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Thread: Rejecting the Apostles?

  1. #1
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    Default Rejecting the Apostles?

    Quote Originally Posted by briancook007
    Matthias was not a legitimate apostle, you FALSE APOSTLE; those folks in Acts chapter 1 acted carnally. Yes, I Cor. 15:5 says Christ was seen "of the twelve", but Paul doesn't call them twelve APOSTLES, now does he? Two possibilities exist: 1) Paul is referring to the twelve church LEADERS at that time, including Matthias there; 2) Paul is referring to the original twelve apostles, including Judas Iscariot there, he having seen Christ from his "own place" (Acts 1:25), for the Scripture saith, "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen." There were only twelve legitimate apostles, you FALSE APOSTLE, for it is written (Rev. 21:14), "And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the TWELVE apostles of the Lamb."
    "And the only other apostle I met at that time was James, our Lord's brother" (Gal. 1.9). Jesus was seen by James-"he was seen of James;..." (1 Cor. 15.7a)-; "...then of all the apostles" (1 Cor. 15.7b) including James, because James was an Apostle also (so James saw Jesus resurrected at least twice, possibly three times if he was in the 500 also). James, the brother of Jesus, was not one of the original 11 Apostles or 12 Apostles, but you say there are only 12 Apostles including Paul. Let this be perfect proof you are hostile to the Apostles of God, the Church-body of Christ. I know what spirit you are of, you are of a spirit of dissension. That is, no matter what someone else says, you disagree with them to exalt yourslelf. This is the spirit of the Devil and you do his bidding, he will bring you to Hell with him, for obviously, you will not repent ever of your heretical teachings including Calvinism.

    The reason why others may not have been mentioned by name specifically with the word "Apostle" is for good reason. Junias (a woman), Paul and Jesus' brother in addition to the 12 Apostles were given the name Apostle. I think Paul and Luke were just being careful in naming who specifically was an Apostle, for this is the highest office in the Work for the Church. There might be others specifically named, but I count the original 12 plus Junias, Paul and James. That makes 15 Apostles specifically so named. Of course from out of the 70 and 120 there were many more. Praise the Lord! Some of the key particpants named in the Bible in travels setting up the Church were Apostles. The work of an Elder is local, whereas the work of an Apostle is to travel through a region setting up the churches-organized localities of believers. Preferrably two Apostles travelling together would give them comfort.

    You're not born-again Brian which explains your hostility to the Apostles, because you are a Calvinist, a hardened one at that, who refuses to repent and believe in Jesus Christ to be regenerated; so you self-exalt yourself pridefully assuming you were irresistibly regenerated without having to repent and believe in Christ to be regenerated (a selfish salvation-called "stacking the deck"), while you think God sends billions to Hell without any opportunity to be saved. What love is this? Your false salvation colors your reading of Scripture, for example, with regard to the Apostles. You're in your head and the evil spirit resides in your innerman.

    You said, "Matthias was not a legitimate apostle; those folks in Acts chapter 1 acted carnally." You've accused God's Apostles. They were wrong to chose someone to fill the 12th Apostles' spot? That's a strange theology.

    Peter continued, "This was predicted in the book of Psalms, where it says, `Let his home become desolate, with no one living in it.' And again, 'Let his position be given to someone else' (Acts 1.20). This comes from Psalms 69.25; 109.8. So if these folks acted carnally, then the prophecy is false and they misused the prophecy. You're not only accusing the Apostles but the Old Testament prophets and prophecies. You're a bad guy Brian.

    "So now we must choose another man to take Judas's place. It must be someone who has been with us all the time that we were with the Lord Jesus-- (Acts 1.21).

    "from the time he [Jesus] was baptized by John until the day he [Jesus] was taken from us into heaven. Whoever is chosen will join us as a witness of Jesus' resurrection" (v.22). He was a legitimate eyewitness. He truly saw Jesus alive from the dead.

    "So they nominated two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias" (v.23). Then they all prayed for the right man to be chosen. "O Lord," they said, "you know every heart. Show us which of these men you have chosen. (v.24)

    " an apostle to replace Judas the traitor in this ministry, for he has deserted us and gone where he belongs." (v.25) How strange (you have a strange spirit) to bear false witness against Paul by claiming Paul said Judas saw Jesus resurrected while Judas is the bad side of Hades with the Rich Man for he is dead. Your evil god claims that Judas while he was dead saw Jesus resurrected? How do you see the resurrected Jesus when you are dead? Coocoo!

    "Then they cast lots, and in this way Matthias was chosen and became an apostle with the other eleven" (Acts 1.26). I am going to trust God's word and God's commissioning me as an Apostle. I am not aware of a single Christian scholar in Church history who ever thought Matthias was not an Apostle. Why do you reject the clear words of the Bible? It seems to me with your false teaching along with Calvinism, you have the seeds for a new cult, because when you combine the various false teachings you hold, I am not aware of any denomination that even teaches this.

    You're being a bad legalizer when you said, "Christ was 'seen of the twelve', but Paul doesn't call them twelve APOSTLES, now does he?" Why should Paul have to use the word "Apostles" upon your demand, since is obvious? Seems so obvious and unnecessary. Some Bible versions say "He was seen by Peter and then by the twelve apostles" (1 Cor. 15.5 NLT).

    You've clearly misused this verse: "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen." Jesus has not returned yet, so you are preaching a false Christ, claiming Jesus has returned for Judas to see Jesus resurrected. Shame on you!

    You're not a child of God. Cumulatively it is easy to see, for you reject the Apostles and you're a Calvinist. And that's just for starters.

    What Saith the Scriptures?

    "Here is a list of some of the members that God has placed in the body of Christ: first are apostles, second are prophets, third are teachers, then those who do miracles, those who have the gift of healing, those who can help others, those who can get others to work together, those who speak in unknown languages" (1 Cor. 12.28). This is not a consecutive list; that is, there were apostles then came the prophets, then came teachers, then those who do miracles, etc. All of these different types of workers are present in every church period. Without the Apostles working today the Church would fall into disarray. Why? Because the Apostles are directly chosen by God to work regionally and appoint the Elders of a locality; whereas all other workers are based on gifts, e.g. gift of prophecy given to a Prophet, or by appointment such as Elders of a locality and Elders of meeting places. An Apostle has gifts but his gifts do not determine his apostleship. Their's is a direct commission from God. If one had to say why God chooses a person to be an Apostle, such as I am, it is because of consecration and conscience, but even then that may not be the whole reason. Whatever reason God has for choosing a person such as Junias to be an Apostle, male or female, it is because God's decision to do so is the right one. All we can do as Christians is to agree upon God's decision to test the Apostles and ensure they are the Apostles when they say they are. Hence the questions for Apostles and Elders at

    Paul mentions "the twelve" or "the twelve apostles" (1 Cor. 15.5) and then "later by all the apostles" (v.7) for there were more than just 12 Apostles such as Junias and some of the 70 and 120. And then Paul saw Jesus too. Seeing Jesus in a vision doesn't necessitate being an Apostle, for many of the 500 where not Apostles. Paul did not include himself in the first 12 Apostles including Matthias, nor did he include himself in the seeing of Jesus by all the apostles alive at the time (v.7). Such word can hardly be construed to be limited to 11 Apostles (11 is the number of Islam): "For I have worked harder than all the other apostles" (1 Cor. 15.10). Such connotation speaks of many not just 11 apostles.

    Rather, "Last of all, I saw him, too, long after the others, as though I had been born at the wrong time. For I am the least of all the apostles, and I am not worthy to be called an apostle after the way I persecuted the church of God" (1 Cor. 15.8-9). Notice Paul doesn't say he is the 12th apostle so to assume he is the 12th apostles is what a Calvinist may do to read into the text in keeping with their practice of reading into the text. That's how cults develop. Do you see the problem with being a Calvinist? Reading into the text Total depravity sets a bad habit of reading into the text on other occasions about other matters. Once you go down that road of not being humble, and being an overassumer (not an overcomer), its a very difficult situation to extricate yourself from, for not even God can do it as you remain resistant and unwilling.

    My prayers go out to you to yet one day give your life to Christ and stop being fake.

    The 12 Apostles written upon the walls of the New City does not include the name of Paul, but Matthias. These were the original 12 and we must respect that. No matter how great Paul was, he was a murderer of the Church and will never have his name on the walls of the New City. Paul admits this, for he is the least of the Apostles.

    Praise the Lord for this discernment!

  2. #2
    Guillaume Le Chat Guest


    There were 12 Apostles, and then Paul, and that's it. Junia was not an Apostle, but she was renown among the 12, meaning she was famous among the 12 for her work. And there are no more apostles.

  3. #3
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    "He was seen of Cephas, then of the twelve... After that, he was seen of James; then of all the apostles." (1 Cor. 15.5,7).

    All of the apostles includes the Twelve plus other Apostles at the time such as Junias. Thayer's Lexicon refers to Junia as "a women's name...and the name occurs again in Rom. 16.15": "Salute Philologus, and Julia" (v.15).

    It is a strange way to speak to say "who are of note among the apostles". Normally when you are among, you are included in that group. For your view to be true, you would read it: "are notable to the apostles".

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