Nobody has promoted new spirituality more than Oprah Winfrey. She says, "let me remember there is no sin" and "I am holy." If we are God as Oprah teaches then how can there be sin? Charles Manson said, "If God is all and all is God, what then is evil?" Once you take the pantheistic train, you have to take it all the way to the station. We are the center of the universe. Once you affirm that, anything goes. Eckhart Tolle said, "The mental labels of good and evil are ultimately illusory." Forgiveness is not real. You don't need to forgive people but keep blaming them. If morality and pain is just an illusion then a child who starves to death brought it upon himself through the law of attraction. The child was not thinking the right thoughts after all he is God. What an immorally grotesque woman Oprah Winfrey is deep down inside. She has redefined God, conversion, death and morality to suit her self.

Here's a prediction. Someone on TV will do hypnosis to millions of home viewers and put them in a trance.