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Thread: Do Not Inquire After Their Gods

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    Default Do Not Inquire After Their Gods

    " . . . Inquire not after their gods, saying, How do these nations serve their gods?" (Deut. 12.30b).

    Do not inquire after other gods through curiosity. God forbids us to make such an investigation for this will only lead to following the ways of the nations.

    What agreement has the temple of God with idols?

    "Nor take their names (other gods) upon my lips" (Ps. 16.4). Even on the pulpit we should be careful not to mention the names of other gods unless it is absolutely necessary for illustration.

    The past is totally concluded. If believers can not separate themselves from idols wholly, how can they escape the greatest idol of the future, even the image of the anti-Christ?

    The day is coming when the man of sin shall have a living image. Do not even worship the image of Christ. Make no image of anything above, on the earth, under the earth or in the sea.

    In the Vatican there are over 2000 images of Christ.

    "And not a few of them that practised magical arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver" (Acts 19.19).

    Even though they are worth so much money, they were worthless, so the church set them to the fire. Praise God they were not sold by the church so the church might use the proceeds. If Judas was present, he certainly would have objected for the value was far greater than 30 pieces of silver.

    All doubtful things must be dealt with! Some things are so plagued with sin they can not merely just be altered. They must be destroyed.

  2. #2
    bertie Guest


    Does this" make no image" part apply to art works as well?By this scripture do we eliminate all striving for artistic achievement?
    Or does this apply only to idols and gods and religeous clutter of all kinds?
    Do you believe all artistic endeavor to be misspent?The time spent struggling to create that which is of beauty,or grace?We are after all. a race of creators...having been constructed in Gods image.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bertie
    Does this" make no image" part apply to art works as well?By this scripture do we eliminate all striving for artistic achievement?
    Or does this apply only to idols and gods and religeous clutter of all kinds?
    Do you believe all artistic endeavor to be misspent?The time spent struggling to create that which is of beauty,or grace?We are after all. a race of creators...having been constructed in Gods image.
    There is nothing wrong with artistic achievement, but again like anything, if it is an idol for the person it must be forsaken. Each person has their own conscience.

    I think you are asking for a legalism. You have asked me for legalistic rules before. You should stop doing that. Be left with an amen once and awhile instead of inordinately analyzing. Let us make no graven images - this speaks of things that can hurt our spiritual life because we place them in such great importance above what God considers important.

  4. #4
    Kevin H Guest


    What has that got to do with Apologetics? Thanks,

    Kevin H

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    Kevin H,

    It is already explained in the first post, even in the first sentence. In other words, do not move beyond the Spirit's leading to always defend yourself or your faith; this can be an idol for you which produces inordinate behavior. What often happens is those who have an apparent ministry in such work, make so many mistakes because they are overwhelmed by studying one group after another in their assessment of Christianity. Jesus often ran away and when forced with belligerent accusations said nothing. Some versions of the Bible even write in John 8.25, "Why do I speak to you at all?";)

    I for one have nothing to apologize for in my faith in Christ, so why do they? Christianity is solid and true, and needs no apologizing. I think it is Satan who brings in such words such as "apologetics" to confuse as though Christians in Christianity must apologize for something. It is not the case at all.

  6. #6
    Kevin H Guest


    Your point is well taken on the care we should employ when dealing with false relgions, systems, gods, etc.

    However, apologetics is from the Greek work apologia which means to defend or give reasons for a view. The word is found about 9 times in the New Testament but the primary verse is 1 Peter 3:15. It has nothing to do with "saying your sorry"! A person who presents and defends or gives reasons for a view is an apologist for that view. Paul did this, especially in Acts 17 (17:17).

    If you're not careful, Troy, you'll find yourself doing apologetics against apologetics (which is self-refuting).



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    Acts 17.17 says, "Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him".

    This is not to dispute beyond proper measure, nor is it apologizing, nor is the word apologia in Greek in this verse.

    That being said, words change: today's word for defending the faith is not apologetics, for this word is too closely related to apologizing. The English is language is more adept to come up with a better word.

    This must stand. As Satan tries to use language to deceive, we counter his deception with language that is more fitting. I can tell you lots of people think this about this word. And I can tell you also, that most apologetics sites are not very good, for they make a plethora of errors because they spread themselves too thin. Indeed, they need to apologize for their taking on more than they can chew. They are causing more problems then they are solving.

    Think about it. Be careful you don't come up with lame excuses like "doing apologetics against apologetics" and propagating the same problem. If most apologeticists are spreading themselves too thin and making inordinate mistakes, we do not apologize for them, but show the truth of their mistaken assumptions for the sake of clarity. You may say they are involved in their soul's mental gymnastics forsaking the life of the spirit.

  8. #8
    Kevin H Guest


    I'm not real interested in changing classic terms but call it what you want. It is apologia and we are to do it according to the Scriptures, and the Scriptures use that very word.

    There is nothing "lame" about pointing out self-refutation. Doing apologia against apologia is like saying "it's true there is no truth"!

    Kevin H

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    Default Chrisitianity does not apologize for its faith

    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin H
    I'm not real interested in changing classic terms but call it what you want. It is apologia and we are to do it according to the Scriptures, and the Scriptures use that very word.

    There is nothing "lame" about pointing out self-refutation. Doing apologia against apologia is like saying "it's true there is no truth"!

    Kevin H
    Defending the Scriptures is good, yes, but not inordinately, nor in a word that comes across apologetically in the English language. Come up to speed! Classic terms are just as deceiving as new terms. Just because something is classic does not mean it does not aim to deceive. This takes discernment.

    Apologizing for a false apology is lame! This is Satan's work. This is a self-refutation just like saying it's true there is no truth, using your words, to compare, to show it is like saying it is ok to be falsely sorry for being wrongly sorrowful. This does not represent the absoluteness of truth which is like a pillar; the objectivity of truth is unaffected by your bad choice of words, misreading the purpose of this thread, and the constant behavior of always apologizing with mistakes as we see exhibited in many apologetics sites seemingly apologizing and spreading themselves so thin they never touch anything deeply. At best these are carnal Christians.

    You're totally missing the point in your petty self. Do not argue for apples, while I am making a point about oranges. This is belligerent.

    p.s. I have sent you 4 links to show you in your profile what you hold in your heart that is not right before God. I do not want your flesh to be excited further, so you are banned. Take the time to review those links as they will be most helpful to you.

  10. #10
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    Apologetics = Defense of <Insert Whatever>

    The Apostle Paul, Jesus the Christ, Elisha, Elijah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Zechariah, ect., ect., ect.... On and on... Were all Apologists. Just because you confused the original definition of an apology with the popular meaning doesn't change the fact that all Christians are called to be Apologists. 2 Timothy 3:16 - 4:5

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