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Thread: God Ordains for the Good of His Elect but Not the Way Calvinists Think

  1. #11
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    Default The Natural Man Can Receive Christ

    Quote Originally Posted by rlhuckle
    Scripture clearly teaches that the natural (unregenerate) man cannot comprehend spiritual truth (the gospel). Only the regenerate can comprehend it. You're a good example of an unregenerate man who is scared to death of the truth. Your salvation is not YOUR choice to make, it is solely God's choice. The evidence of one's true salvation is a faith that comprises true propositions regarding the person and work of Christ. Your faith contains many false propositions, therefore you are at best an immature (boy) in Christ and at worst unregenerate (which I believe you to be). Hence my rebuke.
    Scipture clearly teaches that the natural (unregenerate) man can comprehend scriptural truth (the gospel), that's why Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the whole world so the unregenerate (natural man) can be saved. That's why He pleads with you to hear His voice. "They that hear shall live" (John 5.25). "Every one who seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life" (John 6.40). "Believing ye may have life" (John 20.31). "Believe...and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16.31). "Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, 'The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel'" (Mark 1.15). "Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out" (Acts 3.19). If you are Totally unable then why would God plead with you to hear, come, see and believe? The natural man can remain in his flesh or receive the atoning sacrifice. God has given sufficient grace to us all to be able to respond to the wooing of His Spirit. You wouldn't want to place your faith in a god who doesn't.

    The man who wants to remain in his natural man will not hear the gospel, will not listen and not come before Christ to be regenerated. We see the sufficiency of God's grace all throughout Scripture (something your god can never have). "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to usward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance" (2 Pet. 3.9). This sounds like sufficient grace to us all and is why He pleads with us all, because we have the choice to be saved by grace through faith. "Who would have [desires] all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth" (1 Tim. 2.4).

    Understand your double mindedness for you assumed and still do that you were irresistibly selected. That's no way to come to Christ. You say this is not your choice to make, yet this is your action: your very choice to assume you are the Aryan race, but that's not how one is saved. That's how evil men try to save themselves. To be saved, you will need to come to the cross as a helpless sinner to be regenerated, something as yet you are unwilling to do. The fear rises up in you when you think of the proposition of letting go, repenting and placing your trust in Jesus to be regenerated. Fear is restricting you, causing you to cling your natural self. "Ye will not come to me, that ye may have life" (John 5.40). Don't you know love casteth out all fear? So let go and place your trust in Him. He's holding the door open for you. All ye that are willing to enter may have life.

    God's choice is not arbitrary and meaningless. His reasons are solid. Election is conditional: "If ye be willing and obedient" (Is. 1.19). Free will is not truly free without this choice afforded to us all. God predestinates by foreknowing our willingness and obedience. "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate (Rom. 8.29)...elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father" (1 Pet. 1.2).

    The Holy Spirit tells me in no uncertain terms intuitively and by the word of God specifically, you have never given your life to Christ. You don't know if you are saved or not, not really, since it was never your choice. But that is just an assumption on your part. Where does the Bible ask us to assume we are irresistibly selected and that we had no choice? God is pleading with you as the "Savior of all men, specially those who believe" (1 Tim. 4.10) since those who respond to His being "Savior of all men" shall by saved by grace through faith.

    So, you are the god who saves yourself by causing your own regeneration, eh? Good luck[sic] with that... I'm glad my posts are being honored in this way. They will speak to a whole new audience and God will use them to convict, edify or harden as He sees fit. Thank you very much.
    God is relational. He enjoys our response. We are not just a bunch of pawns on a chessboard He moves around arbitrarily. Just as God has free will, He enjoys relating to us with free will, especially to receive His saving grace so that He can bring us into His fold and enjoy eternity with. This is not something your god can do or would want to do.

    Calvinists lack across the board a personableness with people because they are just reflecting their irate sovereign evil Hitler-type god who sends the Jews to the gas chambers just because they are born Jews and irresistibly imposes salvation on the Aryan race. Calvinism is a religion of racists! Hitler could not achieved what he did without the teachings of Calvinism he was brought up with. Think how evil it is to send a child to Hell just because he or she is born into sin, given no grace whatsoever to even have the opportunity to be saved. What love is that? It's psychopathic. You need to be locked up, and you will be in the Lake of Fire for rejecting the love of the One True God. It is you who wants to be eternally separated from your Creator.

    God hardens your heart further because the first active instance of hardening was you hardening your own heart feven though God had supplied you with more than ample grace, abundance of conviction, and the enablement to respond to His universal atonement."I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh" (John 6.51).

    Alas, for Calvinists it is all a charade. For them God is not pleading with anyone but just telling everyone this is irresistibly how it's going to be to make you eat or not eat. How absurd! How demonic!

  2. #12
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    Different Calvinists believe different things. Sometimes they are 2 point this and 3 point that, but they always believe in Total Depravity, the opposite of which is Free Will. Some will say we have no free will. Others will say we don't even have a will. Yet others will say it is free, but their god has to irresistibly cause it to do stuff yet still call that free will so you get all types. Satan is the author of confusion. They almost all believe in irresistible grace which flows from Total Depravity and thus send people to Hell by passing over (preterition), giving people insufficient grace to be able to respond, and those that are elect in no way could have refused it.

    It's not free will at all even though due to embarrassment they try to bring in a free will or a will of some sort but of course it never fits with God's word. They are confused lot, all stemming from the false teaching of Total Depravity, an idol, but nobody in reality is Totally Depraved since God provides sufficient grace to us all to have the choice. The god of Calvinism can't do this.

    All the problems go away once Total Depravity goes away and Sufficient Prevenient Grace is the starting point. Once you have that, free-will is established, conditional election, resistible grace, unlimited atonement and preservation of the saints all flow easily. Free Will is not truly free unless God is the God "who desires all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time" (1 Tim. 2.4-6).

    The most amazing thing to me are those who are most learned in the land of Calvinism are so lost. Those who take on the highest authority in the Calvinismania are the most delusional. This only proves the point that this is not really an issue of information or knowledge, but of conscience. Do you see? It's an amazing fact to behold.

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