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Thread: Barack Hussein Obama and King William V

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    Do you know about this? I am now convinced Prince William who will be crowned king in 2015 is the Antichrist, though he is not likely possessed yet with the spirit of Neron Kaisar (666 in Aramaic). As the 7th, he will suffer an assassination attempt, receive a deadly wound and recover as the 8th (Rev. 17.0-11). He is one of the 7, not the 6th (Domitian) at the time of John's writing, thus one of the five (Nero) who were either murdered or committed suicide. In 2015, William will be the same age as Jesus was when He started His ministry at the age of 33-34. In keeping with the evils of the Royal Family, and the Roman Church, and the millions they have murdered through the centuries, the Antichrist will be fully developed and come on the scene late 2015 or early 2016. They belong to a line of consummate murderers to protect their wealth. Money is the ROOT OF ALL EVIL.

    Blood samples were taken off the Shroud in 1968. Prince William was born 1982. They could clone people long before Dolly. Dolly was for public display only. Whether it is actually the body of Jesus or not makes no difference. The DNA on the Shroud of Turin and that of William will be shown to match perfectly and only William has the alleged Merovingian and Davidic bloodline from Charles and Diana who was inseminated. She tried to kill herself several times with William in her womb because she knew she was just being used as a vessel. She was killed because she was pregnant or about to be pregnant with her boyfriend who was a Muslim. The Royal Family could not have another Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael. She always called him Will because she wanted to leave out the "I AM". Will I AM. King William V. Change the W to two V's and change the i to an I so you get I AM VI VI VI. The legend of King Arthur was that he would return as the man-child to rule (rather than Jesus returning just He left to the cloud). William's middle name is Arthur.

    King William V comes to 666 in Greek. Prince Charles of Wales comes to 666 in Hebrew and English. The next Pope is the 666th Pope which according to the Malachy Prophecy in the 1100's the 665th Pope, Benedict, will change his name to "Peter of Rome" and is supposed to, according the prophecy spell the destruction of the Vatican and Roman church system (I suspect a dirty nuke because the city on 7 hills is suppose to "burn" according to Scripture).

    Do you know about the Total Lunar Tetrad 2014-2015 (Rev. 6.12) that falls on the passover and tabernacles each time which will be the 8th Total Lunar Tetrad since Jesus? It won't happen again for centuries. Last time this happened was 1949-50 and 1967-68 and you know the significance of those dates: reminding Israel He is thinking of them. It also happened in 1493/94, a year the Jews were kicked out of Spain.

    Do you know about the Jewish prophecy from the 1800's, a synagogue is to be rebuilt a 2nd time (a 3rd synagogue) which is slated for completion March 15, 2010 and commences the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple? There is another Tetrad but of 4 Partial Solar eclipses in 2018-2019 which fits perfectly with Rev. 8.12 (4th trumpet) which occurs in the last year or so before the middle of the Tribulation (Rev. 9.1)--commencing the Great Tribulation.

    The 3rd Temple must be completed within the first year of the 7 year Tribulation, so there are 2300 days left (about 6.3 years), and people must be taking the implant under their arm in mass. I am not sure if these two things can be done in time, but I am watching closely. "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man" (Luke 21.36). "Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" (Matt. 24.40-41,42). Also see Rev. 3.10 for the first rapture according to readiness at 7.9 "before the throne" )and see Rev. 12.5, 14.1-5). Those Christians who do not keep the word of His patience will not escape the hour of trial that is to come upon the whole world: one Christian will be taken, another left.

    In 1981 the 10th country (Greece) was added to the European Union which started back in 1951. In 1982 William was born. It's interesting all the news today about the debt load of Greece and Italy which are the worse in the European Union. It could be possible William is made the head of the 4 nation confederacy of the United Kingdom: Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and England. Three are plucked out by the little horn. And then all 10 nations give over to the Antichrist a short while.

    He will convince the Jews by being of the Davidic line and the theosophists and financial elite by coming from the alleged Merovingian line back to Jesus. And 1.2 billion Roman Catholics will accept him as the one on the Shroud, because it is presented by the Roman Church as authentic who have had it in their possession after 1978.

    The asteroid which crosses earth's path twice in 2029 and 2036 is just a diversion to take our eyes off of the 2015-2022 period. The meteor comes within 25,000 miles in 2036. It is 250 meters wide. 2012 is also a deceptive diversions from who the Antichrist is and when he comes on the scene. The Roman Church will be destroyed by the Antichrist in the first part of the Tribulation because even though it is the woman who rides the beast (Rev. 17.3) and makes drunk the nations with the wine of the wrath of her fornications (14.8), at least in name it is in Christ.

  2. #32
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    The Number of the Name: King William V is numerically rendered in the Greek as Ουιλλιαμ Ο Ε' which equates exactly to 666.

    Does Prince William know he is the Antichrist? Email him and let him know.

    Who then is the False Prophet? Prince Charles or Prince Harry? Make your case.

    It's interesting Harry Potter. Who is the Potter in the Bible? God who molds us like clay. Children who engrossed themselves in the Harry Potter movies are now adults and have been fully brainwashed to accept the Antichrist and False Prophet.

    What is the half-blood prince mean in one of the Harry Potter movies? The Half-Blood Prince will be globally released in 2009. Half-Blood may very well refer to Prince William's own half-Merovingian legacy.

    In J.R.R. Tolkeins Lord of the Rings, "The Return of the King," and something else strangely familiar, a long lost, and yet Royal Bloodline of Kings, which was kept in seclusion over the years and to be established once more at the time it is needed most. Throughout 'The Two Towers' and 'The Return of the King,' it is King Aragorn who struggles with himself, with a failed legacy of his father before him, not knowing if he could carry out what fate has already revealed, as being the one bringing back a lost Golden Age.

    King Arthur was about reincarnation of King David who would return as the man-child, i.e. Prince William the Antichrist and Prince Harry the False Prophet. Do Royalty get jealous of their brothers who will be Kingds and try to kill them? Of course. Prince William is next in line to be King 2015 and Prince William is second in line.

    How strange the Two Towers can seem like the Twin Towers on 911, 2001.

  3. #33
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    The blood type on the Shroud is AB Negative. What is the blood type of Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince Harry?

    Prince Charles' blood type is O Negative.

    All of the characteristics of the Shroud indicate it was a death just like that of Jesus: spikes in both feet and hands, blood stains down the arms from the spikes, chest cavity punctured with a spear, blood driping from forehead, scourges on his back, a bloody knee from falling down from carrying the cross, etc.

    There is inflamation inf the cheeks and a blow to the nose which appears to be broken. The hair on his head and beard is saturated with blood.

    The crown of thorns often kills people before even getting to the cross due to shock as it punctures nerves in the head.

    The spikes went into the base under the thumb which produces extreme pain called causalgia. It's like lightening bolts traversing the arm. It could easily send a person into shock.

  4. #34
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    In Budapest, Hungry exists the Pray manuscript, the oldest preserved document in Hungarian history and is multiply confirmed from other sources. In the the scene of Christ being prepared for his entombment are four poker holes like exists on the Shroud of Turin. The Pray manuscript has been dated to 1190, seventy years before the earliest Carbon-14 date for the Shroud of Turin.

    In Oveido, northern Spain, exists a Sudarium cloth of a dead person as that of the person of the Shroud of Turin. The Shroud and Sudarium have the exact same blood type AB. Only 3% of the population has this blood type. It was in a silver ark which other artifacts brought to Oveato from Jerusalem in the 7th century. This would be the sister cloth of the Shroud of Turin.

    There are 8 pollens on the Shroud that derive only from Jerusalem.

    The blood on the Sudarium could have created a clone which could be Prince William or the blood could have come off the Shroud. Makes no difference. The probability of both cloths is not 3% but 3% x 3% = 1 in 1000.

  5. #35
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    The Holy Shroud can ve visited starting April 10, 2010 through to May. This will be the twelveth time it is shown in 400 years.

    The Shroud has been in northern Italy for over 4 centuries.

    I believe what's going to happen because they took a sample that was not from biologial material on th shroud, the sealed case that holds the Shroud will be reopened and a sample will be taken from the biological material. The Carbon dating will show it was from the first century. The blood type we know is AB, but the DNA will also be examined showing it is that of Prince William, both the Sudarium and the Shroud.

    They already know there are 24 chromosomes. There is only suppose to be 23 on the Shroud.

  6. #36
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    They only did one test on the Shroud three times, not three different samples.

    The Shroud is negative so as Jesus was zapped it gave a negative image. When people take a picture of it, they get a positive image what it looks like exactly as if you were looking at Jesus standing before you.

    58 pollens were found on the Shroud, 17 of which were indigenous to Europe. The rest were found in Palestine.

    The Shroud was not a painting because you would expect preferential brush marks. All the marks are random.

    This Shroud could not be as a result of it being planted on the flace because then it would be distorted. The only possibility is that it was a short burst of energy that illuminated the cloth. An intense burst of enrgy scorching the cloth in a millisecond of time. It was a short-time scale effect such as a burst of radiation.

  7. #37
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    The claim is that the Shroud is a negative. Leonardo Da Vinci wrote from right to left because he never learned to correct this error being left handed.

    The Shroud was 1260-1390 in medieval times according to Carbon 14 dating. Da Vinci was born in the Renassaince 1452, a good 60 years after the Shroud. I think he would use new cloth, not old cloth.

    In 1983 the last surviving member of the Savoy family gave the Shroud of Turin to to the Roman Church, one year after Prince William was born, though of course blood samples were done on the Shourd the decade before.

    I am fairly certain now that the Shroud of Turin was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci using ancient camera techniques with light sensitive chemicals, since this has been successfully recreated. The reason why the head looks small is because the distance from the object and the sheet would change the size. It matches all the characteristics of Jesus' death on the cross. Da Vinci painted the last supper. He had a detailed understanding of atonomy and had at least 30 human bodies he was allowed to disect.

    How then does the AB blood get on the Shroud? Only 3% of the population has this blood type. Taken together with the Sudarium in Spain which is also AB blood, the probability of that is less than 1 in 1000. However, if you take all the different blood types each have low probability then it is not that miraculous at all.

    In 1978 NASA scientists tested the blood on the Turin Shroud and interestingly also discovered that it is of the blood group AB positive. (The Sudarium, Face Cloth of Christ, mentioned in John 20.6-7) is also of the blood group AB positive.)

    AB positive makes up 3% of the population, but for it to occur on both the face cloth and the Shrould is amazing.

  8. #38
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    The Shroud clearly points to someone who knows the details of Jesus' death on the cross. Since we can rule out it actually being a burial cloth effects of the cloth pressing against the face, because it would be smudged and distorted, there is only two possibilities: 1) flash of light through Jesus' resurrection, or 2) the work of Leonardo Da Vinco. He was a prankster and antichrist. I think we have to trust the Carbon 14 dating. I only wished they would have taken a sample from the biological remains rather than from the endge of the cloth. The blood recovered from it though was AB which is only 3% of the population. Now what is the chance of that? Combine that with the Sudarium cloth the odds are less than 1 in 1000. Leonardo could not have known the blood type was AB.

    But the scam of cloning someone by taking their blood off of the Shroud derived from the 1400's could still have occured. That's why the Shrould looks so much like Prince William. It doesn't really look like the Mona Lisa or Da Vinci himself all that much.

  9. #39
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    The Sudarium cloth that was on Jesus' face ("And the napkin, that was about his head," John 20.7) which arrived in Spain in the early 7th century from Palestine in a large silver tomb has the blood type of AB positive. 3% of the population have this blood type.

    The Shroud of Turin also has the blood type of AB positive.

    Prince William (Will "I AM" and whose name comes to 666 in Greek as King William V) is expected to be the Antichrist starting late 2015 after the Total Lunar Tetrad in 2014-2015 (Rev. 6.12) which falls on Passover or Tabernacles, and again on Passover and Tabernacles (8th since Christ).

    Find out what Prince William's blood type is, then compare the DNA of both cloths and William's. Let me know what you find out.

    Do this for Harry also. Prince Charles has O Negative.

    “In 1900, Karl Landsteiner, a physician in Vienna, Austria, noted that the sera of some individuals led to the ‘discovery’ of ABO blood types.” Essentially, he noted a distinct difference in viscosity or the clotting factors of blood. Later on his students “discovered” the AB blood type. The major blood types are AB, B, A, O; type O is the thinnest with the highest alkaline pH level, the next being type A. Type B is the thickest of the blood types, and is in about 10% of the populations, and type AB is of normal viscosity and is in about 2-4% of populations. Type AB has the strongest immune system of the blood types. For the purpose of this writing the focus will mainly be on the majority blood types; these thin blood types clearly show the types of poisons being put into the food and food chain.

  10. #40
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    How do you know that there is real blood (and not paint or a stain) on the Shroud of Turin? - 1980 They (Gilbert and Gilbert) concluded that the blood flecks are real blood - Several claims have been made that the blood has been found to be type AB - The blood appears to be so old that the DNA is badly fragmented

    Alan Adler was an expert on porphyrins, the types of colored compounds seen in blood, chlorophyll, and many other natural products. He and Dr. John Heller, MD, studied the blood flecks on the STURP sampling tapes [Heller and Adler, Applied Optics 19, (16) 1980]. They converted the heme into its parent porphyrin, and they interpreted the spectra taken of blood spots by Gilbert and Gilbert. They concluded that the blood flecks are real blood. In addition to that, the x-ray-fluorescence spectra taken by STURP showed excess iron in blood areas, as expected for blood. Microchemical tests for proteins were positive in blood areas but not in any other parts of the Shroud. -- Several claims have been made that the blood has been found to be type AB, and claims have been made about DNA testing. We sent blood flecks to the laboratory devoted to the study of ancient blood at the State University of New York. None of these claims could be confirmed. The blood appears to be so old that the DNA is badly fragmented. Dr. Andrew Merriwether at SUNY has said that "… anyone can walk in off the street and amplify DNA from anything. The hard part is not to amplify what you don't want and only amplify what you want (endogenous DNA vs contamination)." It is doubtful that good DNA analyses can be obtained from the Shroud. It is almost certain that the blood spots are blood, but no definitive statements can be made about its nature or provenience, i.e., whether it is male and from the Near East.

    So this conclusively proves Prince William can not be a clone because the DNA is too damaged on the Shroud. Even if his blood type was AB Positive like the Shroud and the Sudarium that wouldn'get be enough to convince people he should be the world leader anyway. It's still an amazing coincidence that both the Sudarium and the Shroud are AB Positive. However, I am not even sure if this is confirmed or people are just repeating this idea.

    I have given up on trying to figure out who the Antichrist is.

    It will be 70 years since 1948 in 2018. If the Tribulation doesn't start by late 2015 or early 2016 following the Tetrad, that's really going to hurt my faith, but I won't lose it because I don't know how to disprove the resurrection proof of Jesus. Even if Jesus didn't return for a million years and I could live that long, I would still remain faithful, because no human being has ever been able to disprove the resurrection proof, and God would not be a genuine God if He did not personally enter His creation.

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