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Thread: Science and Christianity

  1. #1
    Imperfect_Imperfection Guest

    Default Science and Christianity

    I am a student at a technical school in the United States. All to often i see those around me claim how science has defeated religion. But how is that possible?

    I personally believe that science and religion (namely Christianity) are intertwined. To be enlightened is not to have to lose faith. When i study the science of this universe, i feel closer to God. I see how he works, how he created this universe. I feel as though he reveals himself to us through science, not hides completely.

    If you must remove this thread i understand, but my question is simple. Can i be a man of science and a man of God, or must i choose?

  2. #2
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    Science wouldn't exist without God creating it. And God uses science to prove His existence (Rom. 1.20).

    You said "to be enlightened is not to have to lose faith"? That makes no sense to me. As opposed to 'having to lose faith' to be enlightened? Silly. Perhaps you didn't mean to say what you said.

  3. #3
    Imperfect_Imperfection Guest


    I apologize, i didn't communicate clearly what i meant. My intention was to say that there is almost a stigma that i see in the scientific community. I am lead to believe by the atheist that only the fool can believe in Christianity, and that anyone who is truly "enlightened" would see that God is nothing more than a thought created by man.

    Actually, this might be a perfect question for you. What is the atmosphere of the scientific community when it comes to Christianity? Is it, as the atheist would desire, hostile and bitter towards Christianity? Or am i naive in my thinking?

  4. #4
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    They are very hostile. Virtually every day I get an email from an atheist whining about this or that.

    Just picture Christopher Hitchens and Bill Mahr having a conversation a few months ago on his show.

    There is nothing one can do. They are going to Hell. The reason they avoid the proof for God is because they exalt themselves. The reality is it is more painful for them to give their lives to Christ than it is for them to lock themselves in Hell for eternity. They are bad people.

    Obviously nature can't start up from nothing nor always have existed, so nature needs a cause outside of itself, outside of time and space, and this is whom we call God or our uncreated Creator. Just by observing nature we know He is (Rom. 1.20). And they can't find a naturalistic explanation for the original of the disciples' beliefs in their testimony they had seen Jesus alive from the dead in various group settings.

    Very simple a child can understand.

    They just bow to their subterranean motivations. As one grows in their spiritual life it seems spiritual Christians virtually forget atheists even exist to walk even deeper in the Lord.

  5. #5
    Imperfect_Imperfection Guest


    Again, i don't know if this is the right forum to post this in, as it is just my opinion.

    The atheistic scientific community demands proof. Proof proof proof. A man by the name of James Randi has offered a million dollars to anyone who can prove supernatural activity in a "lab setting". This is not what i wish to say, but it is a microcosm for the tone in the atheistic scientific community. Most demand proof, and we give it to them, but they ignore it.

    What better atmosphere could there be for a scene from revelations? We already have a good idea that most atheists will reject any proof sent from God, and accept any sent from the Devil. If we are to believe that the anti-christ will come back and be praised by man, what better atmosphere could there be? Is it at full maturity yet? I don't think so, i believe we still have time before revelations comes into play. But if our cries of the word of God fall onto their deaf ears now, what would make us think they would start listening when we told them "Don't be fooled by him, he is the anti-christ"?

    In a way, i suppose it explains why the atheists refuse to listen to our arguments. They don't seek the truth as they so pridefully claim. I suppose the scenario i have just put forward would suggest they are just puppets of hell, and what better way to keep them in Satin's control but by stroking their egos?

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    You mean "Revelation" not revelations.

    Kick the dust under your feet. Go deeper in the Lord instead. Read more chapters of the Bible every morning before you get out of bed. Read more chapters of the Bible during the day without any distractions at your desk.

    Atheists are "condemned already" (John 3.18). The fool says in his own heart there is no God. They have made up their mind. No point in talking to them or about them. Don't feed atheists by stroking their egos by calling into their shows or reaching out to them. But if they come to you and are cordial enough certainly speak to them and share the gospel.

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