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Thread: Pretending to be God

  1. #11
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    Nothing there about people dying for something they know to be a lie. Soldiers fight because they stand for their jobs. They believe in their contract not to be court marshaled.

  2. #12
    DD2014 Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Churchwork View Post
    Nothing there about people dying for something they know to be a lie. Soldiers fight because they stand for their jobs. They believe in their contract not to be court marshaled.
    Exactly! Christians did not die for lies. They died for money, power and control. If you can make anyone under your little "Jesus spell" follow self-contraditary rules and laws why not make them give you 10% of their money or have them vote for someone you want to take power? It makes more sense then this: A virgin having sex with a ghost then giving birth to a man-god. We only have about 3 years of his life in any historical book and it contradicts its self on matters to important to get wrong (example: what were Jesus' last words? "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." [Luke 23:46]? or "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" [Mark 15:34] it also could have been "It is finished." [John 19:30]

    If they are not liers, why coulden't they be consistant about Jesus' words before he died?

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DD2014 View Post
    Christians did not die for lies. They died for money, power and control. If you can make anyone under your little "Jesus spell" follow self-contraditary rules and laws why not make them give you 10% of their money or have them vote for someone you want to take power? It makes more sense then this: A virgin having sex with a ghost then giving birth to a man-god. We only have about 3 years of his life in any historical book and it contradicts its self on matters to important to get wrong (example: what were Jesus' last words? "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." [Luke 23:46]? or "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" [Mark 15:34] it also could have been "It is finished." [John 19:30]

    If they are not liers, why coulden't they be consistant about Jesus' words before he died?
    Scriptures never said Mary had sex with a ghost. Why misread?

    What self contradictory rules, do tell?

    You're missing the point. What were are talking about are eyewitness accounts, not for just believing some idea or principle of subsequent Christians after Jesus was taken up.

    None of the Apostles had any money that we know of. Paul finished off renting an apartment in Rome before he was put to death in the Neronian persecution of Christians.

    Jesus is showing perfect humility. Why does this offend you? Is it not because you are like Satan, independent and hostile to God?

    Can't you see the words of Jesus reflect a perfect atonement for us? He must be forsaken by God the Father to pay for our sins. The Father and Son agreed this would take place before the foundations of the world.

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