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Thread: Atheists are Dull-minded

  1. #1
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    Default Atheists are Dull-minded

    Atheists know full well the universe doesn't create itself or could just happen all by itself or could have always been existing because of the intricately fine-tuning of it all. They know there is something beyond except they don't want to bow to it. They even know it has intelligence. What the flesh does is try to rationalize itself no matter how absurd. That is the job of an atheist to come up with ridiculous theories to feed their flesh. It's illogical, unsupported and irrational, but when you are playing a game of delusion, does that really matter? If a mental institution is for the insane and prisons are for the really bad people, Hell is for the truly insane and anyone who commits the greatest crime ever committed, rejecting their Maker. You've seen I Robot. You know what I'm talking about. Fortunately, there is the one who atones for all the others that any who want to be redeemed back to God may do so.

  2. #2
    DD2014 Guest


    ...They even know it has intelligence.
    Intelligence only proves intelligence. Not a deity.

  3. #3
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    Intelligence proven proves an intelligent designer, yes. Since the universe is not itself intelligence, but the product of intelligence, the designer has to be a being, this being that is uncreated, always existing. This is whom we call God who is deity. Humans are not deity, for we were created. Deity refers to the uncreated.

  4. #4
    KikoSanchez Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by InTruth View Post
    Atheists know full well the universe doesn't create itself or could just happen all by itself or could have always been existing because of the intricately fine-tuning of it all. They know there is something beyond except they don't want to bow to it. They even know it has intelligence. What the flesh does is try to rationalize itself no matter how absurd. That is the job of an atheist to come up with ridiculous theories to feed their flesh. It's illogical, unsupported and irrational, but when you are playing a game of delusion, does that really matter? If a mental institution is for the insane and prisons are for the really bad people, Hell is for the truly insane and anyone who commits the greatest crime ever committed, rejecting their Maker. You've seen I Robot. You know what I'm talking about. Fortunately, there is the one who atones for all the others that any who want to be redeemed back to God may do so.

    Christians know full well god didn't create itself or could just happen all by itself or could have always been existing because of the intricately fine-tuning of itself. They know there is something beyond except they don't want to bow to it. They even know it has intelligence. What the flesh does is try to rationalize itself no matter how absurd. That is the job of an Christian to come up with ridiculous theories to feed their desire for an infinite father figure to look over them. It's illogical, unsupported and irrational, but when you are playing a game of delusion, does that really matter? If a mental institution is for the insane and prisons are for the really bad people, Hell is for the truly insane and anyone who commits the greatest crime ever committed, rejecting their True Maker. You've seen I Robot. You know what I'm talking about. Fortunately, there is the one who atones for all the others that any who want to be redeemed back to the true creator may do so.

  5. #5
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    Christians don't believe God is fine-tuned, as it were, a term related to creation, for God is uncreated. Therefore, Christians don't believe something is beyond God. We believe in the One who paid the ransom who is God. Since the uncreated is proven to exist and none can compare to Christ by many proofs such as the proof of His resurrection, we know who God is. That would be strange if there was another Savior beyond the Savior which is what I think you are proposing in your argument. That would make null and void the first Savior. How can there be two uncreated beings? Now, if there was something beyond God, hypothetically, it would have intelligence, certainly, but nature doesn't have intelligence as God does; there can only be one uncreated Creator.

  6. #6
    KikoSanchez Guest


    Could you explain how an uncreated being exists? I'm guessing this is something to be taken on very blind faith? How could you reason such an absurdity other than it is something you must believe for your worldview to make sense?

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    You can't know how an uncreated Being exists, only the uncreated Being can know that, for He is all knowing. If you knew all things including how an uncreated Being can always existed, you would have to be God. Are you God?

    Atheists take on blind faith God does not exist; agnostics take on blind faith they can not know. Theists take on proven faith that God exists: again, see the 4 Step Perfect Proof for God.

  8. #8
    Sitromxe Guest


    You can't know how an uncreated Being exists, only the uncreated Being can know that, for He is all knowing. If you knew all things including how an uncreated Being can always existed, you would have to be God. Are you God?
    ...Bottom line, you don't know. Just say you don't know. Seriously even we don't know. Just leave it at that and skip the whole god rant.

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    Of course we know and you know also. You know that something in nature can't come from nothing, and you know the universe can't always have existed, because you would have happened already having had an eternity to do so. So you know the cause of the universe is outside of time and space and this is whom we call God. Therefore, He is timeless and spaceless since He is not in time or space. We know this. You know it. We all know it. We even know where God has revealed Himself in what religion. Think how illogical it is to ask what caused the uncreated Creator or how He exists, for that which is uncreated has no cause and therefore, needs no explanation. And it would be highly arrogant and pompous to demand of God or man know what we may never know. It is God's prerogative to reveal to us what He chooses to let be known. After all He created us. I'm pretty sure He knows what He is doing. Accepting this is the beginning of humility. There are some things we could never know that are only for God to know. Seems reasonable considering He is infinitely greater than us and always will be. It's amazing how people shut their minds down to such obvious facts, but that is the nature of a rebellious, independent and disobedient heart like a cancer cell that goes rogue, replicating itself like a virus.

  10. #10


    Hello InTruth ^^

    I'm a naturalist. I believe that the universe is completely natural and had natural origins and I understand that you dispute that. I'm impressed by your flamboyance and I find myself eager to discuss this matter with you. I'm not going to bore you with pretentious displays of a higher importance or sarcasm, but instead I'd like to get to know more about your opinions as I'm not acquainted with them at all.

    Firstly, I'd like to ask, and I assure you that I mean this with all sincerity, why do you claim that we know that nature (or something) can not come from nothing? Uncaused causes are a disputed, yet observable phenomenon in Quantum Mechanics. It is proposed that Quantum events, which may or may not have been uncaused, are what birthed our universe. Seeing as this is disputed, how do you argue that we know it can not happen?

    Secondly, are you aware that Quantum Theory teaches that the mechanics at that level works out side of time as we know it?

    Lastly, and this may interest you, did you know that some have questioned whether Quantum Mechanics is god?

    Thank you,

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