphasised. For sure God reveals Himself fully to man in His Son Jesus Christ who then comes to man in the Person of the Holy spirit. This tremendous union of testimony is clearly shown in the gospel of john chapter 14 to 17. Even more emphasized in these verses from the epistle of 1 John 5:7-8 " For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one."

  4. #4
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    It is good to state directly. Do you realize you sinned bearing false witness against Simon? I am sure you did.

    Simon wrote, "God has revealed Himself in His word, in the Bible", and you responded with "I am disappointed however, that your list of the ways in which God has revealed himself does not include the most important revelation of all: namely his revelation of himself in the Word of God made flesh, Jesus of Nazareth". Does not the Word of God the Bible, show forth Jesus in the flesh in the words of Christ and testimony of His works? Your disappointment, a pride in something false, is not a response in accordance with a reaction concurring with the Holy Spirit.

  5. #5
    gluadys Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Troy

    It is good to state directly. Do you realize you sinned bearing false witness against Simon? I am sure you did.

    Simon wrote, "God has revealed Himself in His word, in the Bible", and you responded with "I am disappointed however, that your list of the ways in which God has revealed himself does not include the most important revelation of all: namely his revelation of himself in the Word of God made flesh, Jesus of Nazareth". Does not the Word of God the Bible, show forth Jesus in the flesh in the words of Christ and testimony of His works? Your disappointment, a pride in something false, is not a response in accordance with a reaction concurring with the Holy Spirit.
    No, I didn't bear false witness against Simon and I am puzzled at this unfounded accusation. Simon did not mention the incarnation of the Word, and agrees that he did not.

    I did not suggest that his failure to mention it indicated that he did not believe in the incarnation, or that he placed the Bible above God incarnate. I assumed the lapse was inadvertent.

    I fail to see how accepting the testimony of scripture in John 1:1-14, Colossians 1:15-20 and Hebrews 1:1-3 to the Word incarnate as the fullness of the Godhead and God's perfect and final self-revelation to humanity is "a pride in something false".

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gluadys
    No, I didn't bear false witness against Simon and I am puzzled at this unfounded accusation. Simon did not mention the incarnation of the Word, and agrees that he did not.

    I did not suggest that his failure to mention it indicated that he did not believe in the incarnation, or that he placed the Bible above God incarnate. I assumed the lapse was inadvertent.

    I fail to see how accepting the testimony of scripture in John 1:1-14, Colossians 1:15-20 and Hebrews 1:1-3 to the Word incarnate as the fullness of the Godhead and God's perfect and final self-revelation to humanity is "a pride in something false".
    The Word is inclusive of His incarnation for the whole Word points to the salvation of Jesus Christ. You should not accuse him of leaving out for it is part and parcel for all Christians know the whole Word of God points to Christ's death on the cross, not otherwise. Your disappointment is selfish and self-centered, and Simon did not say he overlooked this at all. Don't falsely accuse him again as your sin begets sin. Your attitude is gross and unloving.

    You "assumed" is your problem because you were being inadvertent, that is, not duly attentive, and marked by unitential lack of care. Do not be so careless. Your lapse was caused by overassuming and selfish accusation like that great false accuser.

    Notice how your sin begets sin as your flesh attempts to rationalize itself further, when you wrote,

    I fail to see how accepting the testimony of scripture in John 1:1-14, Colossians 1:15-20 and Hebrews 1:1-3 to the Word incarnate as the fullness of the Godhead and God's perfect and final self-revelation to humanity is "a pride in something false".

    Where did I say accepting these Scriptures is "a pride in something false"? Your pride in something false pertains to your underlying motivations for your accusations (see below).

    Do you see how you sin bearing false witness? You should be ashamed of yourself for this is a sickness in your heart which is self-centered.

    I know the reason you act this way: it is because in your profile you say you do not believe in God's Word, that is His 66 books of the Bible, and you do not believe in hell either, an eternal separation from God. Since you are against God's Word so adamatantly on these points, I know that you are not a Christian, but playing pretend.

    Simon wrote, God "revealed Himself in His word, in the Bible" and because of your false teaching, you accuse brutally, saying he did not say "himself in the Word of God made flesh". Crazy accusing stuff! gluadys, you do not have the love of the Lord in your life as you are hellbound.

    If you continue your sins here, you will be banned.

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