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Thread: One God

  1. #1
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    Default One God

    "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that–and shudder" (James 2.19).

    Mormons are like demons because Mormons believe there is one God, but then they change the meaning of the word God and say there are 3 beings who are "all God" according to a Mormon scholar.

    I know some people who think there is one God but they think he rules over 330,000,000 gods in Hinduism. Or the one God in Islam who is all alone and not Tripersonal. Or Oprah Winfrey is the one God because she is from the source. Everybody thinks there is one God. Everybody is redefining what one God means.

    Praise the Lord for Christ and Christianity is only where we find truly One God non-redefined.

    And only in Christianity do we find God more powerful than any other claims of being God, because only in Christianity does God exist alone "from everlasting" AND is not lonely because He is Tripersonal. Mathematically, eternity alone always trumps eternity with others.

    I love how God proves Himself to me. I wouldn't have it any other way.

  2. #2
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    How does Christianity work? We don't have to concern ourselves with the volumes of material of cults trying to rationalize themselves who never admit wrong. And besides they can't, because that would mean their texts are inspirited by the evil spirit in them. If we have time we can examine their erroneous documents. Usually we have something more important to do like strengthen the body of Christ: the Church.

    It's enough for Christians, both babes in Christ and the most spiritual Christians, to realize there are some very simple facts-of-the-matter that destroy any other claims on God. For Mormons, all that is needed is a simple response with the Bible which says, God alone "from everlasting." This leaves no room for dispute or conjecture. Alone is alone. God alone is from everlasting.

    We might like to say a bit more, that the 3 Persons of the Godhead are alone from everlasting, since Jesus never makes the claim He is the Father, nor is the Father ever claiming to be the Spirit. Hence, before time existed, there existed One Being, One Intelligence, uncreated and Triune: the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit: 3 Persons of One Substance, Distinct but Not Separate.

    There is no room for the "one God" being more than one Being, which would be redefining Monotheism into Polytheism or Tritheism. Any person who cares for the truth will realize this is a deceptive twist on the word God. But never does a Mormon ask the question, how can there be more than one uncreated Being? Shouldn't I ask where these others come from? Or how could ancient Israel have been wrong and Christians, that Monotheism is not true after all? God loses His personableness in His 3 Persons if He is just a bunch of different beings.

    My prayer in getting you to think, is to realize you are going to Hell if you don't want to worship God and be saved His way.

    Your choice.

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