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Thread: Ron Wyatt Was a Scam Artist

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    Default Ron Wyatt Was a Scam Artist

    If the Ark of the covenant was really under the cross, then where is it for all to see? If the blood with 22 chromosomes with 1 X chromosome and 1 Y chromosome exists, why isn't it being shown to the world by Ron Wyatt? How is that evidence if it remains in hidden?

    Ron Wyatt was never saved. He is going to Hell. He is a KJV onlyist. The rule in being a scam artist is to put out feelers for people to gullibly grab onto a lie to accept then further lies. KJV onlyism is a lie. We must take all information into consideration.

    Ron Wyatt said there were 4 angels in then room underneath the cross he excavated to, and he was to take the two tablets that were in the ark in that room and show them to the world. Ok. Where are they? This guy is such a bold face liar. Now when we look at the Scriptures to determine the deception, we can read what textual criticism reveals in God's word.

    Now follow my reasoning here. It's very simple.

    "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." (1 John 5.7-8 KJV UAV - unauthorized version)

    The NKJ scholars concede in their footnoes...The NU-Text and M-Text omit the words from in heaven (verse 7) through on earth (verse 8). Only four or five very late manuscripts contain these words in Greek.

    Ergo, these are not the original words of the Bible. So throwing out that portion, 1 John 5.7-8 would read (but wait, there's more problems),

    "For there are three that bear record, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." (1 John 5.7-8)

    So there is no blood in the earth we can recover of Jesus. Anyone who says so is a bold faced lair. However, I am told that Jesus' blood on a molecular level has touched everything on earth. His blood covers us all. I could buy that if scientists could show that interatomic interactions move about like that so pervasively.

    But NIV footnotes read as follows. Late manuscripts of the Vulgate testify in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. And there are three that testify on earth: the (not found in any Greek manuscript before the sixteenth century).

    So the rest of 1 John 5.7-8 should be thrown out as well. Which I am glad because that seems weird to say there are three that are one: water, blood and Spirit, for that is actually a quaternity of Father, blood, water, Spirit. Jesus is the water of life and His blood saves, but you don't call Jesus two testimonies, for He is one testimony. He does not have two wills. He has one will. He does not have the will of a man and another will as the will of God. He is fully man and fully God, with one will.

    I think this quaternity problem, then bring in Mary for a quinternity, gets weirder by the moment from adding words to the Bible.

    The New Living Translation agrees: Some very late manuscripts add in heaven—the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. And we have three witnesses on earth.

    Furthermore, NIV footnotes read: Late manuscripts of the Vulgate testify... in heaven: the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. And there are three that testify on earth: the (not found in any Greek manuscript before the sixteenth century).

    Chalk one up for the Vulgate. I know I cringe to when the Vulgate gets it right and the KJV gets it wrong, but we have to bite the bullet on this one. When you hold a false premise like "KJV Onlyism" it leads to further errors as sin begets sin. We must believe in the Open Bible like open SourceForge software.

    Further evidence to show you Ron Wyatt is not born-again is that he says premillennialism is a fantasy. He says he is amillennial in this video. In other words, he was never saved by the Son of God (for God) who will return to reign for 1000 years on earth as the Son of Man (for man). Those who overcometh in Christ will return with Him to reign for 1000 years on earth. That would be some fraction of all believers.

    In this video Ron Wyatt said the 4 angels which looked like men told him to show the world the Stone Tablets, but then Ron now tells us they won't be revealed until after everyone takes the mark of the beast.

    His whole story fails first, because as we have seen the Bible does not agree with him; secondly, because all one would need to do is go to that location, and I am sure many have, to see that the ark and the items of the holy place are not in that room.

    This is how we know Ryan Wyatt is going to Hell.

    The ark of convenant represents our spirit, the Holy of Holies, that the Holy Spirit indwells. The three items in the Ark represent our intuition (rod budded), communion (manna) and conscience (law tablets). Our spirit is where regeneration takes place. We are led by the still small voice and inner registrations of our spirit by the Spirit. There is no ark of the covenant to be found, for we are God's temple: spirit (holy of holies), soul (holy place), and body (outer court). The Ark was melted down for other uses for its purpose has been fulfilled in the Old Testament when Jesus paid for our sins.

    God is saying, our spirit is very precious, be very careful with it!

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    Lever system saved the Ark. It's conceivable. The feasts gone up to Israel 3 time a year was a rehearsal when Jesus returns. Michael Rood believes in the millennial reign unlike Ron Wyatt.

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