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Thread: The Mark of the Beast Satellite Hookup

  1. #1
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    Default The Mark of the Beast Satellite Hookup

    The implant will go under your skin and somehow will be able to influence your brain waves, causing emotional changes, making you less human and not desire to take the mark out. It will also be linked to satellites so they will know where you are at all times.

    Initially, it will be voluntary and economically desirable, but later it will be forced on people.

    A Christian will never take it, for God keeps a record of all who chose to take it. The Bible is explicit about not taking it, so if you are a Christian, you would never take it willingly. No exceptions.

    When Christ returns and shuts down the connection between the satellites and the implants, it will kill the person, and this is God's judgment on the unsaved who took the mark of the beast.

    Anyone else who is not saved and was not killed in world war 3 - the Great Tribulation - will be transferred livingly into the millennial kingdom, but in order to be saved will still need to believe in Jesus who will be ruling from the temple in Jerusalem.

    Some think instead of the mark of the beast happening this way, it will be a genetic modification that irreparably alters DNA. Perhaps it is a combination of both so that the implant does something to the DNA in all the cells of your body. I don't know. All I am certain about is that is an implant, it changes your personality and if you don't take it, you might get extremely hungry, because you won't be able to buy or sell without it.

    Ultimately your free-will is so damaged, you don't make any free-choices anymore. From then on, your will is controlled by Satan and forever you will be with him.

  2. #2
    Spencer Guest


    Please, tell me more about this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spencer View Post
    Please, tell me more about this.
    Read Revelation 13 about the Antichrist and the mark of the beast.

    Nero is the Antichrist.

    A very special truth is this: we are only appointed once to die, so when Nero is revived he doesn't die but he sent to Hell. The Bible says the Antichrist (Nero) and the False Prophet (Judas) are thrown into Hell a thousand years before Satan is thrown in.

    Mark of the beast is happening before our yes, voluntarily; later it will be forced.

  4. #4
    Spencer Guest


    Are you sure nobody's been altering your DNA?

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    Not directly. Besides the mark of the beast prevents buying and selling. It's purpose is not to change your being.

  6. #6
    Dare2beFaithful Guest


    Spencer, I dont think you relise how SERIOUS this is!
    I have heard about this too, and even if they dont give YOU a chip they can useother people to get to you because everyone AROUND YOU will have it. If you DO have the chip they will be able to know what you are doing ALL the time. They would even punish you for reading the bible! US Christians need to be very careful in the future.

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