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Thread: Who Gets to Inherit the Land of Canaan?

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    Default Who Gets to Inherit the Land of Canaan?

    Israel will inherit the land not Christians. Christians and overcomers from the OT period return with Christ (Jude 14,15) to reign over the nations (Rev. 2.26), not to gain the land.

  2. #2


    The sons of the promise will inherit, not the sons of the flesh.

  3. #3
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    Israel the nation will be preserved by a remnant of believing Jews (that's the meaning of Rev. 7.1-8). God said "I have known only you out of all the clans of the earth" (Amos 3.2). Distinguish Israel as a nation from individuals who are saved for believing in Christ. Not everyone in Israel is saved, but it is because of a remnant that believe that Israel is preserved as a nation from where Christ will reign in the 3rd Temple, and the 3rd Temple will never be destroyed (Rev. 11.2).

    Israel was the first nation God revealed Himself to, and if kept together would usher in the Messiah and that's exactly what happened. When Jesus returns, He doesn't reign from Chicago or Utah or in the temple in Brazil that cost $300 million, but from the location of the first nation He revealed Himself to which was Israel. Other nations come and go, but Israel always comes back. This pisses off Satan, you, Hitler and Muslims to no end because they know if they destroy Israel and kill all Jews there can be no nation of Israel, no Messiah, no Christianity and no return of Christ.

    Jesus will return by 2030 after Rev. 6.12 that occurred 2010-2015 then 7 years of plenty follow by 7 years of famine of the Tribulation from 2024-2030. One way you know this is occurring is when you see construction of the 3rd Temple begin and when a few million are raptured alive at the start of the 7 year Tribulation. That first rapture according to readiness takes place Feast of Trumpets 2024. Praise the Lord!

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