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Thread: Works Based Salvation

  1. #11
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    no Churchwork - u are viewing the apostate counterfeit.
    the Man ruled sickening system called 'christian' that exists side by side with the Ekklesia that Messiah is building.
    a royal priesthood, of imperishble believers. an undying priesthood like their undying King.
    the Order of Melchidezek

  2. #12
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    show me one - as a goodwill gesture,
    does this place reproduce the image of Christ in its pews?
    meaning in mission, wisdom and deeds. -

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by alive View Post
    show me one - as a goodwill gesture,
    does this place reproduce the image of Christ in its pews?
    meaning in mission, wisdom and deeds. -

    Just imagine someone doing this today. How would you feel? I mean, really? Don't trick your mind by saying, "If Jesus came today, I would accept Him."
    Jesus looked like the average Joe.
    He didn't look like a God
    If Joe came over and said, "I am the light of the world; come and follow me; I am God". What would

    you think?
    Would you respond as the Jews responded?

    would you run over to the preacher in the synagogue and say, "This man claims to be the light of the world, is that true?

    he says that He is God".
    What do you suppose your minister would answer? Would he say, "Yes, He is God; now go right over and follow Him"? I think the answer is quite obvious. Jesus would be treated today precisely as He was treated 2,000 years ago. The fact is He might be treated more poorly than He was treated when He first came to us.

  4. #14
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    The Royal Priesthood is Christian. The Bible uses the term Christian, first called Christians at Antioch. Your hostility towards the Church is not Christian. The Church is according to locality and there is nothing you can do to stop that. It's God's perfect design and pearl of great price. Once you find it, you never want to let it go.

    But you are not even born-again because you admit in your profile you have a salvation that is not necessarily secure once saved always saved. This shows you don't have the Holy Spirit in you, eternal life, and your spirit has not been regenerated. You're still an unregenerate and your spirit dead to God.

  5. #15
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    You're babbling. When Jesus returns we will all know it.

    I recommend instead of trying to discern the Church with your carnal mind, first give your life to Christ, to the Jesus who says those who are born-again "they shall never perish" (John 10.28). You know of no such life.

  6. #16
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    I have NO hostility towards Believers and the Ekklesia of living stones Churchwork - but i do for an apostate counterfeit posing as christian by hoaxing and robbing others in the guise of a''christian'' church but are infact peddlers of Big business Inc. and a cash cow for pimps in the pulpit.

    as for being born again I have enough wisdom to notice you pose as an 'apostle' yet your forum has No posters anymore.
    how strange is this for 'apostle' to run out of converts and fellowship.

    as you started this forum and people fellowshipped upon it even in a small way - now they have moved on -dare i point out - NOT MUCH OF AN APOSTLE -as a man WHO has been so unloving and uncaring for his 'sheep'.

    could it be you called yourself an apostle and remained unanointed and unappointed for the love need was not found in you?
    ummm something for u to ponder churchwork - as it is good to see yourself as others see you.......
    not a nice picture i assure you.

  7. #17
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    You're not even a Christian to have any say in the body of Christ because you are a non-OSASer. Why must a forum be active? You're just showing your hostility because you know that I know you refuse to give your life to the Jesus who keeps, for you believe you can lose salvation. Eternal life is not really necessarily eternal with you. As for Apostles they don't have to fit your box cutter profile which is too constricting and unloving. The body of Christ is flexible. What is important is the message of biblocality is preserved here by Apostles. Furthermore, how could you ever accept the Apostles if you are not even born-again? You seem jealous of us because you are not an Apostle let alone even a child of God.

  8. #18
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    well that is true i am NOT ''YOUR'' TYPE OF accepted christian I GAVE IT UP TO TELL THE TRUTH - WHY?
    it did not reproduce any person in the Image of Christ in deeds nor ministry - if it was a product on a supermarket shelf it would be banned for ''false advertising'' being totally unable to produce results according to the fine print.
    why? after all if it was the truth and not a hybrid mixture of man made theories thousands of Messiah types should be walking planet earth after 2000yrs of bible study and preaching.
    i mean after all when we go to school we do graduate into become an expert on our particular studies - but alas NO experts in the divine life - thats for sure.
    o what a mess.
    mind you churchwork - even jesus threw up at the man ruled Laodiceans - so why cannot i?
    after all He said they were WRETCHED AND NAKED AND BLIND.

    again '' he is standing at the door '' so dare i ask WHO IS INSIDE preaching....
    ummmm now that is a ? hey
    after all u know what Messiah did to the money changers hey? Big business and Gospel corruption are a curse.
    o I have given my life to MY Saviour - and BTW his Ekklesia IS NOT FLEXABLE at all that is a lie from the pit of hell - the Ekklesia is HIS WORKMANSHIP NOT MADE WITH HANDS - an army of Believers trained in DISCIPLINE of a DISCIPLE.

    are u putting yourself up as an ''anointed Apostle'' ?
    how can this be so? when you belong to the laodicean church that makes Messiah sick?
    those halls of shame that the world looks at and says ''hypocrites''.

  9. #19
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    sometimes it is good to step outside the ''big business churchy'' concepts most pews consider as their truth and actually SEE THE TRUTH....

    a site that exposes satan's false apostates.
    Brainwashing of Humans is Easy and Very EffectiveChurch members come to accept the policies, practices, and teachings in their church as they drift into bondage from the brainwashing techniques used by church officials. This indoctrination is so effective that the member later denies he has been brainwashed. People who have been brainwashed never know it themselves. Humans can easily be taught to believe something that can easily be proven to be absolutely false. Brainwashing can extend to groups of people without a limit in size or scope. Millions of people were brainwashed to believe Communism was the best economic system until the truth was exposed by the fall of the Soviet Union. Cults and false religions have used these techniques with great success for centuries, and Christian churches frequently resort to the same methods. Parents of brainwashed children have engaged reprogramming experts in an attempt to rescue their children from a cult or false religion. Rescue becomes extremely difficult when the oppressed is an adult who is protected by law from outside rescuers. Many parents grew up in Christian churches that used mind control techniques, and they raise their children to receive the same indoctrination generation after generation. They live their entire lives not coming to the knowledge that they have been brainwashed.

  10. #20
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    You are apostate because you believe in a works based salvation like the Roman Church provides since you claim you can lose salvation.

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