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Thread: Christendom's forums

  1. #31
    ~~TurboWaitress~~ Guest

    Unhappy Cult?

    Troy, I have lurked this forum for a bit, but i've noticed you ban EVERY person that does not support your belief.

    Now tell me is this a discussion board? Or an online cult?

    A cult is a high control group where apposing views is shunned.
    For once forget your an administrator, with "banning" power, please open up your mind to other views and examine what you think is "truth", being closed minded is certainly not going to get you anywhere!

    I speak this in concern as your sister in Christ. Amen :)


  2. #32
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    Default RCC cult

    Quote Originally Posted by ~~TurboWaitress~~
    Troy, I have lurked this forum for a bit, but i've noticed you ban EVERY person that does not support your belief.

    Now tell me is this a discussion board? Or an online cult?

    A cult is a high control group where apposing views is shunned.
    For once forget your an administrator, with "banning" power, please open up your mind to other views and examine what you think is "truth", being closed minded is certainly not going to get you anywhere!

    I speak this in concern as your sister in Christ. Amen

    Do you realize you sinned bearing false witness? I have not banned everyone who disagrees with me, otherwise you would see only profiles that said Yes to all 17 questions. People are banned for belligerency and obstinacy. Opposing views here are not banned on their disagreement. You can see when I ban someone it is not for that reason.

    The Bible says do not open your mind up to other gods for this is vanity. Do you see how you commit this error? God knows there are 40,000+ adherents in the world, and He has no intention for you to study them all, so let it go. Eventually, they will be all forgotten, just as many nations attacking Israel have long been forgotten in their warring against Israel and their child-sacrifices.

    If you were my sister in Christ you would believe that when God gives eternal life it is eternal at new birth and can never be taken away, but your profile says you do not believe this. How sad you do not believe in God's infinite foreknowledge and all-knowing. If you loved God you would believe in His 66 books of His Word, but you do not, as your profile shows. If you loved God's Word you would not consider we are in a millennial peace now for not so long ago 6 million Jews were killed. Rev. 20.3 says the nations will no longer be deceived in the millennium. Thus, we are not in the millennium and your roman catholicism is lying to you, just as is your belief in Mary being sinless is also not of God.

    I can only tell you the truth, you must accept it to receive God's salvation. We shall know them by their fruit and what you believe does not flow from the cross of Christ.

    The Roman Catholic system is the largest cult ever known to mankind, very controlling and shunning, and so rightly the Bible warns us about it by saying it is the great harlot of religious Rome that sits on the beast of nations (Rev. 17) to make them drunk with the wine of the wrath of her fornications (14.8). Your issue is not with me, but God.

    Plus its liberalness has gotten so bad, that it does nothing to the thousands of pedophiles. Thank God the RCC is not the Church!

  3. #33
    bertie Guest


    perhaps a lesson can be learned here by paying attention to those that propound a rartial rapture on CF?
    I belive there are those who cahmpion that point of view in debate there now....Let us see how and with what courtesy they are treated......
    It is a dismal thought that there are these site wars going on....
    Lets those of us who follow the threads there keep our eyes peeled.
    and this thread posted of all fairness,I have been warned to post links for some statements(proofs)but never threatened with banning for any other reason....(On

  4. #34
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    You will be hard pressed to find one partial rapture believer there for as long as you live. If you find one, make sure you send them to this forum for they will want to come here.

    They have their of regulars in the eschatology section, defending their historicalism primarily; but there are some who are pre- or post- only dividing falsely on their opinions. Whatever the case, a partial rapture believer is attacked ferociously, and unless he or she does not challenge them directly, they will be banned, because the regulars do not know how to deal with a partial rapture believer.

    bertie, can you use the spell checker please. You get 30 minutes to fix your post without it showing as edited, and another 30 minutes to edit it, but with the editing notation displayed.

    Christendom is mimicking the world's competition and dividing forums based on different doctrines. God does not divide based on doctrine.

    None are coming together to promote Biblical locality, the only means by which God divides the church. This has since been lost for 1900 years now, but in due time it will reemerge to usher in the kingdom as Christ returns.

    They do not consider you a threat bertie because you don't challenge their beliefs directly and deeply. For example, you are not even convinced in God's 66 books being the complete Word, so naturally so-called reformers - meaning calvinists - will chuckle at you.

  5. #35
    Maiden Guest


    but your profile says you do not believe this. How sad you do not believe in God's infinite foreknowledge and all-knowing.
    I am pretty sure I selected "not sure"

    I don't really like to answer those questions, so I just leave them with a "not sure." (i'm not a fan of questionairs lol they are a pain)

    The Bible says do not open your mind up to other gods for this is vanity. Do you see how you commit this error? God knows there are 40,000+ adherents in the world, and He has no intention for you to study them all, so let it go. Eventually, they will be all forgotten, just as many nations attacking Israel have long been forgotten in their warring against Israel and their child-sacrifices.
    Hmm, how do you know that you trully have the truth? This is the sort of exuse a cult would use to prevent people from studying outside their beliefs, so it leaves you closed minded and mind controlled.

    If you were my sister in Christ you would believe that when God gives eternal life it is eternal at new birth and can never be taken away, but your profile says you do not believe this. How sad you do not believe in God's infinite foreknowledge and all-knowing. If you loved God you would believe in His 66 books of His Word, but you do not, as your profile shows. If you loved God's Word you would not consider we are in a millennial peace now for not so long ago 6 million Jews were killed. Rev. 20.3 says the nations will no longer be deceived in the millennium. Thus, we are not in the millennium and your roman catholicism is lying to you, just as is your belief in Mary being sinless is also not of God.
    Once again I said "not sure" not "no" except for the 66 book bible, and the Premillion belief.

    If you prefer it then I'll call you a "separated brother in christ" if that makes you feel better.

    Plus its liberalness has gotten so bad, that it does nothing to the thousands of pedophiles
    Please read

    God bless


  6. #36
    bertie Guest


    For onr thing the Bible some use contains the Apocrypha wedged in the middle of it.Now what would you say one should regard these works as?
    Also the Book of Enoch ?Can one discount these books out of hand ?because the NT has Jesus quoting out of there....?
    This is primarily my hesitation point because for one i do not trust that the Church Of Rome or its offshoots and offspring have been totally candid with the people.
    There is some reason to believe that the 101 denominations could as easily be 101 abominations in the sight of the Lord.,as accurate history is not available for a crucial period of the history of them.
    From my bible study,I have come more to the opinion that the churches of today do not resemble the early 1st century descriptions closely,as well as one would think they might.
    Because my testimony is not dependant so much on doctrine,as experience,aand is arrived at through action as much as study.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maiden
    I am pretty sure I selected "not sure"

    I don't really like to answer those questions, so I just leave them with a "not sure." (i'm not a fan of questionairs lol they are a pain)
    If you don't like answering questionnaires, why do you keep registering and then answering the questionnaire? Also why be so flippant? First you said "No" is your belief; now you say "not sure". It is inappropriate to answer "Not sure" if you are sure. You were warned against doing so under Board Etiquette and stated in the registration screen.

    I realize you said "not sure" there (now), but under your TurboWaitress profile you said "No". I am not (and can't remember) for sure if you since changed it because I had noted you do not believe eternal life at new birth under both your profiles. Even so, outwardly, you do not state your position, but remain coy. This is a bad sign.

    I understand you don't like answering these questions because you are not a Christian (given the cumulative false teachings you hold and accept willingly). This particular questionnaire is most revealing is it not? Thus, it would be painful, for the truth often is for those who don't want to accept it.

    Hmm, how do you know that you trully have the truth? This is the sort of exuse a cult would use to prevent people from studying outside their beliefs, so it leaves you closed minded and mind controlled.
    Religions like the RCC that are always examing other cults are so focused on the world, therefore, they take their eyes off of Christ, even unto idolatry towards Mary. I think what happens is they look at all these other religions and see how they can incorporate the same teachings in one way or another under the guise of appearing to be the church (to grow in popularity, ultimately forsaking Christ, by appealing to so many).

    What I have told you is the truth because the Holy Spirit testifies in my spirit it is true in agreement with brothers and sisters in Christ and the Word of God itself. This gives power to easily expose you.

    God says do not be obsessed with outside beliefs, so you are not attacking me per se, but you are attacking God. God wants you to focus on His loving Word for this is His redemptive design.

    Do you see how when you post you have nothing but a spirit poisoned in dissension, acting like that great accuser, instead of seeing the spirit of the message? You are without the love of the Lord to do this.

    Once again I said "not sure" not "no" except for the 66 book bible, and the Premillion belief. If you prefer it then I'll call you a "separated brother in christ" if that makes you feel better.
    Yet, under your TurboWaitress profile you said "no" to OSAS. As well you seem to argue for Mary being sinless in keeping with the RCC teaching even though you said there "not sure". So walk away from the RCC then if you can't agree with them in addition to repenting from these false teachings. All brothers and sisters are separated from the world. This is the mean of baptism to come out of the world, out of the water. Why are you not separated as well? Moreover, there is only one way the Church is divided, accordint to Biblical locality, not by big fat cults like the RCC. I sense by the Holy Spirit that what you mean by separated is separated from the RCC. Crazy stuff!

    Please read [the RCC site link was removed, which was trying rationalize pedophilia and other false teachings, from the words of a false priest, because he was RC]
    Note this piece did nothing to address the fact that RCC does nothing to its priests who can only be male in their pedophilia, nor does this article show repentance from the Mary idolatry, abuse towards women in the Work, paying for indulgences, historicalism, non-OSAS and other such sins.

    The whole article is this person trying to claim the RCC is the Church. He is a dullard!

    God warns us about the "great harlot" of religions Rome in Rev. 17, which is the RCC. She sits on the beast of nations to make them drunk with the wine of the wrath of her fornications (14.8).

    If you would like to find out more about what the Word of God says about the RCC, read up on the the church of Thyatira and Revelation 17 here,

    Maiden, you are banned for your attempting to deflect from and rationalize these sins of the RCC by any means necessary in your heart. Do not think the RCC does not possess you. They own and control you.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by bertie
    For onr thing the Bible some use contains the Apocrypha wedged in the middle of it.Now what would you say one should regard these works as?
    Also the Book of Enoch ?Can one discount these books out of hand ?because the NT has Jesus quoting out of there....?
    They all have their commensurate errors, which is why they were excluded from the complete Word of God. Though there can be some truths in them, they are not considered the Word of God.

    This is primarily my hesitation point because for one i do not trust that the Church Of Rome or its offshoots and offspring have been totally candid with the people.
    There is some reason to believe that the 101 denominations could as easily be 101 abominations in the sight of the Lord.,as accurate history is not available for a crucial period of the history of them.
    Accurate history is preserved in the calendar of Revelation 2 and 3, predicting the problems of the various church periods for these past 20 centuries.

    From my bible study,I have come more to the opinion that the churches of today do not resemble the early 1st century descriptions closely,as well as one would think they might.
    Amen. You have said a wonderful truth.

    Because my testimony is not dependant so much on doctrine,as experience,aand is arrived at through action as much as study.
    Action is moved by what you believe. To act without foundation of spiritual discernment is living by your soul and not your spirit.

    Let us see if you put your words into action. Let us see exactly what you will do to make Biblical locality experientially a reality again as it was in the first century, which you are a proponent of.

  9. #39
    Val Guest


    I will be banned for saying this, but this are my final words here. I was banned for quoting a chapter. A godly christian would quietly tell that they believe somebody is in error, but this does not happen here. Matthew 18 is not followed here, instead Troy skips to the end of that passage and goes straight to his excommunication.

  10. #40
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Val
    I will be banned for saying this, but this are my final words here. I was banned for quoting a chapter. A godly christian would quietly tell that they believe somebody is in error, but this does not happen here. Matthew 18 is not followed here, instead Troy skips to the end of that passage and goes straight to his excommunication.
    Val (Protestante),

    You are were banned because you know better. Matthew 18 was followed here. When you post, you do not do it from a prideful pedestal by declaring something and then claiming the Scriptures agree with you without discussion, for they do not. We need not respond to such posts because they are a direct alteration of God's loving Word in which you make no effort to make your case.

    Please see the 3rd item under board etiquette.
    Since you made no effort to make your case, self-declarations, being considered of no account, offer nothing and are not adhereing to the board etiquette.

    I for one will not be the cause of your sinning further to rationalize yoursef:

    "How terrible it will be for anyone who causes others to sin. Temptation to do wrong is inevitable, but how terrible it will be for the person who does the tempting" (Matt. 18.7).

    Also, I forgive you for your sin of what you are trying to rationalize,

    "So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses" (Matt. 18.35).

    You adamantly reject, "5. Do you believe what God longs for is to see the man make the choice for Him out of the gift of being made in His image; predestination and to be drawn by God is His foreknowing our choice (free-will) rather than premaking the person to choose?"

    You will not repent. Yet, I forgive you, even though you are not my brother or sister with your pride of thinking you were not premade for hell but heaven like a robot.

    You should study Matthew 18 closer. It applies to correcting a fellow believer and not aiding in helping a sinner sin more. Your condition is explained in the tares of Matthew 13, This is where your focus should be because God will put his sickle to the tares who try to look like the wheat.

    Let me say this in closing. You should keep your word not to return unless you can repent from believing that you don't think God can foreknow our choice. Yet God is all knowing. God wants us to overcome in Christ, but you also reject this in your Protestante profile. To not accept is in fact to reject. Christ said if you are not for Him, you are against Him. There is no middle ground. As well as the fact, you deny we are spirit, soul and body (Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23). Such a conversation with you from where you are coming from is futile for you will seek only to rationalize yourself further in your flesh.

    I have had enough experience with those such as yourself, you will not repent from just self-declaring things by quoting Scriptures as though that somehow vindicates you. Notice this latest post of yours was not to deal with the matter at all of your problem before, but was to blame or try to find fault in another which is not abiding in Matthew 18 and thus, deflecting from the problem which you will not repent from. This is what the flesh does. Thus, banning you was the right thing to do to not have a wasteful conversation with someone who can never repent.

    If you ever come again, but in repentence, do not do so by saying you are "Not sure" in your profile because this is dishonest as it does not agree with your previous profile. And again, read under board etiquette that you were advised not to do this as well when you registered. We can't have anarchy here now can we? of a bunch of people contradicting themselves like that.

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