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Thread: Cosmological Argument Can Be Used to Disprove God

  1. #1
    exnhilo Guest

    Default Cosmological Argument Can Be Used to Disprove God

    The cosmological argument for god (commonly known as the 1st cause argument) claims the following premises:

    1.All things in existence have a cause.
    2. God is uncasued. (or phrased as a minor premise "No God has a cause"

    It logically follows that:
    No God exists.

    No logical flaw can be found in this argument, therefore, given the validity of the 2 premises, there can be no God.
    To then assert is a god would be to claim that one or both premises of this argument is false.
    However, in doing so, this demonstrates that the first cause argument for God is unsound(based on a false premise.)

    If one then claims God has a cause, then God was not needed to set things in motion, meaning god was not the first cause or possibly that there was no first cause. Therefore a god is not required for existence.

    Otherwise, one must claim that not all things in existence have a cause. the major premise of the argument becomes "Some things in exaistance have a cause." Again, meaning the first cause was not necessarily God. An assertion otherwise bears the burden of proof.

  2. #2
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    The reason why your argument fails is because your two assumptions about what you think theists believe is not what we believe at all. We do not assume all things have a cause, nor do we assume God is uncaused. Rather we prove everything in nature has a cause and thus, there must exist an uncreated Creator. Do you see how your theory breaks down then, because it is based on mistaken assumptions and bearing false witness?

    Since the universe has evidence for trillions of causes and there is no evidence for something happening all by itself in nature, that is overwhelming preponderance of evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that the universe requires a cause. So the burden is on you to show otherwise.

    And since the universe can't always have been existing, we are left with only one possibility, the uncreated Creator, whom we call God.

  3. #3
    exnhilo Guest


    So, god is uncreated but caused? What was this cause?

  4. #4
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    I am fairly certain you can't be that dumb.

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