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Thread: Speaking in Tongues

  1. #1
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    Default Speaking in Tongues

    The key to understanding tongues is through understanding the dividing of spirit, soul and body.

    To speak the tongue of angels is the tongue of spirit, from your inner women or inner man which is your spirit like the angels who are spirits. To do this God gives revelation to do it in your spirit intuitively (not by gibberish babble), and this language of the spirit is transmitted to the soul through gifting of other languages to speak words of God to share the Word to those of other languages.

    This is very precise.

  2. #2
    onfire4christ Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    The key to understanding tongues is through understanding the dividing of spirit, soul and body.

    To speak the tongue of angels is the tongue of spirit, from your inner women or inner man which is your spirit like the angels who are spirits. To do this God gives revelation to do it in your spirit intuitively (not by gibberish babble), and this language of the spirit is transmitted to the soul through gifting of other languages to speak words of God to share the Word to those of other languages.

    This is very precise.
    Where is the scripture?
    The scripture is very very precise. Not the word's of man.
    The scripture says nothing of the inner man or inner woman...that sounds like humanism. And fleshly, we are not to be of the flesh but of the Spirit.
    There is no inner woman or inner man, there is either Jesus or no Jesus.
    And if you are no Jesus, you are not his.

    [quote]Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.QUOTE]

    This is what intuition means:

    2 a : immediate apprehension or cognition b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference
    1. We don't apprehend the Holy Spirit, we pray, we repent, we recieve the Holy Spirit, then we get Sanctified, then we recieve the Holy Ghost.

    Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. {power...: or, the power of the Holy Ghost coming upon you}
    2. We don't recieve conviction by our intuition. And the Spirit of God doesn't work by intuition. The Spirit of God Brings Conviction thru God's Word Himself. Through our Conscience.

    John 8:9 And they which heard [it], being convicted by [their own] conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, [even] unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
    3. And we don't recieve the Holy Spirit without evident rational thought and inference. He comes upon us because we believe, That's rational thought, Because we praise God's name, That is done in faith and that again is rational thought, despite what people of this World thinks.

    Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

    [quote]Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.QUOTE]

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by onfire4christ
    Where is the scripture?
    The scripture is very very precise. Not the word's of man.
    The scripture says nothing of the inner man or inner woman...that sounds like humanism. And fleshly, we are not to be of the flesh but of the Spirit.
    There is no inner woman or inner man, there is either Jesus or no Jesus.
    And if you are no Jesus, you are not his.
    Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
    There are no Scriptures for false tongues. That is the point. The Bible speaks plainly on our inner and outer man.

    Is over 100 verses enough for you?

    Having an inner man is not humanism. Humanism is operating by soulical strength forsaking the spirit's leading. The very thing you defend is in fact humanism. There being Jesus does not say we do not have an inner man for it is our spirit the Spirit indwells in our inner man. What an odd statement, "And if you are no Jesus, you are not his". I am not Jesus, yet I am His, for I am born-again.

    This is what intuition means:
    1. We don't apprehend the Holy Spirit, we pray, we repent, we recieve the Holy Spirit, then we get Sanctified, then we recieve the Holy Ghost.
    2. We don't recieve conviction by our intuition. And the Spirit of God doesn't work by intuition. The Spirit of God Brings Conviction thru God's Word Himself. Through our Conscience.
    3. And we don't recieve the Holy Spirit without evident rational thought and inference. He comes upon us because we believe, That's rational thought, Because we praise God's name, That is done in faith and that again is rational thought, despite what people of this World thinks.
    We apprehend the Holy Spirit's leading in our spirit with the mind of our soul as the spirit communicates God's mind. We don't receive conviction by our intuition without the conscience, but by our conscience through the intuition. The Holy Spirit works through our intuition of our spirit. The Holy Spirit does not lead by rough soulical sensations of our outerman. God Spirit contacts spirit first. Having a conscience is not mutually exclusive of our spirit. It is through intuition that conscience is conveyed in our spirit. The mind of our soul works with our spirit to help it along.

    Our spirit (innerman) has the functions of intuition, communion and conscience. Our soul (outerman) has the functions of mind, will and emotion. Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23 show us our tripartite being. Our spirit is our God-consciousness, while the soul is self-consciousness, and the body world-consciousness.

    Romans 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you [that is, our innerman or innerwoman]. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

    And again, none of this can justify false tongues of Pentecostalism, but exposes it as a fraud, which has been around since the 2nd century under montanism. It is simply revived in full force under Pentecostalism. Enough time has gone by for people to have forgotten about it for it surface again in greater deceptive force to confuse emotion for the spirit in man to produce a replicatory false work. Satan and his fallen angels and his demons are constanly looking for ways to produce a replicatory work and facsimile. They certainly have found it in Pentecostalism and the RCC charismatics towards their Third Wave unholy marriage.

  4. #4
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    Onfire is banned because:

    1) he is so hardened in his responses and I do not want him to be agitated further. May he come to the truth in Christ;
    2) this forum is no place to hear a false tongues babbler continue to rationalize his mantra passivity;
    3) having no faith that God can give eternal life at new birth (see profile);
    4) not believing a life of a Christian is a life of overcoming (see profile);
    5) claiming he believes man is tripartite, but then responds with "the scripture says nothing of the inner man or inner woman" which is our spirit of intution, communion and conscience of God-consciousness. If a person is going to speak contrary to their claim in their 17 questions profile, they shall be banned. We can not have those here who are "doubletongued" (1 Tim. 3.8) creating such confusion. Who is the author of confusion?

    This would seem to be a reasonable course of action to take.

  5. #5
    BellaRose1 Guest


    So everybody must say YES to all the questions in the profile??
    and if they are keep at them like this???..or ban them?
    I am still not sure about a few that alright? or not??
    Do you ban people because they are asking questions?
    I have sent you a message, I will not repeat everything that was discussed there, but i will add my thoughts on tongues.

    How do you know what are real tongues and false ones??

    This is what i believe about tongues.
    It is a manifistation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If i was to speak in tongues i am uttering sweet mysteries unto God.(private prayer)
    If tongues are spoken out loud in a church, they MUST BE INTERPRETED
    I believe every word in 1 Corinthians 12
    Paul says he wishes everyone would speak in tongues, but he would rather that they prophecy. Tongues edify the believer, where as prophecy edifies the church.
    Do i believe people can speak in tongues?
    Yes i do.......How is it that you can discern what is gabbling the real thing Troy?

    I dont understand much about it all....But i dont think it will keep me out of heaven if i DO or DON'T speak in tongues!
    Why do you make such a big deal out of it?

    I believe this most of all........ I can speak in the tongues of angels but if i have no LOVE, I am nothing but a gonging bell! 1 cor 13
    Whats the use in speaking in tongues and displaying the gifts of the Spirit...If you do not display the fruit of the Spirit?????
    There's plenty of gabbling ,tongue speaking Christians out there,that wouldnt have one peice of Fruit of the Spirit hanging from their tree!

    The gifts of the Spirit are to build and exort the body of Christ...right???
    Well there would be alot more building and exorting in the churches if there was more LOVE,JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE,KINDNESS, GENTLENESS,LONG SUFFFERING AND SELF CONTROL!
    Don't you think?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BellaRose1
    So everybody must say YES to all the questions in the profile??
    and if they are keep at them like this???..or ban them?
    I am still not sure about a few that alright? or not??
    Do you ban people because they are asking questions?
    I have sent you a message, I will not repeat everything that was discussed there, but i will add my thoughts on tongues.
    No. Not everyone needs to say YES, but a person who is promoting something false such as false tongues is an old conversation we can do without; do not include it in your poetry. Do not try to conceal it in there somewhere.

    Stop looking to accuse. People don't know lots of things. They aren't banned for this, but they are banned for continually holding onto lies by trying to rationalize them in their posts after the matter is dealt with.

    Do you see how you are accusing with your immature questions? I won't repost everything that I said to you privately, but do take careful consideration of what is said here as well.

    How do you know what are real tongues and false ones??
    Just ask the person to speak, and if it is gibberish babble, it is false tongues. And you can prove it further by asking 5 said-to-be interpreters to interpret and they will give 5 different answers.

    This is what i believe about tongues.
    It is a manifistation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If i was to speak in tongues i am uttering sweet mysteries unto God.(private prayer)
    To speak in tongues is not a mystery, but it is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is not private, but it is for others who understand those languages to receive words about God. False tongues is a manifestation of the baptism of the evil spirit.

    If tongues are spoken out loud in a church, they MUST BE INTERPRETED
    I believe every word in 1 Corinthians 12
    Paul says he wishes everyone would speak in tongues, but he would rather that they prophecy. Tongues edify the believer, where as prophecy edifies the church.
    Tongues is not gibberish babble. Paul wished everyone could speak an extra language, but prophecy is more important. Tongues edifies the church as does prophecy. To give prophecy in a tongue, it needs an interpreter for others to receive this prophecy in their own language. Why overlook this for your passivity of gibberish babble? It is because what you are promoting does not come from the Holy Spirit.

    Do i believe people can speak in tongues?
    Yes i do.......How is it that you can discern what is gabbling the real thing Troy?
    How odd it would be that you would think people could not speak other languages as gifting from the Holy Spirit. The real thing is language understood, whereas false tongues is without syntax, simply self-generated or demonically inspired. Take 5 interpreters and prove it to yourself, they will give you 5 different answers.

    I dont understand much about it all....But i dont think it will keep me out of heaven if i DO or DON'T speak in tongues!
    Why do you make such a big deal out of it?
    You may be saved, but most Pentecostals are not born-again. You certainly will lose your reward of reigning with Christ though because you can't even overcome false tongues. Tongues is a gift to some members of the body of Christ. This does not affect entry into heaven.

    Why do you cling so tightly to false tongues? It is not in the Word.

    I believe this most of all........ I can speak in the tongues of angels but if i have no LOVE, I am nothing but a gonging bell! 1 cor 13
    Whats the use in speaking in tongues and displaying the gifts of the Spirit...If you do not display the fruit of the Spirit?????
    The tongues of angels is the language of spirit, so if you are in the spirit, you are walking by intuition of your spirit as do angels. If you are not walking this way, then naturally, you are not walking in the love of the Lord by the Holy Spirit. If you are in false tongues you are not walking by the spirit, but are without love in altering the Word of God by changing the meaning of Biblical tongues.

    What's the use of altering the Word of God and then claiming you are being loving? This is duplicitous.

    There's plenty of gabbling ,tongue speaking Christians out there,that wouldnt have one peice of Fruit of the Spirit hanging from their tree!
    Tongue speaking, speaking different languages as a gifting from God, does produce and agrees with the fruit of the Spirit, so I would disagree with you that tongue speaking Christians would have no fruit. When someone is speaking in tongues they are doing so according to God's will, for this is appropriate to speak in tongues as the Lord leads. 1 Cor. 14 says do not do so though if there is no interpreter.

    The gifts of the Spirit are to build and exort the body of Christ...right??? Well there would be alot more building and exorting in the churches if there was more LOVE,JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE,KINDNESS, GENTLENESS,LONG SUFFFERING AND SELF CONTROL!
    Don't you think?
    There would be more fruit of the Spirit if there would be fewer people dividing the church falsely with false tongues, that which you are engaged in. It is wrong to claim these fruits of the Spirit while you alter the Word of God. That is not love.

    Also, in your profile you said you were not sure about Biblical tongues being languages, yet you alter the Word of God, in your post, claiming adamantly tongues is gibberish babble. How deceitful is the evil spirit to perform this doublespeak which is unloving. Do you not know are possessed by the demon behind this replicatory work?

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