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Thread: The Nicene Creed

  1. #1
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    Default The Nicene Creed

    The Nicene Creed (with scriptural references as it is based on the Bible)

    We believe in (Romans 10: 8-10; 1 John 4: 15)
    ONE God, (Deuteronomy 6: 4, Ephesians 4: 6)
    Father (Matthew 6: 9)
    Almighty, (Exodus 6: 3)
    Maker of Heaven and Earth, (Genesis 1: 1)
    and of all things visible and invisible. (Colossians 1: 15-16)

    And in ONE Lord Jesus Christ, (Acts 11: 17)
    Son of God, (Mathew 14: 33; 16: 16)
    Only-Begotten, (John 1: 18; 3: 16)
    Begotten of the Father before all ages. (John 1: 2)
    Light from Light; (Psalm 27: 1; John 8: 12; Matthew 17: 2,5)
    True God from True God; (John 17: 1-5)
    Begotten, not made; (John 1: 18)
    of one essence with the Father (John 10: 30)
    through whom all things were made; (Hebrews 1: 1-2)
    Who for us men and for our salvation (1 Timothy 2: 4-5)
    came down from heaven, (John 6: 33,35)
    and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary (Luke 1: 35)
    and became man. (John 1: 14)
    And He was crucified for us (Mark 15: 25; 1 Corinthians 15: 3)
    under Pontius Pilate, (John 19: 6)
    suffered, (Mark 8: 31)
    and was buried. (Luke 23: 53; 1 Corinthians 15: 4)
    And on the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures, (Luke 24: 1 1 Corinthians 15: 4)
    and ascended into heaven, (Luke 24: 51; Acts 1: 10)
    and sits at the right hand of the Father; (Mark 16: 19; Acts 7: 55)
    and He shall come again with glory (Matthew 24: 27)
    to judge the living and the dead; (Acts 10: 42; 2 Timothy 4: 1)
    Whose Kingdom shall have no end. (2 Peter 1: 11)

    And in the Holy Spirit, (John 14: 26)
    Lord, (Acts 5: 3-4)
    Giver of Life, (Genesis 1: 2)
    Who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; (John 15: 26)
    Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; (Matthew 3: 16-17)
    Who spoke through the prophets. (1 Samuel 19: 20; Ezekiel 11: 5,13)

    In one, (Matthew 16: 18)
    holy, (1 Peter 2: 5,9)
    catholic*, (Mark 16: 15)
    and apostolic Church. (Acts 2: 42; Ephesians 2: 19-22)

    I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins**. (Ephesians 4: 5; Acts 2: 38)
    I look for the resurrection of the dead, (John 11: 24; 1 Corinthians 15: 12-49; Hebrews 6: 2; Revelation 20: 5)
    and the life in the age to come. (Mark 10: 29-30)

    AMEN. (Psalm 106: 48)

    *The word "catholic" (literally, "universal") refers to the universal church of the Lord Jesus Christ and not necessarily or exclusively to any particular visible denomination or institution. The issue is not with this word catholic, but with the "roman" in roman catholic. Amillennialism, non-OSAS, sinless Mary, intermediary priesthood (levitical), paying for indulgences, popery and exceeding the boundary of Biblical locality are all romanistic controlling (judaized Chrstianity), worldly teachings not of God. The reformed movement of calvinism and the pastoral system of the protestant movement and false tongues are also not of God. The 4 ways these groups judaize Christianity are by: written codes, intermediary priesthood, physical buildings and earthly promises.

    **This can be interpreted to mean that baptism is a matter of obedience and not a requirement for salvation or a regenerating ordinance.

  2. #2
    saint Guest

    Exclamation This is just TOOO funny!!

    You cut and paste material from [the largest Christendom forum on the Internet], yet you slam them because of how bad they are!

    Talk about hypocritical!

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    I do not slam the largest Christendom forum on the Internet for having the Nicene Creed on their website. How odd is the evil spirit's accusation coming upon you. What I do is expose the false teachings of the largest Christendom forum on the Internet. You should not try to be so cunning with your comparisons, for they are unethical and not alike at all.

    This is the Nicene Creed is it not? The point of this post is to show forth the Nicene Creed.

    Why is it exclusive just for the the largest Christendom forum on the Internet? Moreover, note that this Creed does not handle the matter of the false teachings of the largest Christendom forum on the Internet of calvinism, historicalism, non-denominationalism, congregationalism, and reviling Biblical locality. I believe they also favor false tongues and despise man being triparite, but the Creed does not address this either. The reason I know this is because when the conversation got heated on these subjects, they kept the false tongues and bipartists, and banned those who believed tongues are languages and those who believe man is tripartite. This Creed also does NOT touch upon partial rapture, osas arminian and restoration of creation after God made earth desolate at Gen. 1.2 because of the sin of the inhabitants of earth's earliest ages. In this sense, the Creed is quite limited in discerning the spirits.

    Your isolating the Creed to just the largest Christendom forum on the Internet would indicate that you are exalting this place above God's will as though the Nicene Creed is only for that place that teaches falsely calvinism and historicalism and reviles Biblical locality as it was in the first century.

    This is wrong! You are being a hypocrite, not a saint!

    If you can't repent, I will need to ban you. You have had no loving thought on this forum, nothing from the Holy Spirit; therefore, you will probably need to be banned, but I will be most merciful and gracious to you so that you have every opportunity to apologize and repent for your bad behavior, your reviling, and your love of attempting to sin bearing false witness.

  4. #4
    ~~TurboWaitress~~ Guest


    Oh Troy, Troy, Troy, no matter how much you deny it, it is clearly copied from [the largest Christendom forum on the Internet].

    Oh well I guess it doesn't matter...

    The Creed... let it be your Creed :)


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    I did not deny this, not even once. Do you realize you are hostile to me for a reason? It is because you are roman catholic and I have shown you the lies of your faith that you are in, which you can not repent from, so consequently you are looking to blame me for this and that by sinning bearing false witness with your petty self.

    Since this is really your only purpose here, you are banned. There is no value in receiving your further sins here and your reviling in which you say you are "lurking" here, using your own words.

    The Nicene Creed is the Nicene creed. It does not belong to any particular forum, nor does it deal with the many problems of your cult, by the way.

    The Creed is true: it is the creed that agrees with the Word of God which Christians believe, so wherever you copy it should not matter since the Creed is unto itself alone. You can not copyright the Creed, so you should not blame people falsely for acquiring the Creed. This is your sin in accusing falsely.

    If a Roman Catholic wants to be on this forum, they will need to learn not to be so hostile and to be humble according to the fourth point under Board Etiquette here,

  6. #6
    bertie Guest


    I recall saying the nicene creed when visiting the Anglican Church services for communion...It belongs to everyone not Christian Forums , com.
    What a silly thing to complain about,this is a universal creed that unites those of all faiths who believe the words therein writ.....Selah!
    It is not what goes into a mans mouth which defileth,but that which comes out of it........

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    People will create a smokescreen in their petty self to what is really going on in their hearts.

    There are lots of people in Christendom hostile towards the teaching of apostles appointing elders to take care of whole localities and the fact that in the Scriptures there is no heirarchy in the Work for the Church beyond apostolic regional centers working to appoint elders for independent localities. This disables all denominations because denominations inevitibly have a structure that exceeds this boundary. And it destroys all systems that are smaller in scope than this.

    The same goes for exposing other forums. The 5 basic teachings of this forum expose forums, since there are no other forums, at least that I am aware of, that agree in all these 5 basic Scriptural teachings. :undecided

  8. #8
    Maiden Guest



    I did not deny this, not even once. Do you realize you are hostile to me for a reason? It is because you are roman catholic and I have shown you the lies of your faith that you are in, which you can not repent from, so consequently you are looking to blame me for this and that by sinning bearing false witness with your petty self.

    Since this is really your only purpose here, you are banned. There is no value in receiving your further sins here and your reviling in which you say you are "lurking" here, using your own words.

    The Nicene Creed is the Nicene creed. It does not belong to any particular forum, nor does it deal with the many problems of your cult, by the way.

    The Creed is true: it is the creed that agrees with the Word of God which Christians believe, so wherever you copy it should not matter since the Creed is unto itself alone. You can not copyright the Creed, so you should not blame people falsely for acquiring the Creed. This is your sin in accusing falsely.

    If a Roman Catholic wants to be on this forum, they will need to learn not to be so hostile and to be humble according to the fourth point under Board Etiquette here,
    ~~Turbowaitress~~ Was not here to be against you but to post her opinions and beliefs, I was not aiming to be 'hostile' towards you.

    You have mis-judged me completely in that post, you have not exposed anything about my faith and I do not look to blame others for anything!

    If you believe that I was banned for the reason that was incorrect with false accusations then the ban is not valid.

    We are not saying that the creed is for [the largest Christendom forum on the Internet] only or anything of the sort, its the fact that you copied both the scriptures they placed with the sentences as well as the notes taken with the little red stars (also copied off [the largest Christendom forum on the Internet])
    In another thread you posted against [the largest Christendom forum on the Internet]!

  9. #9
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    The purpose of this post is to help you let go of your petty self and rationalizing your petty self. For there to be any doubt about your accusation, recall your words, "no matter how much you deny it"! Since I did not deny it, why accuse? People can see through your heart's intent by your words Maiden. This forum is not for wasteful posts like yours, nor is it to worship the moon in your "moonpower" (this is for Maiden only, she will know what it means). Know why what you are trying to accomplish! You are looking for something to accuse, anything at all, because we here are able to expose the sins of the RCC. So instead of repenting, you choose to look for fault in others, even when you can't find any specifically. This is the operation of the flesh in how it tries to rationalize itself. I have removed all links you posted to the RCC site you seem to endorse.

    Welcome back. Did you go onto another computer with a different ISP or were you able to change your IP address? Just curious since you wrote, "~~Turbowaitress~~ Was not here to be against you but to post her opinions and beliefs, I was not aiming to be 'hostile' towards you" and "You have mis-judged me completely in that post". I have never spoken to you before Maiden unless you are Turbowaitress, so you must mean Turbowaitress when you said "I was not aiming to..." Yet you changed your profile beliefs dramatically to make it seem like you are another person, which is dishonest, aiming to deceive and not be truthful.

    I did not misjudge you at all, for you would have shown so beyond merely self-declaring that I did. The reason you were banned was mindless accusation like a drone in petty accusation, if you will. You need to be delivered from the largest cult in the world and its idolatry of Mary which will help you stop blaming people with your petty opinions all to rationalize the largest cult in the world: e.g. paying for indulges, intermediary priesthood, popery, Mary idolatry. There is a basic difference in understanding the Bible between the Protestant Church and the RCC. The latter considers the pope and the church hierarchy to be the only ones who can interpret God's Word, whereas their laity, this church believes, should not comment on it. Indeed, the decision of the Pope and his Council is final. Thus, many forms of idolatry have been the result; such, for example, as worshipping the image of Mary. On the other hand the Protestant church takes a more liberal stance. Its teaching is that there are as many popes as there are Christians! It claims everyone interprets the Bible. Yet, if we have light we will see both sides are wrong; because in the body, only certain members whom the Lord sets forth therein have the authority to interpret the Word; what I mean by this is that some are more spiritual than others, and thus the overcomers in Christ do have authority. So, therefore, let us not all be popes, in humility, and let there not be one pope.

    Mary did make mistakes in the Bible and such mistakes do come from overassuming, even sin for she was born into sin. No person is sinless except God. This proves the goddess of roman catholicism, after the goddesses of other cults, is a lie and an abuse of Mary's name. Mary would not approve.

    The false teachings of the RCC and your profile are as follows: non-OSAS, having no faith to believe God gives eternal life at new birth; claiming Mary is sinless; denying the millennial kingdom claiming it is now even though Rev. 20.3 says the nations are still deceived, that is, by war; and rejecting of God's complete Word in the 66 books of the Bible. The Pope says these these false teachings are true, but the Pope is wrong.

    It is true, you are seeking to find fault and accuse whatever you can because of what the profile questions you answered expose your faith.

    I agree with these verses as well as the comment in stars. Should I get other verses less adequate? Or should I explain the matter of catholic in an untruthful way? Should I seek endlessly for the origin of which verses are most suitable which I could never be certain anyway, except for God Himself? No. What matters is the here and now, words of truth, which can not be censored, nor verses of the Scripture. Do not make your first words so accusatory, by find out by the Holy Spirit how you can contribute something positively. However, you are banned because of your petty self is not beneficial to the body of Christ. The verses are good to keep next to the Creed as well as the explanation of what catholic means, so this should not offend you, but you should be simply left with an amen!


    p.s. please see the first item under "Board Etiquette" - Because you did not abide in this rule and accused falsely, you are banned. We should never accuse people for speaking forth words that are true as this is a place of conversation. This is not a forum for such accusations; for this, you are banned Maiden (TurboWaitress).
    • This may seem counter-intuitive, but if you post something from another writer as your own, this is not plagarizing as long as you believe it and want to express this very point as your own, for the sake of expressing a point precisely and with care. Therefore, it is a sin to accuse someone of plagarizing. This will not be tolerated. Citing the source is optional for the sake of the conversation. For example, let's say you speak audibly a paragraph of Scripture or of a Christian writer that you memorized. People do not accuse you of plagarizing when you speak these words. Why should it be plagarizing when having a conversation in writing? We should not hold a double-standard or be double-tongued; this finding agrees with the three main rules of this forum.

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