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Thread: I Fellowship at The Local Church

  1. #1
    masta100 Guest

    Default I Fellowship at The Local Church

    I have been a Christian for 2 years now. During that time, I can say honestly that I have pursued and seek after God everyday. I don't want to be a superficial or a fake christian. I am willing to follow God at ALL cost. I have grow in that 2 years, but currently lacking something and feeling Spiritually dry. Maybe it's because of the confusion around me regarding "churches". I dont know who to have fellowship with in my city and im currently looking for a solution to this problem.

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    Quote Originally Posted by masta100 View Post
    I have been a Christian for 2 years now. During that time, I can say honestly that I have pursued and seek after God everyday. I don't want to be a superficial or a fake christian. I am willing to follow God at ALL cost. I have grow in that 2 years, but currently lacking something and feeling Spiritually dry. Maybe it's because of the confusion around me regarding "churches". I dont know who to have fellowship with in my city and im currently looking for a solution to this problem.
    So when God presents this challenge to you, what is the answer? It seems clear God is placing a burden on your heart to find a solution.

    Just like when you post something and notice you capitalized "spiritual" when you should not have, said "grow" instead of grown, and made several other mistakes, you noticed you were not being careful enough, so next time you will be more careful, double check what you write and so forth. In the same way, you will diligently isolate the exact solution to the problem today in the outward appearance of the kingdom of heaven. You'll use your spell checker next time, capitalize properly and reexamine your assumptions about proper ecclesiology.

    You will know the solution as I do after you read Watchman Nee's "Assembling Together," "Church and the Work: Assembly Life," and "Church and the Work: Rethinking the Work."

    I'm hesitant to even say what that solution is because a person can't know the solution unless they experience it as I and other Christians have.

  3. #3
    masta100 Guest

    Default my reply

    You're right, I should be more careful with my writing. Where can I find that book....

    "Watchman Nee's "Assembling Together," "Church and the Work: Assembly Life," and "Church and the Work: Rethinking the Work."


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    Christian Fellowship Publishers,

    I was thinking the problem with Christians today of many years is they are so stuck in their ways, it is hard to get them to think there is a solution other than the status quo.

  5. #5
    masta100 Guest


    What do you think I should do until I find the solution. Don't go to any of the churches here in Korea because they are all wrong??? Anyways, beside from that problem, I'm excited about joining I think it's a great website. Thanks for everything.

    By the way, is there anyway I can get that book for free online?

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    Quote Originally Posted by masta100 View Post
    What do you think I should do until I find the solution. Don't go to any of the churches here in Korea because they are all wrong??? Anyways, beside from that problem, I'm excited about joining I think it's a great website. Thanks for everything.
    While you wait for those books, read this,

    Stop misusing the term "churches" for they teach modalism and deification and Total depravity. A church is not under false Apostleship or Eldership, nor does is operate under the title called The Local Church with a file number for tax purposes in that country and a distribution arm of its products called Living Stream Ministry.

    Realize the town, city or rural area you are in of believers is the church, no matter where they are in your locality, even if some denomination or cult has them held up in their dungeon.

    There is probably no Elder of your locality because no Apostle has selected any to take care of the believers of that locale. First the Apostles need to find agreement in the province (or region of churches) your city is located in.

    All in good time. "Never be in a hurry about appointing an elder" (1 Tim. 5.22).

    By the way, is there anyway I can get that book for free online?

  7. #7
    masta100 Guest

    Default Full knowledge of God

    Hey Troy, do you have the FULL knowledge of God's Economy and the entire bible??? Are you FULL grown???

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    Quote Originally Posted by masta100 View Post
    Hey Troy, do you have the FULL knowledge of God's Economy and the entire bible??? Are you FULL grown???
    I don't like that word "Economy" for Church organizing and governmental affairs. It is not used in Scripture and the number of verses your cult uses to support this word are way off. It is too economical, having financial connotations, and registering its income to the government. The amount of money your cult has sued Christians for is outrageous!

    Your Witness Lee terminology is undesirable, like the economy of the Roman Church. Your cult of modalism, Total depravity, deification, shouters and suing for faith was focused on a New City that was not physical, but Watchman Nee proved the New City was physical in 19 points, thus rejecting Witness Lee's beliefs. Witness Lee was never born-again.

    Instead, use words like biblocality or a Scriptural locality of "local believers" (Acts 21.4) and God's plan: "I want them to have full confidence because they have complete understanding of God's secret plan, which is Christ himself" (Col. 2.2 NLT).

    Am I full grown? I don't think any of us are full grown until we are resurrected and even then we keep growing in ways and experiences God has planned for us.

    I am glad at least you have decided to stay away from that cult and hopefully, permanently. Remember, deception comes by way of what initially and often innocently seem palatable, but the more you get involved, the more you realize the cunningness and corruption that put on this facade. If you go back to them, you are committing a voluntary sin and requires your confession for such deliberate sins (Lev. 5.1-4; 16.21; 26.40; Numb. 5.6-7). Through confession, deliberate sins are converted into inadvertent or unwitting sin (page 157-159 of The Apologetics Study Bible) so they may receive the expiation from by sin offerings for involuntary sins or sins you weren't aware of. The blood of Christ is of no effect for an unrepentant sinner (producing no benefit from sacrifice). No sacrifice can atone for sins of absolute defiance (Numb. 15.30-31), but require your confession (something more). Such offenses are those classified in the Ten Commandments. Paul identified the Messiah as the sin offering (Rom. 8.3, 2 Cor. 5.2). In the cult you have come from, they worship a god they place above God which falls into violating the Ten Commandments for which death was the penalty in Leviticus. You need to make an outward confession of their sinfulness and specifically what it is.

    My prayers are with you.

  9. #9
    masta100 Guest

    Default Who know's more Nee or Lee?

    According to saints in Korea, they say that Witness lee knows more than Watchman Nee. They claim that through Watchman Nee, Witness Lee learned what Watchman Nee knew and further developed it. Witness lee basically saw a higher vision and has a up-to-date vision through Watchman Nee.

    What do you think? Is that True?

    I was reading The Spiritual Man and shared with a brother how I really enjoyed reading it and He basically told me to read Witness lee's book's because it's more "current" and up-to-date.

    Logically speaking, In my view, it does make sense that a student can learn from the teacher and end up knowing more than the teacher. In the case of Witness lee, he was in the Ministry for about 60 years or so. Lived until 90. So, was it possible that Witness Lee saw a higher Vision than Watchman Nee?

  10. #10
    masta100 Guest

    Default Enjoying Christ?

    In the Lord's Recovery, they always encourage saints to "enjoy Chirst"
    What do you think that means?

    Why is that Wrong?

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