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  1. #1
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    This is not a roman catholicism forum of idolatry towards Mary: the great harlot of religious Rome (Rev. 17) who sits on the beast to makes drunk the nation with the wine of the wrath of her fornications (14.8).

    Please find another forum more to your liking, since you can't repent. You are a banned.

  2. #2
    ~~TurboWaitress~~ Guest


    Troy, do you think men are better than women?

    I agree women and men have different positions in the church, but seriously I believe women and men are both equal, the bible can be easily mis-interpretated when it comes to women, we are both created in God's image, and we are both loved by the same God...


  3. #3
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    Why would you ask me if I thought men are better? Is it not I who is saying women can be apostles, yet your roman catholic system says women can not be? Men and women were made in God's image.

    If you loved God, you would treat men and women equally by accepting that women can be apostles also or hold any appointed work. Understand you have doubletongue since you are in a man-made system that does not treat men and women equally.

    Also, if you believed men and women were equal you would not mistreat Mary by claiming she was without sin. Do not exalt women above men. This is wrong. I do not exalt men above women.

    The biggest cult in the world is lying to you as they only have male priests and popes, etc. They shouldn't even have popes since there are no popes in the Bible. Most popes are hellbound, for they ought to know better not to be the leader of the greatest cult that ever existed in the history of the human race.

  4. #4
    serenitygrace Guest

    Default Women Apostles, its about Parenting

    Hello Family in Christ,

    Firstly would like to say hello to all, peace be with u. Just registered and was invited by someone on another forum to come here and here I am.

    I have read everyone's reply and this is what He has shown me, because have come across much dissention, a lot by men, who don't like women to be used to share with them, or to be told by a woman. Also have met christian men who think women can be simpletons and lack intelligence, they will discredit them, or the message that is being given or what they r sharing, and abuse can take place and this is awful and it should not be so in Christ. Also there are men, who believe women can not know or understand as they do and so they try to bring in a false submission so u can learn of them, but they are in error. His women are a part of His Daughter in Zion and His Beloved, His Rose of Sharons, His Shulamites, He marries His beloved and He marries His women, His brides and we become His wife. His men also entering into His beloved and His bride too ....If Lord Jesus Christ is in us, we r in His intelligence, we have His understanding as well as His knowledge and it is never without His wisdom..... if we r in Christ, then there is no more bond nor free, male or female, we are just His and He is ours.

    Paul did write, for a women not to teach in the church, but then he wrote for the older women to teach the younger women. Women can teach other women beautifully, at times they can also miff it, just as men can miff it too, and He redeems. Also the church is the body of Christ, not a man made structure with earthly hands, but it is His body. Also it is not about teaching, for the Holy Spirit teaches us, it is about parenting and guiding until it is no more needed. His women parent along with and in Him and along and with the men, that is why we are mums and parents in Christ. And a lot of His people do need parenting, because of much error. There r also orphans in Christ that do need mums along with dads and parents.

    As with Mary, the name means beloved. Mary was chosen to bring forth Jesus into the world, He chose Mary. That doesn't mean we don't treat her like an idol and put her on a false God pedestal, or we get into issues about Mary simply because of catholicism.... nor do we go the other way and totally deny her and her role as a mother, wife, she was chosen by God. It does mean that we do honour that while in the earth she was the Lord's mother,and she with God and Joseph, help parent and watch other Jesus while He was a child. In Heaven she was chosen by God, to be His Son's mother, God just didn't choose anyone, He chose Mary. Elizabeth acknowledged this when Mary went and saw her and Elizabeth greeted her accordingly. Mary was a beautiful mother, and she was faithful, She also has a place in His Heavenly. God along with Mary and Joseph, were a family and apart of Jesus' family joined together by Him, as are we all in the Body of Christ......God along with Mary & Joseph,they provided a roof over Jesus head, help raise Him from a babe, protected Him, and fed him, guided Him through childhood and into adulthood. Mary nurtured Him and she loved Him and she delighted in Him and she was also grieved as a mother would be. She also rejoiced and she was there along with Him, even through the cross and after the cross, in His resurrection and with Him through His ministery, supporting Him. It was Mary who encouraged Him to do His first miracle at the wedding of Cana, if Mary had not asked Him,and even after Jesus said it was not His time, she told the servants anyway, to do as He says the miracle that took place at the wedding of Cana, would not have been what it was, an amazing miracle of Him, she had her part that led to this miracle.

    This is what we honour what she did, and that she loved Him, she was His mum. He also cared for her so much, found a new son for her at the cross, he saw to it that she would be taken care of before he died, but how can anyone ever really replace Him...He is gorgeous.... If we honour Mary and her role of His parent, it also doesn't necessarily mean we are caught up into catholicism, it just means we are remembering her and what she did and being thankful that she brought Him forth. Give Praise where Praise is due, honour where honour is due.

    Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the King. 1 Peter 2:17 honour unto the wife....1 Peter 3:7

    We are also to honour all His people, especially His parents in Christ, our mums and dads in the Body of Christ... for they do a beautiful job and at times it can be thankless by others, not recognised by some and certainly His parenting not even honoured at times. If we do our jobs well in Him, then people r focused and centred in Him, and r deeper in Him, and we have been with Him and we see them go and do what they are meant to do in Him, and at other times these children get to be a part of our lives too in the earth and then if God willing we become grandparents in Christ. We are also to salute the saints too. and Mary was full of Grace, because she had the son of God inside of Her,not just in her womb but in her heart too.

    U also wrote that women fell in a different way, this is correct, but we are also restored/reconciled in and brought into His oneness...

    Eve was deceived and so in Christ, His women r restored and bring His light and His Glory, that their minds be no more darkened because they now have His light along with His heart and mind ....they also receive Grace.

    Adam, followed and committed sin, by doing what He shouldn't have done and then blamed eve for and then eve blamed the serpent, not accepting responsibility came into it, and immaturity... His Men, receive His Grace into His Body, and they then receive His Glory.... Glory Grace, together in Him we become one, and it is then Sovereign Grace, a heavenly Grace we receive, the light and sound of Him when we r reconciled in Him, we are in His Him,

    When women come into the fulness in Him, men come into the fulness in Him too and when men come into the fulness in Him, women come into the fulness in Him, and we r both entered into His fulness, His perfection and completion. This is what needs to be encouraged, for we come into perfection together, in Him and in His body and we will not get their without each other, He has made it so, we need Him and we need each other. It is time to accept what women bring and what men bring and what the young bring and what the old bring....even what babies bring...for they too have a ministery of gorgeous smiles, beautiful eyes and unconditional love, there is something about babies in His love that just does something to people's hearts.

    Also He becomes in the middle between the splits of men and women, we r reconciled in Him and together in Him, we fly, for He moves our wings, our splits and we r then one... He is the loving, caring, and living part that He adds to us, and then we experience His divine reconiciliation, His divine butterfly, Lord Jesus Christ. We no more flounder, or struggle, but we r in His rest as He does the doing. Died in corruption, raised in Incorruption. Died in the mortal, raised in the immortal. Died in the splits, raised into reconciliation. That is what we get in Him, Praise Lord Jesus Christ...then we no more debate over whether women can teach or not, we know they have their part in Him right alongside His men,and it is Him that gives the role of parents in Christ etc....We also minister and we become His ministers.

    He is the one that does the doing. There are mums in Christ, there are dads in Christ and there are those who do both roles in Christ they are coparents with and in Him, and it is always in Him, and it is Him that gives this to people, it doesn't come from men or people to decide, but is given to us by Lord Jesus Christ. As it is Him that gives people regions to parent and different people in the body of Christ, and in Him it is not one sided, because the children in Christ, call the parents in Christ mum and dad. Also these parents in Christ, don't just come with His rod, they also come with His staff and they approach parenting as such, being they have His Faith and Authority to do so, this is given to them by Him.

    Also He loved women, and He loves His women, when He came back to life, He appeared to Mary Magdeline for her to tell the brethren and give them a message...John 20:17. "It was Mary Magdaline and Joanna and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them which told these things unto the apostles." Luke 24:10.

    He truly loves His women, His women have their home in Him, have a place in His ministery, and it is time for His men to come into acceptance of this, and to let women do what they need to do in Him without the hinderances and debatings, but with the support of Him and the encouragement we can be the body of Christ we are meant to be and do what we r meant to be doing, instead of getting caught up into debatings, strivings etc..... there is something just so beautiful about the love of a women in ministery, that can not be spoken, it comes with a mother's love He gives, it comes with hugs, and nurturing,and it also comes with Godly guidance...for His bride and wife and mother are virtuous...His women parent their children that they are given, no matter how many there are and she doesn't neglect in Him.

    Serenity Grace
    Last edited by serenitygrace; 01-21-2006 at 06:20 PM.

  5. #5
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    I share your same view for women in the Work and in the Church and despise dissension caused by those who hold untruths.

    However, I do refuse (1) your not accepting God's Word on hell, (2) your not accepting Biblical tongues and accepting false tongues (gibberish babble for passivity to induce evil entry), and (3) your not accepting our being spirit, soul and body (Heb. 4.12; 1 Thess. 4.12).

    You have much to be delivered from.

  6. #6
    serenitygrace Guest


    Hello Troy,

    I do believe in God's word on Hell, not man's interpretation.....

    I also believe in tongues, because I speak it, I have received it, this is what is also in the bible. It is also not without understanding, knowledge or wisdom. Nor is it without Him leading it. I am aware of the teachings that are around about tongues, and also the prejudice usually coming from people with tongue issues and ignorance. We also know, understand not all that claim, have ...... That is why we trust, rely and have faith in Him, we surrender to Him and He reveals, cause their is much false teachings and misinterpretations.

    We also know what Jesus says about Tongues....and this is what we follow

    And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. Mark 16:17

    The gift of His tongues is a gift from God and it is for the Lord's purposes that it is so...and He gives it to who He gives it to.

    We also follow Paul, when He says we pray it in the Spirit and we pray it in understanding we sing it in the Spirit and we sing it in Understanding, He directs this....U can read this in 1 Cor 14

    I do accept that we are apart of His Body, His Soul and His Spirit, if we r in His, then we r in His Body, His Soul and in His Spirit. I don't believe in the soulish interpretations brought forth by people. But what He reveals? Ghost means soul, and His soul is our centre, especially if we live in John 14:20. The Ghost and the soul of a person r the centre of the life that comes out of it, and the Spirit is the breath and the movement that comes out of the cente of God in the heavenly....and His life flows out of this....How can those with the soul of God, being the Holy Ghost through them be self serving? There is only one true Body, Soul and Spirit, and that is His.

    Also what I registered with was for registration purposes, not to be broadcasted in public, u have violated privacy,and then assumed that I have certain beliefs, that u have made a wrongful assumption. Why have u done this?

    Yes we do need to be delivered, from accusatory christians, from half hearted ones, from dissenters, from christianity with error, from christianity around us that has no power, from christian cults, from people caught up in addictions, from unloving and unkind people, from error, from surrounding wordliness, from self serving people, from people making assumptions, and people who do not honour privacy, nor honour Him through His people, from govenments and churches and ministeries and forums that abuse His people that they think they are doing right when in deed they are not, also from ur behaviour of saying welcome one moment and then writing I refuse and ur assumptions are not correct, delivered from what hinders us all unnecessarily....I also need to be delivered and keep on being delivered from satan being a jerk, and by his dissenters that he influencers, delivered from everything that is stopping His people from being one, and His deliverance to come right on in through that He flow it through all His people, His body of Christ can be who and what they are meant to be and error can finally go and we can be fully in His Truth. Because all fall short of the Glory of God and their was only one that had no error in Him, and that is Lord Jesus Christ.

    I also was invited to come here by someone, and I registered because of what u wrote about, being women apostles and Mary I am glad u wrote that u r in agreement with what I wrote. If u see no truth in what I write, then this is error....but look at what I write, please and if there is any error from what I post, then look at this. Look at what I bring forth. I am also glad u r in agreement with this cause it is Him that showed me this, and if u r in agreement with that, and then say u r not in agreement because of what I registered with, then why was my registration accepted? I hope it was not with the intentions of whammying taking place.

    Also if there is not agreement the earthly witness is not operating some where....for in the earthly witness we have agreement. I am going to pray about this, Troy let us go into prayer in Him together, for fellowship can not take place without His earthly and Heavenly witness, that is His true oneness fellowship, and we need to keep on praying for His people about this.

    What we need to be focusing on is His love, His reconciliation, that we all be one, that is John 17 and we need to be apart of His solution and not the problem. We need to keep on focusing on Him and take our eyes off the world and their errors and look upon the one that is without error. If u welcome me, then welcome me, but don't go saying that u r refusing or refuting me because of this what u think I am believing, ask me straight out. Otherwise it is a blessing and a cursing in one breathe taking place, Do u really want to be blessing and cursing me in one breath?

    Troy do u accept me to be here or not? Or r u going to make it difficult?
    When we accept Him, we accept His people too, when we love Him, we love His people. We are His witness and He is the epistle written on our heart and in our lives.

    Am I truly welcome here, did u mean this, or was this just something to write?

    I also noticed that you wrote your in bold letters, this is highlighting your....and it is like a seperation, it is a you and a me, not an us. In Him we have Us. Us is the body of Christ, and no man can not say to one of His people you don't belong nor are a part of, because this is for Him to decide not people. He gets to say who is in His body and where they are in that and what they do and have. Also can u not bold or put things in bold, it is like u r shouting, and r u shouting your at me?

    Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger and speaking vanity.....then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day. And the Lord shall guide thee....Isaiah 58:10-11

    Serenity Grace
    Homeheart Ministeries
    His heart is in our home and our home is in His heart...John 14:20


    I share your same view for women in the Work and in the Church and despise dissension caused by those who hold untruths.

    However, I do refuse (1) your not accepting God's Word on hell, (2) your not accepting Biblical tongues and accepting false tongues (gibberish babble for passivity to induce evil entry), and (3) your not accepting our being spirit, soul and body (Heb. 4.12; 1 Thess. 4.12).

    You have much to be delivered from.[/quote]

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by serenitygrace
    Hello Troy,

    I do believe in God's word on Hell, not man's interpretation.....
    Since you do not believe Hell is an eternal separation from God you do not agree with God's Word in Rev. 20 that all the unsaved are thrown into hell to be eternally separated. God will not annihilate your soul.

    I also believe in tongues, because I speak it, I have received it, this is what is also in the bible. It is also not without understanding, knowledge or wisdom. Nor is it without Him leading it. I am aware of the teachings that are around about tongues, and also the prejudice usually coming from people with tongue issues and ignorance. We also know, understand not all that claim, have ...... That is why we trust, rely and have faith in Him, we surrender to Him and He reveals, cause their is much false teachings and misinterpretations.
    There is no gibberish babble in the Bible so what you received is not Biblical tongues. Tongues is with understanding the Bible said to the one who speaks other languages given by God. God gives the gift of tongues so He authorizes it to speak other languages. You have tongue issues, which is your prejudice and ignorance altering the Word. God does not gift the gift of languages to everyone. I for one have no gifting to speak any language other than English to share the Word of God. If you want to prove you are living a lie, ask 5 interpreters to interpret your gibberish babble, and you will find always you will get 5 different answers.

    We also know what Jesus says about Tongues....and this is what we follow
    Jesus never approved of gibberish babble.

    And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. Mark 16:17
    Amen. No gibberish babble!

    The gift of His tongues is a gift from God and it is for the Lord's purposes that it is so...and He gives it to who He gives it to.

    We also follow Paul, when He says we pray it in the Spirit and we pray it in understanding we sing it in the Spirit and we sing it in Understanding, He directs this....U can read this in 1 Cor 14
    The purpose is to spread the Word of God to other nations of other languages for others! Not for self per se. When we pray in the spirit and we pray with understanding (in the soul), nothing here is said about gibberish babble. Do you see how you have made up this cultic teaching devised in the 2nd century under montanism?

    I do accept that we are apart of His Body, His Soul and His Spirit, if we r in His, then we r in His Body, His Soul and in His Spirit. I don't believe in the soulish interpretations brought forth by people. But what He reveals? Ghost means soul, and His soul is our centre, especially if we live in John 14:20. The Ghost and the soul of a person r the centre of the life that comes out of it, and the Spirit is the breath and the movement that comes out of the cente of God in the heavenly....and His life flows out of this....How can those with the soul of God, being the Holy Ghost through them be self serving? There is only one true Body, Soul and Spirit, and that is His.
    You should not be apart from God, for you should be with and for God, not apart from His body. God does not have a soul per say. Only man has a soul made in God's image. Men uniquely have a soul. Gibberish babble is soulish, so you are soulish saved or soulish unsaved. This comes from self, confusing emotion for spirit, by altering the Word. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of God, not soul. His Spirit indwells our spirit and Spirit makes contact with spirit, not soul to spirit. His Spirit is God's mind revealed to us intuitively, but God does not have a soul. You would have to provide evidence for this rather than merely self-declare it.

    Understand where your confusion comes from in confusing the spirit of man with the soul of man. Our soul is our mind, will and emotions, while our spirit has the functions of intuition communion and conscience.

    God said spirit, soul and body in Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23, so your issue is with God not with me.

    Understand what false tongues does, is it aims to confuse the spirit and the soul so that you walk after the soul and not the spirit since gibberish babble is a soulical abuse.

    Also what I registered with was for registration purposes, not to be broadcasted in public, u have violated privacy,and then assumed that I have certain beliefs, that u have made a wrongful assumption. Why have u done this?
    All profiles are viewable to the public (except pictures - this is personal). This is a standard feature of all vbulletin forums. If you don't like it I will remove your account. Just ask. I did not assume anything. You said exactly what you believed. If I had made an assumption, you woul be able to show it rather than just self-declare it selfishly from your flesh.

    Yes we do need to be delivered, from accusatory christians, from half hearted ones, from dissenters, from christianity with error, from christianity around us that has no power, from christian cults, from people caught up in addictions, from unloving and unkind people, from error, from surrounding wordliness, from self serving people, from people making assumptions, and people who do not honour privacy, nor honour Him through His people, from govenments and churches and ministeries and forums that abuse His people that they think they are doing right when in deed they are not, also from ur behaviour of saying welcome one moment and then writing I refuse and ur assumptions are not correct, delivered from what hinders us all unnecessarily
    You are welcome here, not your false teachings. Why accuse falsely sinning bearing false witness, for this is half hearted and error and without power or love. Many cults believe as do you that tongues is gibberish babble, but this is selfish and unloving and unkind, puffed up towards others. Rationalizing yourself with wordiness is ineffectual. You should repent. Your privacy is honored so why accuse falsely that it is not? You have much to be delivered from. But it is clear you can not repent.

    ....I also need to be delivered and keep on being delivered from satan being a jerk, and by his dissenters that he influencers, delivered from everything that is stopping His people from being one, and His deliverance to come right on in through that He flow it through all His people, His body of Christ can be who and what they are meant to be and error can finally go and we can be fully in His Truth. Because all fall short of the Glory of God and their was only one that had no error in Him, and that is Lord Jesus Christ.
    Satan is a jerk, so don't let him win your life with false tongues, for this puffed up action is pride-filled and takes your eye off of Christ for your party spirit. This divides the body of Christ and lets Satan enter the church. It is doubletongued to speak of the body life while living in this sin of false tongues that you use to selfishly stimulate your emotion and forsake your spirit. Here you fall short of the glory of God and Christ His Son for His Son never approved of this behavior, nor did He ever utter gibberish babble. Nor will He ever do so!

    I also was invited to come here by someone, and I registered because of what u wrote about, being women apostles and Mary I am glad u wrote that u r in agreement with what I wrote. If u see no truth in what I write, then this is error....but look at what I write, please and if there is any error from what I post, then look at this. Look at what I bring forth. I am also glad u r in agreement with this cause it is Him that showed me this, and if u r in agreement with that, and then say u r not in agreement because of what I registered with, then why was my registration accepted? I hope it was not with the intentions of whammying taking place.
    We agree on women. We do not agree on your false tongues. This forum is not going to ban you for your sin or false tongues or for your unwillingness to repent from false tongues. I am here to help you. However, if you become belligerent and obstinate to the point where you need to be banned, you will be. I did not want you to think that just because I agreed with you about women that that meant I agreed with you about your false tongues, your rejection of Jesus on Hell, and your rejection of our having a spirit, soul and body. Many people think they are right about things about 5 things just because they are right about 1 thing. It does not follow.

    Also if there is not agreement the earthly witness is not operating some where....for in the earthly witness we have agreement. I am going to pray about this, Troy let us go into prayer in Him together, for fellowship can not take place without His earthly and Heavenly witness, that is His true oneness fellowship, and we need to keep on praying for His people about this.

    What we need to be focusing on is His love, His reconciliation, that we all be one, that is John 17 and we need to be apart of His solution and not the problem. We need to keep on focusing on Him and take our eyes off the world and their errors and look upon the one that is without error. If u welcome me, then welcome me, but don't go saying that u r refusing or refuting me because of this what u think I am believing, ask me straight out. Otherwise it is a blessing and a cursing in one breathe taking place, Do u really want to be blessing and cursing me in one breath?
    I do not refuse you as a person per se, but I do reject your false tongues and the other false teachings you harbor. I would be sinning if I did not. I do not curse you, so do not blame me, but you curse yourself, for it is you who has take upon yourself of your own volition these false teachings. Take responsibility for yourself. I am praying for your repentance and humility towards the truth.

    Troy do u accept me to be here or not? Or r u going to make it difficult?
    When we accept Him, we accept His people too, when we love Him, we love His people. We are His witness and He is the epistle written on our heart and in our lives.
    You are making it difficult for yourself to be here; again, don't blame me for that which is untrue in your heart that you can't let go of. I accept my brothers and sisters in Christ, but when someone says they reject Hell being an eternal separation from God (calling Jesus a liar), and other items of importance, I am harkened to God's Word when He says we shall know them by their fruit. But if you can repent, then I know you are a member of the body of Christ, as well, because you can come to the truth on our tripartite being and Biblical tongues. If you can not what does that say of you, and who better to be qualified as being the tares which God said He will put the sickle to separate. The tares try to look like the wheat but they are not. If you love God, you will choose the way of the cross without puffed up things like false tongues. You will not deny the purpose of hell.

    Am I truly welcome here, did u mean this, or was this just something to write? I also noticed that you wrote your in bold letters, this is highlighting your....and it is like a seperation, it is a you and a me, not an us. In Him we have Us. Us is the body of Christ, and no man can not say to one of His people you don't belong nor are a part of, because this is for Him to decide not people. He gets to say who is in His body and where they are in that and what they do and have. Also can u not bold or put things in bold, it is like u r shouting, and r u shouting your at me?
    You are welcome here. Your sins are yours alone. Know this. It is not shouting, it is pointing to you who is responsible for these sins. If I did not love you, I would not show you this. Now you should repent.

    Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger and speaking vanity.....then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day. And the Lord shall guide thee....Isaiah 58:10-11
    Now repent from the vanity of your false tongues, your rejecting God's purpose for hell, and your rejecting our being spirit, soul and body. If you are in Christ, will you do this for God?

  8. #8
    serenitygrace Guest



    U have made wrongful assumptions and judgements about me, Lord Jesus Christ He knows the truth about me, He is my witness and also to what He gives to me. What u have judged that God has given me is wrong, u r in error and also disobedience, because blessings and cursings come out of what u write. U make an assumption about my stance on hell. U also say that the tongues I speak is gibberish babble, when people have understood and recognise what I speak, when I also understand about the language I have been given and understanding comes as well, so it is not in ignorance or that I don't know what I have when I do. Nor is it in ignorance when I use it led by Him, for His work and doing what He is giving me to do. I told u what I follow, and u have agree with this, and yet u assume I still don't have tongues from Lord Jesus Christ, when u have not even heard what comes out of my mouth.

    I am asking u to withdraw my account, not because of what u write, but because I hear His call,and I am not going to be disobedient to that call. U need to look at ur communication and how u r treating people, especially His people. I know who I am in Him and what I have. I also see His truth in u, and I also see error as well. Yes God's people do need to repent, and we go into repentance, but not for what u state or what u think, but for us being bogged down by debating or joining this forum, following that invitation to join here, when I am meant to be in His rest. For this I am truly sorry, Lord Jesus Christ. Troy, u need to repent of the pride of man that is within u, that does not see His own need to repent, or blind to his own errors, for u r in disobedience and that also will not say sorry, when they have done wrong. U also need to repent for hindering His reconciliation process with His people and aid in keeping his people apart, u hinder His reconiciliation ministery of which u need to repent. Nor do I want to be a part of a ministery that does not have privacy for its members.

    The Kingdom of God has come near.

    Serenity Grace

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    Default Unbiblical False tongues and rejecting God's teaching on hell

    Quote Originally Posted by serenitygrace

    U have made wrongful assumptions and judgements about me, Lord Jesus Christ He knows the truth about me, He is my witness and also to what He gives to me. What u have judged that God has given me is wrong, u r in error and also disobedience, because blessings and cursings come out of what u write. U make an assumption about my stance on hell. U also say that the tongues I speak is gibberish babble, when people have understood and recognise what I speak, when I also understand about the language I have been given and understanding comes as well, so it is not in ignorance or that I don't know what I have when I do.
    Self-declarations don't count. I have told you the truth, gibberish babble does not come from God, but from the evil spirit which requires you altering His loving Word. Since you can not justify gibberish babble in the Bible, you should repent. You curse yourself, I simply tell you the truth of your false teaching. Hell is an eternal separation from God which is required according to God's righteousness as disclosed in the Word. You would be calling Jesus a liar for He spoke on Hell more than any other in the Scriptures. People have not understood your gibberish babble; and as said before, this is proven by collecting 5 so-called interpreters, and they will give you five different answers. Gibberish has no language syntax. It is not a language. It is in ignorance that you do this to passify yourself for evil entry and to puff up self. You should let go of gibberish mediums and psychic babble for it is without the love of the Lord. It will only worsen your condition.

    Nor is it in ignorance when I use it led by Him, for His work and doing what He is giving me to do. I told u what I follow, and u have agree with this, and yet u assume I still don't have tongues from Lord Jesus Christ, when u have not even heard what comes out of my mouth.
    He does not lead you in gibberish babble. You are being led by the evil spirit for it requires your alteration of the meaning of Biblical tongues. You do not realize you are confusing emotion for spirit. I have not agreed with this false teaching of yours at all, so why say "u have agreed with this" when I do not? I do not need to hear your gibberish babble, for all Pentecostal false tongues sounds the same - as gibberish babble. You should repent, but alas, you cannot because you are controlled by another.

    I am asking u to withdraw my account, not because of what u write, but because I hear His call,and I am not going to be disobedient to that call. U need to look at ur communication and how u r treating people, especially His people. I know who I am in Him and what I have. I also see His truth in u, and I also see error as well. Yes God's people do need to repent, and we go into repentance, but not for what u state or what u think, but for us being bogged down by debating or joining this forum, following that invitation to join here, when I am meant to be in His rest. For this I am truly sorry, Lord Jesus Christ. Troy, u need to repent of the pride of man that is within u, that does not see His own need to repent, or blind to his own errors, for u r in disobedience and that also will not say sorry, when they have done wrong. U also need to repent for hindering His reconciliation process with His people and aid in keeping his people apart, u hinder His reconiciliation ministery of which u need to repent. Nor do I want to be a part of a ministery that does not have privacy for its members.
    The Lord led you here, but the evil spirit is pushing you away. I will not delete your account, but I will ban you, to prevent you from registering again under a different name and to preserve your profile where you alter the Word of God by rejecting the matter on hell, tongues, and our being spirit, soul and body (Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23); even, not accepting laying on of hands. Shame on you!

    You should not have debated on this forum to rationalize these sins of yours, but you should have repented and heard the truth. I do need to repent for these sins because these sins you have I do not have. Don't accuse me of being in disobedient so vaguely and unspecifically so inconsiderately blaming like that great vague accuser, for how can one repent from something if it is not even known what it is? Show me the same courtesy I show you, as I have shown you specifically what your sins are. Do not put up a wall and prevent reconciliation, for you asking your account to be removed instead of hearing the truth. I will give you want your flesh wants, because I for one will not coerce you to accept the truth. You shall receive your banning request.

    This forum maintains privacy, so why accuse that it does not? For example, I have no means of reading private messages, passwords, and what you disclose in your public profile is your option. No one forced you to register. And all the features are optional on this forum, even your date of birth. Christians are an open book for the Lord, so if you join and think the disclosure of question #1, "Atonement and Co-crucifixion" is invading your privacy, then you are not one who is for the Lord to stand on your beliefs openly for others as a testimony. Also when registering please observe these 17 questions are available for others to see. "The 17 questions you are about to answer are for public viewing, so do not sign up to this forum and answer these questions if you feel this invades your privacy! Christians are a testimony for the Lord".

    Don't be like Satan that great vague blaming accuser!

    So you see you're sinning bearing false witness comes from your reaction to your unrepentance to these sins of yours:

    - false tongues
    - calling Jesus a liar about hell
    - not accepting laying on of hands
    - rejecting that man has a spirit, soul and body

    As per your request, you are banned, because your approach is without serenity or grace. It is of no value to hear you repeat yourself and self-declare on a pedestal how you revile hell, do not accept laying on of hands, promote your gibberish babble and confuse the soul for the spirit in man. Satan is the auther of confusion!

  10. #10
    Maiden Guest


    Why would you ask me if I thought men are better? Is it not I who is saying women can be apostles, yet your roman catholic system says women can not be? Men and women were made in God's image.
    Its just a simple question, do you believe that men are better/higher than women?

    Just a question in general.


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