Calvinists don't love God's omnibenevolence. They misconstrue God's sufficient grace for all needing to be equal grace for the OSAS Arminian or "in the same way" (James White, Debating Calvinism, p.17). Sufficient grace is not the same as equal grace. As long as grace is sufficient for all to give everyone the opportunity, then Jesus' death on the cross is sufficient for all. Grace is not sufficient under God's sovereignty if some people can't avail it or if it is irresistibly imposed. Rather, it would be deficient.

James White accuse Dave Hunt that "he denies the freedom of God in election and regeneration" (p.17). Not at all, for Hunt agrees God is completely free in giving man the choice, even more so than the god of Calvinism, because the god of Calvinism is not free enough to given man the choice.

God even provided sufficient grace for Hitler, but that is not saying God loves Hitler equally as much as the Apostle John. Rather with God's love given, the person had the choice to refuse and the person has no excuse for rejecting salvation. This is in stark contrast to god of Calvinism who doesn't love the person at all, either sending him to Hell without recourse or irresistibly imposing salvation on him against his will, like someone on the chain gang. Either way, it is not pleasant.

White claims God's love fails if someone is not saved. But isn't this true of Calvinism, for if the god of Calvinism can save all, but doesn't, isn't he a failure? Moreover, he is a failure for not providing sufficient grace to all. But the OSAS Arminian teaches God doesn't fail, because God did all He could do righteously according to His nature to provide salvation, but if the person still rejects it, that is by no means God's fault or reflecting badly upon His love.

White fails to see why it is evil for God to condemn billions to Hell without any chance of being saved, for not only are they born this way (thus it is not their fault) if no provision is made, but it is quite evil to save someone irresistibly without the choice. That would be like forcing another human being into marriage with you against their will. What love is this?

If God is truly free, righteous, holy and true, He is obligated out of His very being to extend grace to all people made in His image. A sinner is bound for Hell, but a sinner without the option who was born into sin ought not to be unjustly treated by his Creator.

The very sin of every Calvinist is a dead conscience professing that it is ok for God to deny people the opportunity or enablement to receive His grace for salvation. And it is because of this evil in the heart of James White, you know he is not born-again and in all likelihood, never will be. The very fatal flaw of Calvinism is a sign of unsalvation revealing one's heart.

God is not allowed to love freely unrighteously. Who could even say that is really free, for then God would be bound by the evil spirit?