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Thread: William Lane Craig vs. Amal Badawi Debate

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    Default William Lane Craig vs. Amal Badawi Debate

    1) Jesus really believed He was God-the uncreated Creator.

    Luke 20.1-21 - Parable of the vineyard. He is the chief cornerstone.
    Matth. 11.27 - Jesus is the only revelation and revealer of God because He is God.
    John 1.18 - Jesus is the only begotten (revealed) God (in the earliest manuscripts that we have) which means always existing and co-equal with the Father for only Jesus has seen the Father.
    Mark 13.32 - Jesus puts Himself right up there with God the Father as Jesus Himself is in the Godhead which He is the fulness of the Bible says (Col 2.9). That would be lonely if He were not the fulness of the Godhead bodily and not in the Trinity. Muslims have a lonely singular god. Christians have a God who has diversity in His unity, or you could say, unity in His diversity. He is never lonely in the eternity of the past even before time began.
    Luke 7.49 "Who is this that forgiveth sins also?" This is a co-equal claim to being in the Trinity. Forgiving sins in Jewish context is only every done by God. Jesus was doing it not explaining that the Father was doing it.
    John 20.28 - And Thomas answered and said unto him, "My Lord and my God" which in the Greek New Testament reads, "the God of me and the Lord of Me" ascribed to Jesus.

    2) The origin of the beliefs of the disciples come from the resurrection appearances.

    This is God's divine vindication of Jesus.

    3) You can't save yourself. God has to pay for your sins on the cross. The reason people don't accept this is because they are arrogant in their own selves they can come to God without His atoning sacrifice.

    Islam is morally inadequate because the god of Islam is unwilling to pay for the sins of mankind; whosoever is willing receive God's offer of redemption. You must have righteous deeds, or at least a prerequisite of righteous deeds, to get into heaven according to Islam, but no man is good enough. There is not a single NT scholar who claims Jesus did not die on the cross.

  2. #2
    Dare2beFaithful Guest


    I like they way he puts it. Jesus knew he was the son of God and said so. And we know he was being truthful because he is the son of God. It's like what I said in the Apologetics forum. This argument presents its own proof. Why cant the atheists see this?

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    Can you find any verses where Jesus is the son of God? I thought He was the Son of God.

    Can you find any verses where Jesus said that is considered proof just claiming He is God? Others can claim they are God, but does that make them God?

  4. #4
    Dare2beFaithful Guest


    William Lane Craig already explained that. And we know that Jesus is telling the truth because the word of God cannot be wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dare2beFaithful View Post
    William Lane Craig already explained that. And we know that Jesus is telling the truth because the word of God cannot be wrong.
    Craig already explained what? Craig never said that Jesus is God because the 66 books can't be wrong.

    Craig is an evidentialist, not a presuppositionalist. He provided 3 proofs which must all be true to prove God of the Bible: 1) Jesus must claim to be God; 2) origin of the disciples belief in the resurrection and no naturalistic explanation fits the data to explain it away; and 3) salvation is not by works lest any man should boast, for a sinner can't save himself. As soon as one sin enters it leads to death. Game over, unless God provides a solution.

    If any one of these 3 items fails to supply sufficient evidence by backing them up with logic, best explanatory scope, the highest standard for historical inquiry, multiple and diverse groups of eyewitness testimony, clarity of conscience and proper basic beliefs then Christianity is a lie.

    God drawing a person without our resisting, but responding to God's call to receive the intuitive revelation of the Holy Spirit, does not depend on the inerrancy of Scripture but would have to agree with the essentials for salvation. For example, if only 22,000 were in the exodus and not 2,000,000, that poses no problem.

  6. #6
    Dare2beFaithful Guest


    I think I worded things wrong. I Only wanted to reinforce the point, not argue with it.

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    You're funny. I don't think you worded it wrong, but really did say what you meant, reinforcing and arguing the point though it is incorrect: "William Lane Craig already explained that. And we know that Jesus is telling the truth because the word of God cannot be wrong." We know Jesus is telling the truth, not because He said so, but because He proved so by the multiple attestation in various group settings for eyewitnesses of His resurrection.

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