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Thread: What is Hell?

  1. #1

    Default What is Hell?

    Does hell mean eternal torment or simply that you cease to exist?

    I am an only child. When my parents divorced when I was only 5 years old my mother didn’t think I was worth demanding child support for, and the sperm donor never paid what the divorce judge told him to pay anyway. I’ve had no contact with him since 1983. I wouldn’t give you 2 cents for all of his family combined. My mother’s family is all dead except for a nephew, but I wouldn’t give 2 cents for them either.

    My mother has been nothing but a detriment to me since the day I was born- 10 weeks premature. I was supposed to have been stillborn; she couldn’t even do that right.

    I’ve lost count of how many times my mother has told people with more than 2 children, “I learn from my mistakes- one husband, one child”.

    I was raised in an environment of verbal abuse and physical neglect.

    I grew up wanting to be a doctor. My high school grades were very good. But my mother exiled me 600 miles to go to a college that I didn’t want any part of, so I barely graduated with a degree in biology. I wasn't even asked what schools I wanted to apply to.

    When I got out of college I wanted to open a non-profit college prep school for Christian students. I contacted about 250 local churches, but not one of them had classroom space it was willing to let me rent or borrow. I gave up on the idea and was working as a private tutor when my mother’s brother died and I inherited a fair amount of cash. But since my mother handled the paperwork my money went into her bank account. She doesn’t want to spend any of it.

    I wanted to use the money to build a school. I could afford the materials but I couldn’t find any church that is willing to provide the necessary land and volunteer labor.

    I have looked for a pastoral position, but of the hundreds of churches I have contacted only one asked me to go through any kind of interview process- a freewill Baptist church in Mississippi asked me to fill out a questionnaire. But that church hasn’t even bothered to acknowledge that it received my answers.

    Churches where I live won’t answer their phone during business hours, and churches on the net won’t even acknowledge my prayer requests.

    My mother has had lupus since the mid-1990s and I am her only caregiver. And I myself now have congestive heart failure, severe high blood pressure and arthritis that will likely cripple me if I live another 10 years. I took bp drugs for almost 2 years and now wish I had OD’d on them before I decided to stop taking them altogether due to the side effects- that my doctor says don’t exist.

    I would like to buy some property and set up an organic farm. My father’s parents were expert vegetable growers; my mother’s mother came from a North Carolina farm family. I’ve been around gardening my whole life and I have had my own garden almost every year since 1981. But when I told my mother what I want to do she pitched a fit and essentially says I am too stupid to know how to run a farm. I have the know-how since I have had my own vegetable garden almost every year since 1981, but I will need help with the physical labor involved because of my health. I cannot find anyone willing to help.

    I am in constant physical pain because of my health. I am in constant emotional pain because of my existence. And nobody gives a damn.

    I do not accept any blame for the misery I am in; I have not chosen to have the misery I have. I did not choose to be born so none of my misery is my fault, so don’t try to lay that guilt trip at my door as so-called Christians on other boards have done. If I cannot earn my salvation by my works I certainly am not going to accept that I can earn my damnation by my works.

    And don’t tell me to wait on God because God has made it all too obvious that He wants nothing to do with me.

    Now, what I want to know is what is hell? What can I possibly lose by killing myself?

  2. #2
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    Why would you be accepted as a pastor when you don't acknowledge Christ as your Savior?

    God is showing you your self-independency and non-reliancy on Him, that you need to stop blaming, since everything in your life has been ordered for your good.

    "You must be blameless before the LORD your God" (Deut. 18.13). I see you blaming something in virtually every sentence you speak. It's hard for the person who is blaming to see he is blaming. You are passing over responsibility to Satan to control your life when you do that. Do you want to regain control of your life? The reality is your selfishness prevents you from entering into the solution to your problems: "Whosoever would save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel shall save it" (Mark 8.35). You're unwilling to lose your life in God with fearlesness accepting whatever the consequences may come. You're too afraid to let go and give in to Him. You exalt your intelligence. So God uses the foolishness of the cross so you can see the error of your ways.

    "He who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. He who finds his (soul) life will lose it, and he who loses his (soul) life for my sake will find it" (Matt. 10.38-39).

    Do not blame me for saying these things because my suffering is not as great as yours, for many people are far happier than you and at peace in the Lord with much greater suffering than you experience such as Job. I never inherited any money like you do. Are you exercising vigorously every day at 5 a.m. in the morning? Are you up an hour or two before that every morning in Bible study? If you don't do these things, naturally you will have problems you wouldn't have had otherwise.

    God is using your environment to break your outer man to rely on Him alone for every instance of your life. All these projects you have that never work, have you ever been certain God ordained them for you? They sound like works of your flesh since nothing ever came of them.

    What I think you are ready for now is the dividing of your spirit, soul and body. Drop all self-effort, want nothing for self and allow God to divide your spirit, soul and body so you can stop walking in your outerman and walk after the spirit by the Spirit.

    The greatest book ever written on the dividing of spirit, soul and body,

    You can't earn salvation by works so you should realize that by now in your own experience. Neither can you deny yourself from being saved by works. But you can't remain unsaved for eternity if you continue to refuse to receive the salvation God provides to your incessant problems by faith in His only begotten Son. Sin has to be punished even the sin you are born into, so unless you receive the appropriate measure by God through His only begotten Son who spilled His precious blood for you to atone for your sins, what remedy do you have? You have nothing but to wait for placement in Hell where you will be eternally conscious of your wrong choice.

    Hell is the place of eternal separation from God. Free will is not truly free if you are not afforded this choice.

    "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life" (12.24-25).

    Instead of waiting to die why not now die on the cross with Christ and be resurrected in your spirit with Him unto resurrection life?

    At the end of the day because you can not sense what I have told you is the truth, it is because you are too self-indulgent, selfish and self-centered. There is no sense in mincing words or beating around the bush with someone like you.

    This is the straight talk you need!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    Why would you be accepted as a pastor when you don't acknowledge Christ as your Savior?
    Says who?

    I accepted Christ as my savior when I was 4 years old, and fortunately for me He is the one I have to satisfy, not you.

    BTW: I filled out the questionnaire that comes with registration for this forum. But a software glitch said I had left a question unanswered and this erased all of my answers. I didn’t take the time to do the questionnaire again (I simply answered “don’t know” because the more I sit at the computer the worse my arthritis gets.

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    You're violating board etiquette which is worthy of an infraction for not answering the questions truthfully. Your excuse is not believable, you're playing games and blaming something else yet again!

    Nobody gives their lives to Christ at the age of 4, for the age of accountability has not been reached by then. Why ask what Hell is if you are a Christian? Don't you know?

    I don't accept your condition as all genetic without any blame on you. It's time to take back the blame.

    Your blaming attitude is unhealthy for you and others to be around. Such blaming rubs off badly. You don't realize you are doing this. It is only through the sensitivity of reading the word of God deeply and regularly that you will appreciate what I have told you, but to do so requires your consecration and less involvement in the world to let the fullness of Christ dwell in your richly and have one eye on Christ at all times.

    It's time to take responsibility for yourself and allow the deeper work of the cross to work in your life; hence, the dividing of your spirit, soul and body. Only when you can say truthfully you have had this experience will all your whining dissipate.

    Suicide is the surest way to Hell. To think suicide is an option shows you never were a Christian.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Faithful View Post
    You're violating board etiquette which is worthy of an infraction for not answering the questions truthfully. Your excuse is not believable, you're playing games and blaming something else yet again!
    Then you can join me in Hell.

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    I can't lose salvation. Once-saved-always-saved! Those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28).

    You're a very typical "fake Christian."

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