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Thread: Women Apostles

  1. #11
    serenitygrace Guest



    U have made wrongful assumptions and judgements about me, Lord Jesus Christ He knows the truth about me, He is my witness and also to what He gives to me. What u have judged that God has given me is wrong, u r in error and also disobedience, because blessings and cursings come out of what u write. U make an assumption about my stance on hell. U also say that the tongues I speak is gibberish babble, when people have understood and recognise what I speak, when I also understand about the language I have been given and understanding comes as well, so it is not in ignorance or that I don't know what I have when I do. Nor is it in ignorance when I use it led by Him, for His work and doing what He is giving me to do. I told u what I follow, and u have agree with this, and yet u assume I still don't have tongues from Lord Jesus Christ, when u have not even heard what comes out of my mouth.

    I am asking u to withdraw my account, not because of what u write, but because I hear His call,and I am not going to be disobedient to that call. U need to look at ur communication and how u r treating people, especially His people. I know who I am in Him and what I have. I also see His truth in u, and I also see error as well. Yes God's people do need to repent, and we go into repentance, but not for what u state or what u think, but for us being bogged down by debating or joining this forum, following that invitation to join here, when I am meant to be in His rest. For this I am truly sorry, Lord Jesus Christ. Troy, u need to repent of the pride of man that is within u, that does not see His own need to repent, or blind to his own errors, for u r in disobedience and that also will not say sorry, when they have done wrong. U also need to repent for hindering His reconciliation process with His people and aid in keeping his people apart, u hinder His reconiciliation ministery of which u need to repent. Nor do I want to be a part of a ministery that does not have privacy for its members.

    The Kingdom of God has come near.

    Serenity Grace

  2. #12
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    Default Unbiblical False tongues and rejecting God's teaching on hell

    Quote Originally Posted by serenitygrace

    U have made wrongful assumptions and judgements about me, Lord Jesus Christ He knows the truth about me, He is my witness and also to what He gives to me. What u have judged that God has given me is wrong, u r in error and also disobedience, because blessings and cursings come out of what u write. U make an assumption about my stance on hell. U also say that the tongues I speak is gibberish babble, when people have understood and recognise what I speak, when I also understand about the language I have been given and understanding comes as well, so it is not in ignorance or that I don't know what I have when I do.
    Self-declarations don't count. I have told you the truth, gibberish babble does not come from God, but from the evil spirit which requires you altering His loving Word. Since you can not justify gibberish babble in the Bible, you should repent. You curse yourself, I simply tell you the truth of your false teaching. Hell is an eternal separation from God which is required according to God's righteousness as disclosed in the Word. You would be calling Jesus a liar for He spoke on Hell more than any other in the Scriptures. People have not understood your gibberish babble; and as said before, this is proven by collecting 5 so-called interpreters, and they will give you five different answers. Gibberish has no language syntax. It is not a language. It is in ignorance that you do this to passify yourself for evil entry and to puff up self. You should let go of gibberish mediums and psychic babble for it is without the love of the Lord. It will only worsen your condition.

    Nor is it in ignorance when I use it led by Him, for His work and doing what He is giving me to do. I told u what I follow, and u have agree with this, and yet u assume I still don't have tongues from Lord Jesus Christ, when u have not even heard what comes out of my mouth.
    He does not lead you in gibberish babble. You are being led by the evil spirit for it requires your alteration of the meaning of Biblical tongues. You do not realize you are confusing emotion for spirit. I have not agreed with this false teaching of yours at all, so why say "u have agreed with this" when I do not? I do not need to hear your gibberish babble, for all Pentecostal false tongues sounds the same - as gibberish babble. You should repent, but alas, you cannot because you are controlled by another.

    I am asking u to withdraw my account, not because of what u write, but because I hear His call,and I am not going to be disobedient to that call. U need to look at ur communication and how u r treating people, especially His people. I know who I am in Him and what I have. I also see His truth in u, and I also see error as well. Yes God's people do need to repent, and we go into repentance, but not for what u state or what u think, but for us being bogged down by debating or joining this forum, following that invitation to join here, when I am meant to be in His rest. For this I am truly sorry, Lord Jesus Christ. Troy, u need to repent of the pride of man that is within u, that does not see His own need to repent, or blind to his own errors, for u r in disobedience and that also will not say sorry, when they have done wrong. U also need to repent for hindering His reconciliation process with His people and aid in keeping his people apart, u hinder His reconiciliation ministery of which u need to repent. Nor do I want to be a part of a ministery that does not have privacy for its members.
    The Lord led you here, but the evil spirit is pushing you away. I will not delete your account, but I will ban you, to prevent you from registering again under a different name and to preserve your profile where you alter the Word of God by rejecting the matter on hell, tongues, and our being spirit, soul and body (Heb. 4.12, 1 Thess. 5.23); even, not accepting laying on of hands. Shame on you!

    You should not have debated on this forum to rationalize these sins of yours, but you should have repented and heard the truth. I do need to repent for these sins because these sins you have I do not have. Don't accuse me of being in disobedient so vaguely and unspecifically so inconsiderately blaming like that great vague accuser, for how can one repent from something if it is not even known what it is? Show me the same courtesy I show you, as I have shown you specifically what your sins are. Do not put up a wall and prevent reconciliation, for you asking your account to be removed instead of hearing the truth. I will give you want your flesh wants, because I for one will not coerce you to accept the truth. You shall receive your banning request.

    This forum maintains privacy, so why accuse that it does not? For example, I have no means of reading private messages, passwords, and what you disclose in your public profile is your option. No one forced you to register. And all the features are optional on this forum, even your date of birth. Christians are an open book for the Lord, so if you join and think the disclosure of question #1, "Atonement and Co-crucifixion" is invading your privacy, then you are not one who is for the Lord to stand on your beliefs openly for others as a testimony. Also when registering please observe these 17 questions are available for others to see. "The 17 questions you are about to answer are for public viewing, so do not sign up to this forum and answer these questions if you feel this invades your privacy! Christians are a testimony for the Lord".

    Don't be like Satan that great vague blaming accuser!

    So you see you're sinning bearing false witness comes from your reaction to your unrepentance to these sins of yours:

    - false tongues
    - calling Jesus a liar about hell
    - not accepting laying on of hands
    - rejecting that man has a spirit, soul and body

    As per your request, you are banned, because your approach is without serenity or grace. It is of no value to hear you repeat yourself and self-declare on a pedestal how you revile hell, do not accept laying on of hands, promote your gibberish babble and confuse the soul for the spirit in man. Satan is the auther of confusion!

  3. #13
    Maiden Guest


    Why would you ask me if I thought men are better? Is it not I who is saying women can be apostles, yet your roman catholic system says women can not be? Men and women were made in God's image.
    Its just a simple question, do you believe that men are better/higher than women?

    Just a question in general.


  4. #14
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    This is not a simple question to ask "Troy, do you think men are better than women?" since you had no cause to ask such a question and this question does not flow from the first post of the thread which you responded to with this question in the second post of this thread. The Holy Spirit is revealing to me the reason you ask this question is because of my saying Mary was born into sin in the first post; this then, becomes your emotion reaction to ask this question. See the first and second post in this thread.

    Since I see in the Scriptures women can be apostles and all areas of the Work for the church, but your RCC disallows women, I believe this question is most apropros for you in the RCC which puts women into passivity to be controlled.

    You are not banned for asking this question per se, however belligerent it was; you were banned for the cumulativeness accusations TurboWaitress of having nothing positive to offer this forum that is fruitful. Please note the 3rd item under Board Etiquette here which you did not adhere to,

  5. #15
    Bereanatheart87 Guest



    If women can be overseers/elders/pastors, how do they meet the qualification found in such passages as 1Tim. 3:2 and Titus 1:6 of being the "husband of one wife?"

    Grace & Peace,

  6. #16
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    The Scriptures speak in the male pronoun to speak of men and women otherwise the Bible would be many more pages longer. God create man, He created him male and female.

    These kind of conversations are so unecessary and a waste of precious resources.

    How can you even ask such a question? Have a change of mind NOW!

  7. #17
    Bereanatheart87 Guest


    I'm sorry for wasting your time, but I was invited several times to join this site, so I figured I'd post some questions.

    Unless I'm mistaken, you haven't really answered my question. How can a woman be the husband of one wife?

  8. #18
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    By not being a legalist like the Pharisees (like a bad lawyer) is the answer which agrees with what I said previously. You are wasting your own time and you are not really sorry, otherwise you would not continue. Don't be fake! You are banned for being belligerent and abusive towards women. If this had been known about you, you certainly would not have been invited. However, I do admit I suspected something, but gave you the benefit of the doubt, even though quite often those who call themselves bereans are not like bereans at all; exhibiting your exact same mentality. Please forgive me for inviting you more than once if this was an issue for you.

    In addition it should also be noted in your profile, you have no faith to believe God can give eternal life at new birth; and you deny Rev. 20.3 which says during the millennium the nations shall not be deceived, which means they will not go to war. Yet today, we hear about wars and rumours of wars. Not too long ago 6 million Jews were killed. We are not in a millennial peace nor have the rewards of the time of recompense of the millennial kingdom begun since Christ has not yet stepped down on the mount of olives in Person.

    You need to get a conscience! You even reject the new city and the new earth in eternity future. Shame on you!

  9. #19
    Holy Song Guest


    The Holy Spirit is revealing to me the reason you ask this question is because of my saying Mary was born into sin in the first post; this then, becomes your emotion reaction to ask this question. See the first and second post in this thread

    How can the Holy Spirit reveal that to you if it’s not even true?
    I see you don’t want to answer my question, which is fine.

    Holy Song

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Holy Song

    How can the Holy Spirit reveal that to you if it’s not even true?
    I see you don’t want to answer my question, which is fine.

    Holy Song
    Mary made a mistake a couple of times in the Scriptures, for example at the wedding in Canaan. This is why Jesus corrected her. Mistakes out of disobedience to God's will stem from sin.

    You are the same stalking RCC person (Maiden, TurboWaitress) who wants to continue to rationalize your RCC, the largest cult that mankind has ever known. You are banned.

    Please abide in the "Board Etiquette" of the forum which reads,

    Other reasons for removal, ought to be be obvious such as banning: If you have been banned, please do not rejoin unless you have repented from your sinful behavior of belligerency and obstinacy that you are possessed by with repetitive self-declarations that you can't substantiate in the Scriptures.

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