Quote Originally Posted by DD2014 View Post
That does not scientifically explain how two people could give rise to 6 six billion. If this is true then technically incest is not a sin because it is inevitable
Who says Adam and Eve were brother and sister? There were about 20,000 pre-Adamic men (men and women) on the planet at the split moment before Adam and Eve approximately 4000 years ago when God breathed the breath of life that directly created man's spirit (given God-consciousness) and when made contact with the body (formed from "dust" Gen. 2.7), the soul life (fully formed self-consciousness) was produced. At that moment or shortly thereafter all men were in Adam. Adam fell and brought sin into the whole world.

Yes but in the Bible or the "word of God" it says (genesis 7:4 4 Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made." ) God would not lie to us and say he destroyed everything that he made if he did not. That would be false and if God or his word can be false then it loses credibility.
This is within their perspective of their world. People say Rome goes to the ends of the earth, but it doesn't really. So the animals in South America are left untouched and there was not that great flood there. You need to try to get out of your petty self, which you need to be delivered from for which only God can do, and try to put yourself in their shoes, how God is speaking to them at that time. Try not to be a bad lawyer trying to get off on some technicality, because that is an unethical approach. As far as they know their world is the whole world and all the creatures in it and so God speaks to them according to their knowledge.
But that does not answer the question. What Jamal is saying is, if God can do anything, he would not be able to make a rock that he can't move because if he can't move it then he cannot do anything and that dissproves that he can do anything.
Can God make a circle a square? Of course not, so the point is mute. I am not arguing to you that God can make a circle a square. Try to understand. Take for example salvation. God could send you to Hell and never give you any opportunity to be saved because sin leads to the second death and you are a sinner, but because He is a merciful and gracious God, He does all He can to save you and only sends you to Hell if you leave this world still having denied Christ. If you leave God no other option, you will go to Hell. It goes against God's nature not to do all He can to plead with you for your salvation. Therefore, know you would truly belong in Hell. At the same time, conceivably He could coerce you into salvation like Calvinists teach, but this goes against His nature as well, for there would not then be free-will. God never goes against His goodly nature.

But we need to pass the test of life to recive our salvation. So acording to the bible we need both. If he made us perfectly why does everyone born after Adam and Eve has what I call the "sickness of the spirt" and the only cure is in a religion? To me this does not sound perfect, it actually sound really bad like we are all born with some type of cancer, just because someone thousands of years ago messed up once.
There is no works based life test. That is not Biblical at all. There is simply the choice that is afforded to you that whosoever is willing can received the blessed gift of eternal life and forgiveness of sins. You can see your free-will is really truly free to have the choice. Whatever you want. If you don't want what Jesus did for you by denying it in the way you rationalize it away, that is your choice in bringing yourself to Hell.

The cure is not what you think of religion as, but by what Jesus did for you on the cross. The reason why everyone without exception has this disease is because, as you logically think it through, that which is born of the flesh is flesh.

You have an additional problem, because you admit this condition of humanity does exist, but you are effectively accusing atheism of being false, because it nonetheless happens anyway. Do you not see that is being double minded on your part? You accuse God but not atheism. Your atheism, admittedly, is "messed up," but God is not saying He has messed up by allowing mankind to exist even though the first man and woman were disobedient, independent and brought sin into the world. God has a choice to end humanity or for God to provide His redemptive design so that whoever wants to be in the New City can be and whoever doesn't want salvation can go to Hell. God gives you the choice. Complain all the way to Hell and in Hell for eternity if you like. It's your choice. Sounds awfully negative though. Your negativity is without the love, peace, and joy of the Holy Spirit.

Ok if you are saying that a conscience is proof of God. What about the people with no conscience? Were they created by something else and not God? Or did God screw up when he made them? Conscience is imbedded in our brains because we were taught that things are wrong, if we do one of these things then we feel bad because you are intentionally doing something "wrong". If you can justify something that would normally bother someone then you have defeted your conscience and the only proof of God.
Everybody has a conscience. Your conscience is one of the three main functions of your spirit and where God enters the window through into your intuition to commune with you once you are born-again. It is not the fact that we have a conscience, but the observation of an exponential progression of conscience which tells us there cannot be an eternity of the past of cause and effects, because mankind would not still be sinning to the extent it still does.

Conscience is the minimum standard God has set for you. Your brain is a physical term for the related term, mind, which is one of the functions of your soul. The soul is at its deepest point in the blood like the deepest parts of say a computer, for man is going to get a resurrected body, therefore, the mind is not dependent on the fleshly brain.

If you do something that upsets someone you may not have violated your conscience, because God wants you to judge that person in that way, because that other person is not listening to his own conscience.