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Thread: James White Declines Rebuttal to 6 Questions

  1. #11
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    Critique of "Debating Calvinism."

  2. #12
    rpavich Guest


    I would like the person who started this this thread, and anyone who supports what it says to call Dr. White; show him the error of his ways...that way not only he, but all his listeners can hear the truth.

    Isn't that better than sitting around this camp-fire and complaining amongst yourselves how he's wrong and mis-representing you, and how Calvinism is bad and anti-biblical?

  3. #13
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    He has been shown the error of his ways. Now he needs a personal touch if he is willing from someone capable, but he has to take a step to reach out.

    The way of progress is for James White to call me and personally talk to me, and I will touch his heart by the Holy Spirit so he will have no choice but to give his life to Christ. And in so doing, he will make a public apology to all his subscribers and purchasers of his products that he was wrong and now has given his life to Christ by being born again for the first time in his life. This is the way God wants it to be done and not to put on a show for grandstanding-sake.

    God wants to use White in a way the world does not expect through his conversion like that Southern Baptist fellow who repented of Calvinism and gave his life to Christ after 8 years of being a Calvinist minister and telling his family they would be Calvinists for the rest of their lives. But through the prayerful daily prayers of his wife and her parents, he is a child of God with power over sin and self, because not only has he been forgiven, but he has died on the cross with Christ truly. This gives him power over sin (and self) and not just forgiveness.

    Before he testified he could not overcome his selfishness and sin as as Calvinist. He was born into a Calvinist family. Find out if White was born into a Calvinist family. It's sorta like Mormonism that way. They indoctrinate you at an early age. They have their way of doing it to make it very difficult for the child as he is growing up.

    It's always wonderful to see a Calvinist repent of Calvinism and come to Christ as a helpless sinner to have a real relationship with Jesus and stop playing pretend.

  4. #14
    rpavich Guest


    I thought as much...

    So much for trying to get to the truth. :

  5. #15
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    Try to convince James White to contact me. My initial offer still extends to him. He needs to show some willingness, some effort, some genuineness. Someone needs to reach into his spirit by the Holy Spirit, for the same old status quo will not get him anywhere. He needs to come out of his comfortable zone and stop his show of entertainment. This is part of true repentance.

    He is afraid (see video) that is why he doesn't respond to my response to his video response for the six questions I posed to him. He has cut off all lines of communication by email, phone, video all of which have been offered. This is not a one way street.

    Any debate I think should focus on Dr. Norm Geisler's rejection of all 5 points of TULIP in his 9 part Youtube presentation. "Nottheworld" added some of his own commentary in that piece.

    I haven't seen any response from White for his mistakes made in Debating Calvinism which are just touching the tip of the iceberg in the first chapter.

  6. #16
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    I really believe James White is struggling with his own faith. That's why he is getting harder and harder.

    Quote Originally Posted by James White
    It is possible he has posted this on a website somewhere, but I was directed to the post as it appeared on the CARM web board. I have been told Brooks is banned and keeps sneaking back in. I really don't know. But I found it illustrative of another spectrum of wide-eyed fanaticism when it comes to providing a response to the Reformed faith.
    CARM, owned by an amillennial, gibberish babbler Matt Slick, has banned me probably around a hundred times. That's what you call Fahrenheit 451. He caters to popular teachings of Pentecostalism, the reign of Christ is now in the millennium (allegorizing Christ), and of course the pride of preselectionism. If Slick and White are born-again, you would rather go to Hell.


    Quote Originally Posted by James White
    Ponder, if you will, some of these statements:
    Be careful of men who can babble for so long as on this video to teach a lie that you are a totally depraved, unable to receive the cross of salvation unless you were premade for salvation without any choice in the matter and others are going to hell without any opportunity to be saved.... As each paragraph moves you, you will be drawn further and and further away from calvinism till you can't take it anymore and shall relinquish the grand deception by John Calvin.... James White has no fear of God when he continues to refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated, but just assume he is regenerated without repenting and believing by the grace of God.

    James White is a child of wrath, he is of his father the devil, because he wants to do his father's desire not to have to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. He is at enmity with God. He is dead in his trespasses in his sins, unwilling to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated.... Just as White freely chose to assume he was regenerated without repentance and belief in Christ (thus believing a facsimile, false Christ), so a person can freely choose to repent and believe in Christ genuinely to be saved and God will preserve that person eternally, because their choice fulfilled God's exact condition required for eternal preservation. White does not receive these things of God, for they are foolish to him. God wants fellowship not with robots but sovereign beings made in His image and who are regenerated authentically.... White misunderstands eternal life. Eternal life does not commence at bodily resurrection, but at new birth. Eternal life is not just eternal blessings but an ability to know God.

    He does not believe he has [the choice to receive] eternal life, thus he does not have an ability to know God today. How sad for him.... Brothers and sisters, don't be surprised that James White is going to hell. The Bible warns about not just many false Christians but the false Christ they purport. Though James is clearly not born-again and does not have eternal life, there are other less obvious cases such as Charles Spurgeon who contradicted the 5 points of calvinism with 5 points of osas arminianism by teaching total depravity.... Why doesn't James White understand the gospel of salvation? Because he doesn't know how to reconcile God's infinite foreknowledge with free will so he must make something up to explain it. He can't be humbled enough not to know all things. Tough question, obviously, but not a valid reason to reject God's Word. Molinism, as well explained by William Lane Craig, shows how it can be done. Molinism is just an advanced explanation of osas arminian.... Why can't James understand? Because he lacks the ability to hear. But why? Because he likes his sinfulness, his flesh, his worldliness, his self-interest, his brilliance, his talent to thwart god, his verbiage, his idea to gain followers and money, and his self-exaltation. James White will always choose to refuse God probably, not absolutely. For as long as he is in his body of flesh and blood, he can still choose to repent of these things and come to the Good Shepherd to be saved by grace through faith. However most spiritual Christians know the likelihood of James White ever being born-again certainly falls under the 1% category.
    And so on. It actually gets worse later on. To anyone with a scintilla of knowledge of what I have taught over the past decades, it is obvious Mr. Brooks is either grossly deceived, or grossly dishonest. And isnt it great that for Mr. Brooks, a Jesuit philosopher (Molina) got it all figured out for him? Yes, truly wonderful.
    I actually don't know much about the guy at all. But I do agree with William Lane Craig's writings about the subject that reconciles God's infinite foreknowledge with free will as OSAS Arminians will attest (but Craig is a non-OSASer).

    Notice White has still not responded to the two full length responses (see above) to his video response to the 6 questions. He's deflecting with verbiage not addressing the points.

    For many more writings about the false teachings of James White,

    In any case, there was actually one section of this meandering diatribe that I wanted to note as it illustrates how far from serious biblical interpretation these tradition-bound zealots really are:

    May I assure you that I know unequivocally that James White is not born again in his calvinism and pray one day he repent so that he may be saved. What a wonderful testimony that would be, that even one of the hardest calvinists that ever lived could be saved by repenting of calvinism to believe in Christ to be regenerated.

    That no one is able to come to Christ unless God draws him...does not mean all drawn believe, but that God is the Great Enabler. Without His grace no one could be saved, but that doesn't mean we are totally depraved that nobody could believe. The god of calvinism who doesn't provide grace to some so they have no opportunity to be saved and makes other saved without any consideration for their choice is not God of the Bible, never has been and never will be. Really, what love is this?

    If you are left breathless by the depth of exegesis from John 6 offered by Mr. Brooks, join the club. There is little connection between Brooks' tradition-driven twisting of the text and the original context itself. "God is the great enabler." Isn't that special? God tries and tries and tries. And let's make sure you understand, He really tries. Very hard. But alas, though Jesus presents Himself as a powerful and perfect Savior in John 6 who never fails to save a single one of those given to Him by the Father, and though there is not the slightest evidence in the text of any kind of synergism, any kind of human autonomy (remember, Brooks referred to humans as "sovereign beings"), Brooks inserts it, boldly. Behold the sovereign man! Behold the autonomous creature! See how easily he twists divine revelation to exalt his own power, his own control.

    I have so many times warned that the man who thinks he has no traditions is the man most enslaved to them. And few men have given evidence of how tradition can blind you to the plain and direct meaning of Scripture than Mr. Brooks. Few, likewise, join their blindness with such confident banishment of others to the flames of hell. But I hope it is useful to see these zealous denouncers of Reformed theology expose their own abject ignorance of the text, and how they insert their own traditions in the place of the text, and how they do so without even seeing it themselves. The sober minded observer will take the lesson Brooks' rant can offer.
    Never think God is merely trying. For He is well in control of all things. He knows every hair on your head. It's His design. God wants a relationship with sovereign beings, not robots. Don't pride yourself on robots, that's just self-worship.

    John 6 provides synergism, no monergism. It shows God is the great enabler and provides sufficient grace for all (not an equal amount of grace) for different people are equipped with different gifts. Don't exalt and take glory as Dave Hunt says, "Calvinist traditions that glory in man's alleged inability. Believing in Christ and receiving from Him the free gift of eternal life requires no ability-a child can believe" (Debating Calvinism, 75). James White is a dullard! He refuses to come to Christ in weakness. He mocks God who said "If...though shalt seek the LORD thy God, though shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart (Deut. 4.29). Such Scripture mock us if Calvinism were true. But Scripture declares the universal capability of the "wicked [to] forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts...[to] return unto the LORD" (Is. 55.7). White confuses and tries to change the willful nature of man into the necessity of Total depravity. That's the trick of Calvinism. The grand deception of Satan's pawn.

    You know that old saying, assuming makes an ass of you and me. Can you be humbled enough to not assume a thing, without inserting anything into the text and just take it on face value? I pray you will. If you do you are OSAS Arminian. Amen.

  7. #17
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    Re: (James White):
    Response Youtube video (Troy Brooks):

    Response - 1. You don't want to spend eternity with these individuals (hardened Calvinists). They are repugnant to the love of God. They refuse to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated. They worship a god who sends people to hell who were born that way without any grace whatsoever to even have the choice. And to irresistibly impose salvation is that of an evil tyrant. He sends the Jews off to the gas chambers because they were born that way to show His wonderful and glorious Hitler-like sovereignty. What love is this? This convicts Calvinists but they refuse to listen to their own consciences. The video is up and it stands. White can laugh the laugh of pride all he wants, but that doesn't make his problems go away. Notice White doesn't respond to his assumption of regeneration without prior repentance and faith. Don't be amazed by this, for many people don't want to be saved God's way. Who are the false Christians who worship a "false Christ" if not Calvinists? Christians aren't the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit speaks in our spirits in agreement with the word of God fellow Christians. You can know quite often who is saved or not saved, for we fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. Furthermore, White admits that he does not want to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated, so we can take him on his word, he is not a child of God and probably never will be. It's very sad. We will not forever shed a tear for him. Notice White claims some ignorance, but doesn't specify what it is. Of course that is selfish on his part to be so coy.

    Response - 2. How is it what was said not compelling? It is a fact historians give weight to the primary sources. Anyone can obtain the gift of faith by coming to God with an honest heart. This is believing on Christ. It's quite foreign to White, he admits. How is this not consistent, White doesn't say. You know what they say. Satan is the great accuser. He can accuse, but he can't back up his belligerency. Isn't that how White comes across? Notice how it is all a big joke to White. Think of Paul how he would conduct himself.

    3. Apparently "I am the best the OSAS Arminians have to offer." Thanks for the compliment. God's not merely trying. He has infinite foreknowledge. He is well in control of all things to save the most and damn the least. Whereas in Calvinism some are damned who shouldn't be damned and saved who shouldn't be saved. Not everyone has the same amount of grace or needs the same amount, but everyone has sufficient grace. There is a difference. The operative factor is God's will, for all our choices are under His provision (as William Lane Craig will attest according to Middle Knowledge in Molinism-advanced OSAS Arminianism). Craig is a non-OSASer though. You don't need to say "I have to believe it is man's will" to be saved. Not at all. But you do have to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated which White admittedly is unwilling to do. So he just makes a joke of it. Indeed, most Calvinists are going to Hell. God's grace does accomplish salvation, providing everyone the choice, Whosoever is willing, He will surely save. God doesn't have to be an evil tyrant to save. He is obligated. For if God were to do less than His standard, He would be sinning. God gives everyone grace because God is righteous and holy. People are born into sin, but not made for Hell as White would tell you. People are in need of grace which God supplies, so nobody is without excuse. Grace really is free, because it was not of your own doing as it would be if you assumed regeneration as Calvinists have to. How is grace free if it is imposed on some but not others? You couldn't hardly call that grace. Call it plain old fashion evil.

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